WTF Is Going On With The Russian Military?

I was 1st or 2nd grade and thought it stupid, but just did as I was told like a lil kid will. I had enough realization even at that age to know I was in a 12 ft ceiling room with single pain glass windows from steam heaters (desk level) to the ceiling, the entire length of the room and this wasn't going to save anybody for anything and there was a really close concrete tunnel under the creek outside that would be much safer if somebody was going drop a bomb.
Cooler heads prevailed and this doesn't come remotely close.
'Those were the days my friend'.
I'm not saying it even comes remotely close, I will say, based on some of the things I've seen Ivan doing in Ukraine, this gives me pause when it is claimed Putin has his nuke forces at a high state of readiness.....all we need would be an Ooops.
Putin stepped into a hornet's nest...he has been watching us beat up on 12th century despots and thought that Ukraine would be that way too.....oooops welcome to attacking a modern nation a lot different than bombing goat farmers....
With an armed populace that hates the Russians, Putin's problem will be holding on to the country.


That is possible, he invaded for reasons that doesn't square with what is in front of him since the pipeline belongs to Ukraine.
and we've been handing out vaccines for 2 1/2 years....

didn't we have a hand in his nomination?

just as it seems they are from our region....

Sparky propaganda is everywhere in war you forgot what Iraq did and what Japan did what Germany did??

A huge three-mile convoy of Russian military equipment has been spotted outside Kyiv. Hundreds of military vehicles ferrying troops, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery were captured in satellite imagery around 40 miles from the capital. The Mayor of Kyiv, the former heavyweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, earlier said the city was "completely surrounded" but later withdrew that statement.

And a lot of them are out of fuel; the regime is havig a hard time fueling its invasion, even with massive oil fields. Playing the nuke card just made him look a lot weaker.
That's a CIA-Catholic POSPOTUS puppet now in the White House, not simply one or the other type of puppet. After Vatican II, Judaism was made incompatible with Catholicism, at least on paper, At least for prisoners reading in the media. Ukraine was founded as a Viking kingship, Catholic. What part don't you understand that involves the Finnish border and NATO's effeminacy, let alone genuflectors streaming across the U.S.-Mexican border?
Total word soup. wtf are you talking about?
Google translate has been sabotaged for a number of Russian websites. For the latest on the Russian-Ukrainian talks, we translated as....
'....Leonid Slutskiy: " Sides could hear each other. We found several important points on which it is important to make progress. A new meeting will take place in the coming days. Details were exchanged on all the important issues of the current situation. I don't want to say more. We should check the position of the leadership. Then we will return to contacts with the Ukrainian side and will be able to determine the exact date and time of the next round of negotiations." '
Ukraine government backed by the EU and the U.S. has been terrorizing and abusing its ethnic Russian citizens.
Putin had no choice except to proceed with a humanitarian invasion into Ukraine in order to dismantle the criminal ran government and protect the people. ... :cool-45:
So which European country do you hope Putin nukes first?
Total word soup. wtf are you talking about?
Dipshit, there is no Russian force preventing you from processing (apparently) your mother tongue one word at a time. You don't have the balls to do that in front of other readers on this thread. You are a joke.
Dipshit, there is no Russian force preventing you from processing (apparently) your mother tongue one word at a time. You don't have the balls to do that in front of other readers on this thread. You are a joke.
I still have no idea wtf you're on about, lol. stfu and go sit down.
Ukraine government backed by the EU and the U.S. has been terrorizing and abusing its ethnic Russian citizens.
Putin had no choice except to proceed with a humanitarian invasion into Ukraine in order to dismantle the criminal ran government and protect the people. ... :cool-45:
Apparently you didn't go back far enough in time to know that in the 40s and early 50s, the Russians murdered 20-60 million Ukrainians according to sources I've been reading for 20 years, and they weren't all Jews, either like Hitler's hit. They were ethnic Ukrainians who lived there for centuries before anyone today was born. Let's just take half of the lowest claim on Stalin's death toll, and I get ten million. That's a lot of people, and the population today is around 40 million, and maybe less now that they're Putin's prime target. If Putin was deceived by somebody, it wasn't the people in the Ukraine today. Human mercy requires Russia to leave other peoples alone. If you kill millions of people in a given area it amounts to genocide. China also under Mao Tse-Tung was the Communist country discredited for killing 100 million in China, who took advantage of the Western world's preoccupation with Hitler trying to make Europe his footstool with heinous war machines that took us 4 years to match and defeat the genocidal maniac that having power turned Hitler the nowhere man into a brutal killer of helpless men, women, and children who didn't dance to his sorry tune. Something happened to Vladamir Putin, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. He was KGB, and my guess is somewhere along the line he was hit in the head hard and inherited the resulting early dementia that seems to dictate his wannabe dictatorship. This world has not forgotten what Hitler did on the way to attempting to take away people's right to their own opinion, pursuit of happiness, and other things our founders placed into the United States Constitution long before Hitler was born. Dictators are advantage-seekers, and Putin had a duty to observe his pledge to lessen the numbers of his nukes. Instead, he has increased the number, has them hidden all over the world if anybody tries to stop him from taking charge of the whole world. In a couple of years he will be wearing Biden's ice-cream-dripped shoes if his break reality grows further from it. Just saying. The Democrats have been mighty nice to Putin by giving him a quota of American nuclear materials when they may not know Russia has many areas where nuclear materials will someday be "found," although they're likely known about and kept under the carpet. Russia does not allow free exploration by scientists outside of Russia to know her riches in geological surveys that would let us know the truth. The three Aleutian Islands that were given by President Obama who was not stopped by anyone with half a brain back to Russia without so much as informing the State of Alaska whom the 3 Aleutian islands were included in the Seward/Jackson purchase of Alaska in the nineteenth century. If the governor of the state objected, I sure didn't hear about it. Guess who bought the China-purchased Panama Canal from Panama after Jimmy Carter gave it back to the banana republic so they could prosper. The Democrats need to stop giving away American Assets. They always end up in enemy hands for a huge profit to whoever the asset lands on. It was Americans who laid down their lives to yellow fever and malaria when they were building the canal for a few dollars more per hour. My source says that 22,000 people died building the canal from fever and accidents. How Many People Died Building the Panama Canal? One of my family's grandparents caught malaria while there and he had to drink quinine water for the duration of his life, although he never so much as caught a cold with all those antibodies in his system.

If Republicans are ever allowed by the cheating pollsters to get the true majority they have, I hope they pass a law that disallows none of the 3 branches of government to give away our land paid for by generations passed and lives expended improving properties we paid for. It leaves a bad taste in our mouths when kingpins rule.
Google translate has been sabotaged for a number of Russian websites. For the latest on the Russian-Ukrainian talks, we translated as....
'....Leonid Slutskiy: " Sides could hear each other. We found several important points on which it is important to make progress. A new meeting will take place in the coming days. Details were exchanged on all the important issues of the current situation. I don't want to say more. We should check the position of the leadership. Then we will return to contacts with the Ukrainian side and will be able to determine the exact date and time of the next round of negotiations." '
No matter who's right and no matter who's wrong, there is no excuse in the world anybody could give me if my child was one of the several dozen children under the age of accountability killed by careless planning of the gung ho Putin-led atrocity in the Ukraine last week. And that's why I think Putin should be put away so he cannot harm himself and others in the future.

View attachment 608308

The fighting in many parts of Ukraine has been tremendously hard. Ukrainian soldiers have proven themselves incredibly tough and fearless, as have Ukrainian civilians. By now, the videos of Ukrainians driving up to Russian tankers to chastise them for being in the wrong country, or of Ukrainian soldiers casually strolling through automatic weapon fire to level a anti-tank weapon at ranks of Russian vehicles have become so common that they’re like a meme which gets reinforced by the hour.

This video shows Russian forces shooting at a Ukrainian armored carrier outside of Kyiv. The only problem: the carrier is actually a statue in a park. And despite multiple shots from multiple vehicles at close range, they missed.

They did manage to knock down a telephone pole.

Oh, and did I mention 5000 soldiers in Russia are rioting, because they don't want to go into Ukraine? No?

So Ukrainian propaganda puts out some numbers, and you automatically believe it?
A big part of Russia's problem is that they have huge morale problem which is getting worse. Soldiers are drafted, then forced to live in third world conditions even in garrison. It gets worse as Putin reestablishes old Soviet Union methods in the military.
Oh, and did I mention 5000 soldiers in Russia are rioting, because they don't want to go into Ukraine? No?
Your own source admits most of that is completely unverified, and even some already debunked.

Now supposed POWs can be mistreated and paraded on Twitter? You people condone that?
The US
No matter who's right and no matter who's wrong, there is no excuse in the world anybody could give me if my child was one of the several dozen children under the age of accountability killed by careless planning of the gung ho Putin-led atrocity in the Ukraine last week. And that's why I think Putin should be put away so he cannot harm himself and others in the future.
When the US military killed over a hundred thousand innocent civilians, including children in Iraq and Afghanistan, they called it collateral damage and said that it couldn't be avoided during a time of war..
I don't remember you getting all worked up over those deaths? ... :cool-45:

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