WTF Is Going On With The Russian Military?

I saw that but how can you back out after saying they were surrounded in interview with the AP?

I think he told the truth about being surrounded and got chewed out over it because come on he is the MAYOR of a 300,000 people city who would know what is going on.
Kyiv a city of 300,000?! Wow are you poorly informed. It is a city of nearly 3 million people - the size of Chicago USA.
If they can cut the water supply thats 3 million thirsty Kievians

They've had months/years to prepare and I suspect that they have stockpiled food and water and are continuing to stock water given that they know the lines will be cut at some point. We do the same everytime a big storm is headed our way.

The Russians troops l

View attachment 608308

The fighting in many parts of Ukraine has been tremendously hard. Ukrainian soldiers have proven themselves incredibly tough and fearless, as have Ukrainian civilians. By now, the videos of Ukrainians driving up to Russian tankers to chastise them for being in the wrong country, or of Ukrainian soldiers casually strolling through automatic weapon fire to level a anti-tank weapon at ranks of Russian vehicles have become so common that they’re like a meme which gets reinforced by the hour.

This video shows Russian forces shooting at a Ukrainian armored carrier outside of Kyiv. The only problem: the carrier is actually a statue in a park. And despite multiple shots from multiple vehicles at close range, they missed.

They did manage to knock down a telephone pole.

Oh, and did I mention 5000 soldiers in Russia are rioting, because they don't want to go into Ukraine? No?

The Russian troops heart isn't in murdering their brothers in Ukraine while Ukraines heart is desperately at all cost trying to save their homeland. On top of this Ukraine is offer $45,000 bitcoin cash to any Russian troop that refuses to fight for PUtin.
:link: Putzgruber.
Unless you can prove that you're a scholar in World/Russo History.

Learning Russian was required in all occupied countries.

"Language policy changed over time, perhaps marked first of all in the government's mandating in 1938 the teaching of Russian as a required subject of study in every non-Russian school, and then especially beginning in the latter 1950s a growing conversion of non-Russian schools to Russian as the main medium of instruction."


View attachment 608308

The fighting in many parts of Ukraine has been tremendously hard. Ukrainian soldiers have proven themselves incredibly tough and fearless, as have Ukrainian civilians. By now, the videos of Ukrainians driving up to Russian tankers to chastise them for being in the wrong country, or of Ukrainian soldiers casually strolling through automatic weapon fire to level a anti-tank weapon at ranks of Russian vehicles have become so common that they’re like a meme which gets reinforced by the hour.

This video shows Russian forces shooting at a Ukrainian armored carrier outside of Kyiv. The only problem: the carrier is actually a statue in a park. And despite multiple shots from multiple vehicles at close range, they missed.

They did manage to knock down a telephone pole.

Oh, and did I mention 5000 soldiers in Russia are rioting, because they don't want to go into Ukraine? No?

The prayers of humans calling upon the Lord God were heard, and Putin got what Putin deserved. He responded by wiping out another Ukrainian town last night. May his pleasure in doing so be short lived, and may God himself protect the Ukraine with angels on this earth who wear camouflage suits and who stop the madness with determination and ak47s. Bless those from Poland and other countries for sending reinforcements to the Ukraine.

I hope Putin should be remanded to solitary confinement in a nursing home built especially for his kind of madness in which he can no longer damage himself and others on such a massive scale as he demonstrated last week when he not only killed orphans in an orphanage he destroyed, he also went after a children's cancer hospital without checking out who or what he was eliminating off the face of the earth, which is what crazy tyrants do. His veiled threats of using nukes on European sites is a danger to modern civilization, imho. Putin has gone way far down from this day when he fooled the best people in the world who would have never guessed he'd be a Hitler someday:
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If they can cut the water supply thats 3 million thirsty Kievians
It isn't a desert. The Dnieper River (4th largest in Europe) flows through there. You want to cut off their water and burn them out?
Not every country follows the US in reporting.

I use Google News to open news sites in Australia, the Uk, Canada, English language press in China, Japan, Philippines,India and others. Reporting in other countries provides information that you often don't see on MSM.

YouTube also offers a lot of live feed English spoken content from media around the world.
One can easily imagine a non-existent god and his non-existent son watching this bullshit and insanely enough, already knowing what's going to happen.

A protection-racket theologian's dream (CIA, MI6, etc.), this is a video of a Jewish-style shotgun marriage:

Talks Begin
Russia invaded Ukraine and they are the victims? :blowpop:
That's a CIA-Catholic POSPOTUS puppet now in the White House, not simply one or the other type of puppet. After Vatican II, Judaism was made incompatible with Catholicism, at least on paper, At least for prisoners reading in the media. Ukraine was founded as a Viking kingship, Catholic. What part don't you understand that involves the Finnish border and NATO's effeminacy, let alone genuflectors streaming across the U.S.-Mexican border?
^^^^^ Fake News..... :cuckoo:

So you support Putin?
No he doesn't. The Ukraine became a Sovereign nation in 1991. That was 31 years ago.
Russia is being victimized by EU globalists and the U.S. State Dept. that controls the criminal Ukraine government. .... :cool-45:
Mr. Sunni Man, Vlidamar Putin has lost his marbles as of yesterday when he again stated his country was getting their nukes lined up if Western Europe didn't lay off his unhappy little invasion that includes bombing orphanages and children's cancer hospitals. So much information is coming out this past few days that one cannot possibly know. Take for example, last night I was watching a newscast in which a seasoned newscaster did not know the entirety of the European countries have launched massive demonstrations, the most surprising one to me was when 100,000 + Germans rallied against the Russian deadly bombings in Kiev. See my pictorial post here: Think The Russian People Are With Putin? Think Again. I posted several pictures which I located by search engine of many European countries. I tell you the sympathy to a besieged European sovereign nation of the Ukraine has the world up in arms intellectually against Communist Russia, and many of our leftist USMB members are just as unhappy with this decision to nuke the area and any nation that dares to help the Ukraine worries me for our civilized kingdoms in the European Continent, not to mention the millions of people in Russia who are giving their leader a thumbs down.

Even so, it leads me to believe the Putin of yesteryear has had a blow to the head that is confusing him to do these dastardly deeds without checking thoroughly where children nurseries and hospitals. He used to be a most caring person, but now, he's acting like a Hitler in ambition to solidify power to that of an ultimate control freak. :( Maybe he slipped on a banana peel when he was playing hand ball and landed on his head. Something's wrong with the man none has seen before now.
Learning Russian was required in all occupied countries.

"Language policy changed over time, perhaps marked first of all in the government's mandating in 1938 the teaching of Russian as a required subject of study in every non-Russian school, and then especially beginning in the latter 1950s a growing conversion of non-Russian schools to Russian as the main medium of instruction."

You fail to add important caveats when critiquing Russification, for example, the work Russian scholars did for the Armenian language. Compare this history with Ergodan's current chickenshitism on the Bosporus. In the Czech Republic, other effeminates have been working overtime (CIA, MI6, etc.) to keep Russian culture off the internet. This can justifiably be considered a form of genocide, gayer than gay.
A few days late, but Biden did something before Putin attacked -- he begged China to intervene???!!!???!!!

I mean it's the liberal NYT reporting, so why would they lie? Biden could be the most cowardly and weakest POTUS ever.
American prisoners have been too busty to notice due to their mass die-offs from the communist Chinese virus. The antagonism has been ongoing. What the hell is NATO's effeminates doing flying their air toys over the Black Sea, buzzing and startling passengers on commercial aircraft? Did this POS think it could expand that far east with impunity?
Russia invaded Ukraine and they are the victims?
Ukraine government backed by the EU and the U.S. has been terrorizing and abusing its ethnic Russian citizens.
Putin had no choice except to proceed with a humanitarian invasion into Ukraine in order to dismantle the criminal ran government and protect the people. ... :cool-45:

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