WTF? Toronto Mayor after the carnage committed today reminds us "that we are inclusive"

I remember when some racist idiot rammed a bunch of protesters in Charlotte, what a cluster *uck that was. But this? Clearly an act of Muslim inspired terrorism, and shame on Tory for playing that diversity card. Bullsh*t. Most of us aren't on board that liberal inclusion train . We don't want to include people that would subvert our culture and justly our murder in the process. Nope.


Or is it just because you desperately want it to be so?
Why don't you just come out and say the term people like you normally say........ISLAMOPHOBIA............

When I saw this.......I said to myself...........Here we go again........another Islamic Terrorist killing again..............

Why would I do that.................because some people recognize the trend in the ......not so much.
You'd think after 5700 hundred posts you'd have the quote feature down.....
I wanted to quote her own post. It was intentional.

He had to chide Torontonians first. It was like a bloody afterthought. "Oh yeah. The victims."
He didn't chide anyone. He is trying to hold his city together, protect it from the usual reactionaries.

You mean protect muslims.
The perp was caught. I have to believe he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this guy turns out to be a jihadist thats no excuse.
Just to insert a fact into this sea of religious hatred and jingoism:

0.03% of Armenians are Muslim.
95% are Christian.

It will be quite telling if he is an Armenian Muslim then...

It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

Aha. So rather than being a hysterical islamaphobe fuckwit, you're just a regular, old fashioned hate-everyone jingoistic fuckwit.

I don't hate anyone.

But if Toronto had not been inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.

I've been to Canada. I like Canada. I like Canadians. I don't want to see bad things happen to them.

Or to US.

Lets change it up, and start making policy based on what is good for us, keeping us safe and getting us jobs.

Dont' fear change.

There's been a significant minority population of Armenians in Toronto for over a hundred years.

What makes you think this guy was an immigrant?
Holy freaking Toledo! Another fucking politician chiding his citizens to "be good now; don't get mad at the terror attack; we all have to hold hands and sing kum by ya"


John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”

9 Dead, 16 Injured: The Latest on the Van That Plowed into a Crowd in Toronto

John Tory is a conservative. He ran for the Provincial party leadership after Mike Harris was driven from office.

He’s always been a dork. I thought you’d be thrilled with anything he said. You generally kiss the ass of anyone with a C after their name.

He's our version of a freaking US RINO. I've been a card carrying C provincially and federally dating back to the Mulroney years. And Harris wasn't driven from office. I lived in Ontario in those days so don't shovel any bullshit to me.
I wanted to quote her own post. It was intentional.

He had to chide Torontonians first. It was like a bloody afterthought. "Oh yeah. The victims."
He didn't chide anyone. He is trying to hold his city together, protect it from the usual reactionaries.

You mean protect muslims.
The perp was caught. I have to believe he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this guy turns out to be a jihadist thats no excuse.

If this guy doesn't turn out to be a jihadist, what'll your excuse be?
It will be quite telling if he is an Armenian Muslim then...

It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

Aha. So rather than being a hysterical islamaphobe fuckwit, you're just a regular, old fashioned hate-everyone jingoistic fuckwit.

I don't hate anyone.

But if Toronto had not been inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.

I've been to Canada. I like Canada. I like Canadians. I don't want to see bad things happen to them.

Or to US.

Lets change it up, and start making policy based on what is good for us, keeping us safe and getting us jobs.

Dont' fear change.

There's been a significant minority population of Armenians in Toronto for over a hundred years.

What makes you think this guy was an immigrant?

But, do assimilated Armenians name their kids "Alek"?
I remember when some racist idiot rammed a bunch of protesters in Charlotte, what a cluster *uck that was. But this? Clearly an act of Muslim inspired terrorism, and shame on Tory for playing that diversity card. Bullsh*t. Most of us aren't on board that liberal inclusion train . We don't want to include people that would subvert our culture and justly our murder in the process. Nope.


Or is it just because you desperately want it to be so?
Time will tell, sweet pea. Time will tell. Hmm food for thought. Or is it because you desperately deny Muslims do such horrible deeds? Just throwing that out there. Oh no, never, they are innocent victims all the time.
He had to chide Torontonians first. It was like a bloody afterthought. "Oh yeah. The victims."
He didn't chide anyone. He is trying to hold his city together, protect it from the usual reactionaries.

You mean protect muslims.
The perp was caught. I have to believe he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this guy turns out to be a jihadist thats no excuse.

If this guy doesn't turn out to be a jihadist, what'll your excuse be?

A criminal that had a right to live in the country.
I'll fall back to the standard....while all muslims aren't terrorist most terrorist attacks are committed by muslims.
Holy freaking Toledo! Another fucking politician chiding his citizens to "be good now; don't get mad at the terror attack; we all have to hold hands and sing kum by ya"


John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”

9 Dead, 16 Injured: The Latest on the Van That Plowed into a Crowd in Toronto
It would be a different story if his kids had been among the dead. The Driver needs to be tried and Killed.
I remember when some racist idiot rammed a bunch of protesters in Charlotte, what a cluster *uck that was. But this? Clearly an act of Muslim inspired terrorism, and shame on Tory for playing that diversity card. Bullsh*t. Most of us aren't on board that liberal inclusion train . We don't want to include people that would subvert our culture and justly our murder in the process. Nope.


Or is it just because you desperately want it to be so?
Why don't you just come out and say the term people like you normally say........ISLAMOPHOBIA............

When I saw this.......I said to myself...........Here we go again........another Islamic Terrorist killing again..............

Why would I do that.................because some people recognize the trend in the ......not so much.

You did that because you have an intrinsic need to feel scared, and you've bought into all the scaremongering you've read on the internet and heard on the radio.

You've developed that into a complete hatred for a third of the world's population - because that fear of scary Muslims gives you purpose- but in reality, you've never met a Muslim, and likely never will.

You thought that this was perpetrated by a Muslim because that's what you had to think.
I wanted to quote her own post. It was intentional.

He had to chide Torontonians first. It was like a bloody afterthought. "Oh yeah. The victims."
He didn't chide anyone. He is trying to hold his city together, protect it from the usual reactionaries.

You mean protect muslims.
The perp was caught. I have to believe he will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this guy turns out to be a jihadist thats no excuse.
There is no excuse for what happened today.
It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

Aha. So rather than being a hysterical islamaphobe fuckwit, you're just a regular, old fashioned hate-everyone jingoistic fuckwit.

I don't hate anyone.

But if Toronto had not been inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.

I've been to Canada. I like Canada. I like Canadians. I don't want to see bad things happen to them.

Or to US.

Lets change it up, and start making policy based on what is good for us, keeping us safe and getting us jobs.

Dont' fear change.

There's been a significant minority population of Armenians in Toronto for over a hundred years.

What makes you think this guy was an immigrant?

But, do assimilated Armenians name their kids "Alek"?

Of course they do. Why wouldn't they?
Cripes, the delay in naming the terrorist definitely leads me to believe he could be a returning ISIS jihadist errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr "extremist tourist" according to the liberals.
It’s a crazed cracka named Alek. Last name sounded Austrian maybe? I forget. Anyways, you can go ahead and start ignoring the story now.

Just to insert a fact into this sea of religious hatred and jingoism:

0.03% of Armenians are Muslim.
95% are Christian.
Yes, I knew that which is why I asked the follow up question and the libtard refused to answer!
I remember when some racist idiot rammed a bunch of protesters in Charlotte, what a cluster *uck that was. But this? Clearly an act of Muslim inspired terrorism, and shame on Tory for playing that diversity card. Bullsh*t. Most of us aren't on board that liberal inclusion train . We don't want to include people that would subvert our culture and justly our murder in the process. Nope.


Or is it just because you desperately want it to be so?
Why don't you just come out and say the term people like you normally say........ISLAMOPHOBIA............

When I saw this.......I said to myself...........Here we go again........another Islamic Terrorist killing again..............

Why would I do that.................because some people recognize the trend in the ......not so much.

You did that because you have an intrinsic need to feel scared, and you've bought into all the scaremongering you've read on the internet and heard on the radio.

You've developed that into a complete hatred for a third of the world's population - because that fear of scary Muslims gives you purpose- but in reality, you've never met a Muslim, and likely never will.

You thought that this was perpetrated by a Muslim because that's what you had to think.
Scared LOL

Don't use your Psycho crap on me.............Hardly................and like claim that I hate all Muslims.......

Which part of radical Muslim terrorist don't you understand...............and if that type of wording angers you......I simply don't care.

Just to insert a fact into this sea of religious hatred and jingoism:

0.03% of Armenians are Muslim.
95% are Christian.

It will be quite telling if he is an Armenian Muslim then...

It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

If it's a problem with Islam, why aren't there 1.6 billion Islamic terrorists?

Why aren't there anymore Islamic Tatar terrorists, than there are White Christian terrorists? In fact, Irish, Basque, and a bunch of lone British weirdos like Paddock, Roof, Fields and others have been more of a mass murder / terrorist issue than the Islamic Tatars.

It's clearly about their genes, and race...

Weren't the Irish and the Basque terrorists mostly marxists? That's a pretty sick ideology too.
Holy freaking Toledo! Another fucking politician chiding his citizens to "be good now; don't get mad at the terror attack; we all have to hold hands and sing kum by ya"


John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”

9 Dead, 16 Injured: The Latest on the Van That Plowed into a Crowd in Toronto
It would be a different story if his kids had been among the dead. The Driver needs to be tried and Killed.

Fuck that!!
Take that piece of shit behind the jail and put a round through his dome and toss his body in a landfill,with a side of bacon jammed in his mouth and up his back door.
I remember when some racist idiot rammed a bunch of protesters in Charlotte, what a cluster *uck that was. But this? Clearly an act of Muslim inspired terrorism, and shame on Tory for playing that diversity card. Bullsh*t. Most of us aren't on board that liberal inclusion train . We don't want to include people that would subvert our culture and justly our murder in the process. Nope.


Or is it just because you desperately want it to be so?
Time will tell, sweet pea. Time will tell. Hmm food for thought. Or is it because you desperately deny Muslims do such horrible deeds? Just throwing that out there. Oh no, never, they are innocent victims all the time.

It sure will.

I wonder, if you're wrong, will you come back to this thread, apologize for being a condescending shit, and admit that you were wrong?

I doubt it.
Cripes, the delay in naming the terrorist definitely leads me to believe he could be a returning ISIS jihadist errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr "extremist tourist" according to the liberals.
It’s a crazed cracka named Alek. Last name sounded Austrian maybe? I forget. Anyways, you can go ahead and start ignoring the story now.

Just to insert a fact into this sea of religious hatred and jingoism:

0.03% of Armenians are Muslim.
95% are Christian.

It will be quite telling if he is an Armenian Muslim then...

It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.
You seem desperate to somehow believe that everyone wants him to be a Muslim! Is that why you gleefully pointed out that it was probably a Christian? Shit!
It's always my philosophy to include insane cultist that would murder me and destroy my entire culture-John Seed, er Tory. Excuse me.

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