WTF? Toronto Mayor after the carnage committed today reminds us "that we are inclusive"

Hmmmm... The safety of our citizens before worrying about diversity? Have a sound and reasonable immigration policy and diversity will take care of itself without sacrificing the safety of it's citizens. But in true Liberal form it's diversity before safety.
In the immediate aftermath of a tragedy you want the mayor to be divisive? Before all the facts are known. Of course you do.

People get worked up over the most trivial of things. Oh noes, the mayor said Toronto is an inclusive community! The horror.

Manipulated by your media outlets much?
By inclusive he meant mass murderers, too. It was a liberal all-inclusive joke.

The Mayor of Toronto is a Conservative.
He was mocking the concept. Praising the very policy that caused this nightmare.

This nightmare wasn’t caused by diversity. It was caused by a white guy who can’t get laid and hates women.

In other words, another crazy white male with an axe to grind.
You white? How about your husband? Parents, kids?

I ask because my husband is white and your description doesn't even come close.

But maybe you know better.
The authorities made it up. It's clear. Never let a crisis go to waste. They can use this to blame toxic masculinity for violence. He's not a terrorist. He just an ordinary guy.

All of the reporting has been that this guy was in no way “ordinary”. But yes toxic masculinity is a huge problem.

How many white men going on murderous rampages does it take for you to acknowledge that?
There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. The term was made up by pussyfied girly men.

No the term describes men haven’t been taught how to deal with their emotions or their disappointments in healthy productive ways. What happens is these emotions come out in ways that are both destructive and dangerous.

Like running down 25 innocent people because you’re not getting laid. Or taking a gun and shooting 25 people at a church because your marriage has fallen apart. Or shooting up a school because your parents died.

Less extreme toxic masculinity expresses itself in rape, bullying, spousal or child abuse, drug or alcohol abuse, or other destructive behaviour.

Dollars to donuts says the dude was on antidepressants, they nearly all are.
I do not believe in their explanation just like Germany do the same thing when they have an "unbalanced" migrant too who goes for it with his van and kill innocent people.

I live in that community. my youngest went to Thornlea. he knows the kid. I have a friend who was a special needs teacher at Thornlea. The authorities did not make it up. He was "different".
What's this shit place you live? people were walking beside the cloth-covered bodies as if nothing had happened and during the mayor's press conference he had young people behind who were making selfies and laughing.
But no shame what a shitty place that does not seem to have much respect for what happened, never seen that before
Toronto is full of immigrants and trash.
A shithole , i have both nationality French and Canadian after this shit i'm not proud at all to have one of them.
Liberal views on immigration summed up in one image.

Liberal views on immigration summed up in one image.

A friend of mine who is liberal after what happened her first words was : Attention Dalia this is not an terrorist act but what is this shitty mentality always ready to cover up a terrorist act.
John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”
Are you Canadian? I admire his stance. It shows strength compared to the hysterical reactions evinced by Americans.
I do not believe in their explanation just like Germany do the same thing when they have an "unbalanced" migrant too who goes for it with his van and kill innocent people.

I live in that community. my youngest went to Thornlea. he knows the kid. I have a friend who was a special needs teacher at Thornlea. The authorities did not make it up. He was "different".
Prometheus Bound, by Ingratitude and Jealousy

Are the coaches required to train a special-needs squad for those not good enough to make the team? This misplaced policy is an insult to the talented kids, whom we desperately need to develop fully.

It seems he has Asperger. There are very few reasons to NOT have Asperger kids with everybody. They tend to be socially awkward, but highly intelligent in focused areas.
Spare the Rod and the Child Thinks He's God

What did the schools do with those selfish brats before shrinks made up the syndrome, and then the educationist cartel saw it as an opportunity to get employment for C students in Psychology?
John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”
Are you Canadian? I admire his stance. It shows strength compared to the hysterical reactions evinced by Americans.

I am and he is a bloody fool for putting forth that the assailant deserved more understanding than the victims. WHAT FUCKING PART OF THAT DID YOU MISS ASSHOLE?

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