WTF is he smoking!?

Campaign ads are telling us who to vote for. Celebrities are telling us who to vote for. Neighbors, friends and relatives are telling us who we should vote for. I am sure unions, organizations and maybe some employers suggest who members or employees should vote for. Big fucking deal. Unless someone is going to literally look over your shoulder and punish you if you pick the 'wrong' candidate, no one will successfully tell you who to vote for because we each decide that when we go to the polls.

The only instance I recall of someone forcing a person to vote for someone was when liberal workers assisted some senior citizens in a nursing home by helping them fill out absentee ballots. A lady put a check by Obama's name after the woman told her she wanted McCain. A fight broke out. The left acted like it was no big deal.

So, let everyone, employers or not, try and tell people how to vote. No one can make us do anything unless they are physically filling out the ballot for us.

I do find it helpful to know if an employer is going to have to lay people off once Obamacare and the new cap and trade policies from the EPA kick in. Not to mention the end of the Bush tax cuts.

Low income people will be paying more taxes because it going from 10% to 15%. It's insane. By all means, vote for more taxes and bigger government.

Do you have "credible" sources to substantiate your claims?

Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Do you have "credible" sources for the stuff you post? I have been paying attention over the years and remember what was reported and what I read. You can google as easily as I can, so get busy. Even when I do take the time to find links, they get ignored. It usually goes that way once a point is proven.
Let's frame it this way. No person has the right to know another person's vote. You can tell people all you want how they think you should vote, or even how to vote. But in the end it is a person's right to vote how they want, for whatever reasons they want.

If an employer tells you to vote a way you don't want. Screw em, vote how you want then tell them what they want to hear.
Romney: Employees Should Know Political Implications of Their Votes - The Ballot 2012 (

Mitt Romney is hoping business owners will "make it very clear" to their employees what their political views are and how the November election results could impact their jobs.

At least that's what he told about 100,000 members of the National Federation of Independent Businesses during a Wednesday tele-townhall.

"I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections," the Republican presidential nominee said. "And whether you agree with me or you agree with President Obama, or whatever your political view, I hope you pass those along to your employees."

Chuckling a bit, Romney added, "Nothing illegal about you talking to your employees about what you believe is best for the business, because I believe that will figure in to their election decision, their voting decision."

Friendly reminder (from the comments section);

42 US 1971(b): "No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the Senate, or Member of the House of Representatives, Delegates or Commissioners from the Territories or possessions, at any general, special, or primary election held solely or in part for the purpose of selecting or electing any such candidate."

Pointing out to employees that their votes can cause their jobs to disappear isn't "threatening" nor "intimidating" anyone. It's simply pointing out a fact.
There is NO REASON for any boss or business owner to be "making it clear" to their employees how they should vote. None. It shouldn't be a cause for discussion, ever.

Of course there is a reason: people who stupidly vote for liberal policies can cause their jobs to disappear.

Do you honestly believe that government bureaucrats don't tell their underlings how to vote?
There is NO REASON for any boss or business owner to be "making it clear" to their employees how they should vote. None. It shouldn't be a cause for discussion, ever.

How can he NOT know that.


Presidential Scoops: Only One U.S. President Had His Own Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Flavor - ABC News

Apr 3, 2012 3:27pm
Presidential Scoops: Only One U.S. President Had His Own Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Flavor

Happy free ice cream cone day!

As Americans flock to Ben & Jerry’s for its 34th annual anniversary ice cream cone giveaway, the scoop they choose for their free cone could say as much about their politics as it does about their taste buds.

The notoriously liberal ice cream company has put out more than a few politically charged flavors in its 34 years. From the pro-gay marriage “Hubby Hubby” to the anti-super PAC “Americone Dream,” the popular pints have been making political statements for decades.

Only once, though, has the company delved into presidential politics. In honor of Barack Obama’s inauguration in 2009, Ben & Jerry’s launched “Yes Pecan,” a play on Obama’s campaign slogan “Yes We Can,” making Obama the only president in history to have a Ben & Jerry’s flavor created in his honor.

The company described the butter pecan-style flavor as “an Inspirational Blend! Amber Waves of Buttery Ice Cream With Roasted Non-Partisan Pecans.” It was sold only in scoop shops for about a month and all proceeds from the flavor went to charity.


Then this:

We scream for ice cream! Five GOP-inspired Ben & Jerry's flavors - Denver Restaurants and Dining - Cafe Society
Our votes determine our future. If I were an employer, I would be honest with my employees about how Obama's policies are going to have a negative effect and could threaten their job security.

The radical policies being created by EPA and Obamacare are job killers. People need to know that.

That would be your Conservative perspective. What about the Liberal perspective? In other words, brainwashing and intimidation are okay for Conservatives but not for Liberals?

No one can stop liberal employers from telling their employees to vote for politicians who will destroy their companies.
Campaign ads are telling us who to vote for. Celebrities are telling us who to vote for. Neighbors, friends and relatives are telling us who we should vote for. I am sure unions, organizations and maybe some employers suggest who members or employees should vote for. Big fucking deal. Unless someone is going to literally look over your shoulder and punish you if you pick the 'wrong' candidate, no one will successfully tell you who to vote for because we each decide that when we go to the polls.

The only instance I recall of someone forcing a person to vote for someone was when liberal workers assisted some senior citizens in a nursing home by helping them fill out absentee ballots. A lady put a check by Obama's name after the woman told her she wanted McCain. A fight broke out. The left acted like it was no big deal.

So, let everyone, employers or not, try and tell people how to vote. No one can make us do anything unless they are physically filling out the ballot for us.

I do find it helpful to know if an employer is going to have to lay people off once Obamacare and the new cap and trade policies from the EPA kick in. Not to mention the end of the Bush tax cuts.

Low income people will be paying more taxes because it going from 10% to 15%. It's insane. By all means, vote for more taxes and bigger government.

Do you have "credible" sources to substantiate your claims?

Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Do you have "credible" sources for the stuff you post? I have been paying attention over the years and remember what was reported and what I read. You can google as easily as I can, so get busy. Even when I do take the time to find links, they get ignored. It usually goes that way once a point is proven.

Well, please indulge me on just one of your claims: "Low income people will be paying more taxes because it going from 10% to 15%." Can you explain that along with some credible proof?
Our votes determine our future. If I were an employer, I would be honest with my employees about how Obama's policies are going to have a negative effect and could threaten their job security.

The radical policies being created by EPA and Obamacare are job killers. People need to know that.

That would be your Conservative perspective. What about the Liberal perspective? In other words, brainwashing and intimidation are okay for Conservatives but not for Liberals?

No one can stop liberal employers from telling their employees to vote for politicians who will destroy their companies.

and this:

Occupy Wall Street Movement Gets Corporate Support -


A group of business leaders—including Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and former Nirvana manager Danny Goldberg—are planning to pour substantial funds into the Occupy Wall Street movement in hopes of sustaining the protests and fostering political change...
Hmmm, I guess the left forgot about Harrah's Casino pressuring their employees to vote for Harry Reid, they even bussed them to the polling place. ;)
Executives at the casino giant Harrah’s pushed company employees to vote early in an all-out effort to help the Harry Reid campaign, according to internal emails obtained by Battle ‘10.

The stepped-up effort began Wednesday when a Reid staffer sent an email pleading for help to Harrah’s top lobbyist, Jan Jones. Soon after, Marybel Batjer, Harrah’s vice president of public policy and communications, distributed that plea via email to executives throughout the company.

A copy of the emai is here: Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort - By Elizabeth Crum - Battle

How do you think Harry Reid won re-election?? Looks like some pressure was put on employees from their bosses. So who was smoking what? :eek:
WTF is he smoking!?

It’s likely Romney’s not smoking anything, as he’s already demonstrated he’s naturally stupid.

Romney wants business owners to tell their employees that if Obama is reelected their business will go out of business and the employees will be without jobs.

Although likely not illegal it’s a pathetic, dishonest, and desperate ploy on the part of Romney to indirectly intimidate employees.

Do you have "credible" sources for the stuff you post? I have been paying attention over the years and remember what was reported and what I read. You can google as easily as I can, so get busy. Even when I do take the time to find links, they get ignored. It usually goes that way once a point is proven.

Well, please indulge me on just one of your claims: "Low income people will be paying more taxes because it going from 10% to 15%." Can you explain that along with some credible proof?

Of course the republican agenda for a fair tax system is to give more free tax rides to the 1% payed by working taxpayers money. Then hand them a second welfare check called subsidies for destroying the worlds economy.

It's a shame the American people have become so drug addicted they no longer have the ability to do independent thinking and readily support their own destruction. The American corporate political system has become the laughing stock of the world.:mad:
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Do you have "credible" sources for the stuff you post? I have been paying attention over the years and remember what was reported and what I read. You can google as easily as I can, so get busy. Even when I do take the time to find links, they get ignored. It usually goes that way once a point is proven.

Well, please indulge me on just one of your claims: "Low income people will be paying more taxes because it going from 10% to 15%." Can you explain that along with some credible proof?

Of course the republican agenda for a fair tax system is to give more free tax rides to the 1% payed by working taxpayers money. Then hand them a second welfare check called subsidies for destroying the worlds economy.

It's a shame the American people have become so drug addicted they no longer have the ability to do independent thinking and readily support their own destruction. The American corporate political system has become the laughing stock of the world.:mad:


The eu is in such shitty shape that they are having very violent riots, with multiple countries needed multiple bail outs.

why would any place mock us with such things going on?

keep in mind, most of the rest of the world is either run by dictators or are third world shit holes.
Romney: Employees Should Know Political Implications of Their Votes - The Ballot 2012 (

Mitt Romney is hoping business owners will "make it very clear" to their employees what their political views are and how the November election results could impact their jobs.

At least that's what he told about 100,000 members of the National Federation of Independent Businesses during a Wednesday tele-townhall.

"I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections," the Republican presidential nominee said. "And whether you agree with me or you agree with President Obama, or whatever your political view, I hope you pass those along to your employees."

Chuckling a bit, Romney added, "Nothing illegal about you talking to your employees about what you believe is best for the business, because I believe that will figure in to their election decision, their voting decision."
Friendly reminder (from the comments section);

42 US 1971(b): "No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the Senate, or Member of the House of Representatives, Delegates or Commissioners from the Territories or possessions, at any general, special, or primary election held solely or in part for the purpose of selecting or electing any such candidate."

Unions do that all the time. In fact, the unions went out this week and mailed everyone in Wisconsin a list of all their neighbors who didn't vote.


Mailings that list voting records set off some neighbors
Our votes determine our future. If I were an employer, I would be honest with my employees about how Obama's policies are going to have a negative effect and could threaten their job security.

The radical policies being created by EPA and Obamacare are job killers. People need to know that.

That would be your Conservative perspective. What about the Liberal perspective? In other words, brainwashing and intimidation are okay for Conservatives but not for Liberals?

So the way unions work is ok, but this is just so bad?

Kinda weak and desperate sounding.
There is NO REASON for any boss or business owner to be "making it clear" to their employees how they should vote. None. It shouldn't be a cause for discussion, ever.

How can he NOT know that.

Since when? Do business owners give up their right to free speech when they hire people?

Tell me you are not defending this.
Dear Two Thumbs;

Yes. Romney did EXACTLY that, and dinging me for 'lying' smacks of mental illness.

I've never seen denial running so deep.

And you lot! Seriously: When does it stop. You justify and justify. It's not okay. It never will be. An employer has NO RIGHT to pull shit like that. Hopefully, none of them will.
My union tells its members who to vote for every election. In fact, I've been to meetings where politicians tell the membership who supports them. Is this illegal? Oh my. Who should I call?

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