WTF? Toronto Mayor after the carnage committed today reminds us "that we are inclusive"

So Alek Minassian made the Attack it was a premeditated act and he wanted to kill women, in a kind of hatred but he takes a van and killed passengers at random.
Who can believe such a story? and the government goes even further to minimize what happened it don't uses anymore the word terrorist they say that it is not in the field of the national security?
He attended a school for students with special needs in north Toronto, former classmates say. He would be seen walking around Thornlea Secondary School with his head down and hands clasped tightly together making meowing noises, Shereen Chami told Reuters news agency. But she added that he had not been violent: "He wasn't a social person, but from what I remember he was absolutely harmless."
I'm pretty sure we can believe whatever they tell us about this kid, Dalia. He wasn't right.
Toronto suspect praised 'incel' killer
Thank you for the link "OldLady He wanted to kill women so the process does not stick with the act as such. why then killed men too in the street on 1 kilometer all that does not stick.with a primiditated act of the motivation.
He could have killed women only in a place where women are more together but this logic for me is not compatible with what happened.
Like the fact that they took so long to say the motivation.
The authorities made it up. It's clear. Never let a crisis go to waste. They can use this to blame toxic masculinity for violence. He's not a terrorist. He just an ordinary guy.
I do not believe in their explanation just like Germany do the same thing when they have an "unbalanced" migrant too who goes for it with his van and kill innocent people.
The authorities made it up. It's clear. Never let a crisis go to waste. They can use this to blame toxic masculinity for violence. He's not a terrorist. He just an ordinary guy.

All of the reporting has been that this guy was in no way “ordinary”. But yes toxic masculinity is a huge problem.

How many white men going on murderous rampages does it take for you to acknowledge that?
So Alek Minassian made the Attack it was a premeditated act and he wanted to kill women, in a kind of hatred but he takes a van and killed passengers at random.
Who can believe such a story? and the government goes even further to minimize what happened it don't uses anymore the word terrorist they say that it is not in the field of the national security?
He attended a school for students with special needs in north Toronto, former classmates say. He would be seen walking around Thornlea Secondary School with his head down and hands clasped tightly together making meowing noises, Shereen Chami told Reuters news agency. But she added that he had not been violent: "He wasn't a social person, but from what I remember he was absolutely harmless."
I'm pretty sure we can believe whatever they tell us about this kid, Dalia. He wasn't right.
Toronto suspect praised 'incel' killer

To be clear, he was a special needs student integrated in a normal high school. Mixed with the student body and attended most of the same classes. He was also under the supervision of special needs teachers.
I do not believe in their explanation just like Germany do the same thing when they have an "unbalanced" migrant too who goes for it with his van and kill innocent people.

I live in that community. my youngest went to Thornlea. he knows the kid. I have a friend who was a special needs teacher at Thornlea. The authorities did not make it up. He was "different".
The authorities made it up. It's clear. Never let a crisis go to waste. They can use this to blame toxic masculinity for violence. He's not a terrorist. He just an ordinary guy.

All of the reporting has been that this guy was in no way “ordinary”. But yes toxic masculinity is a huge problem.

How many white men going on murderous rampages does it take for you to acknowledge that?
There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. The term was made up by pussyfied girly men.
The authorities made it up. It's clear. Never let a crisis go to waste. They can use this to blame toxic masculinity for violence. He's not a terrorist. He just an ordinary guy.

All of the reporting has been that this guy was in no way “ordinary”. But yes toxic masculinity is a huge problem.

How many white men going on murderous rampages does it take for you to acknowledge that?
There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. The term was made up by pussyfied girly men.

No the term describes men haven’t been taught how to deal with their emotions or their disappointments in healthy productive ways. What happens is these emotions come out in ways that are both destructive and dangerous.

Like running down 25 innocent people because you’re not getting laid. Or taking a gun and shooting 25 people at a church because your marriage has fallen apart. Or shooting up a school because your parents died.

Less extreme toxic masculinity expresses itself in rape, bullying, spousal or child abuse, drug or alcohol abuse, or other destructive behaviour.
I do not believe in their explanation just like Germany do the same thing when they have an "unbalanced" migrant too who goes for it with his van and kill innocent people.

I live in that community. my youngest went to Thornlea. he knows the kid. I have a friend who was a special needs teacher at Thornlea. The authorities did not make it up. He was "different".
What's this shit place you live? people were walking beside the cloth-covered bodies as if nothing had happened and during the mayor's press conference he had young people behind who were making selfies and laughing.
But no shame what a shitty place that does not seem to have much respect for what happened, never seen that before
Holy freaking Toledo! Another fucking politician chiding his citizens to "be good now; don't get mad at the terror attack; we all have to hold hands and sing kum by ya"


John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”

9 Dead, 16 Injured: The Latest on the Van That Plowed into a Crowd in Toronto
Toronto is the most fucked up city in North America rivaled only by New York City and San Francisco.
The authorities made it up. It's clear. Never let a crisis go to waste. They can use this to blame toxic masculinity for violence. He's not a terrorist. He just an ordinary guy.

All of the reporting has been that this guy was in no way “ordinary”. But yes toxic masculinity is a huge problem.

How many white men going on murderous rampages does it take for you to acknowledge that?
There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. The term was made up by pussyfied girly men.

No the term describes men haven’t been taught how to deal with their emotions or their disappointments in healthy productive ways. What happens is these emotions come out in ways that are both destructive and dangerous.

Like running down 25 innocent people because you’re not getting laid. Or taking a gun and shooting 25 people at a church because your marriage has fallen apart. Or shooting up a school because your parents died.

Less extreme toxic masculinity expresses itself in rape, bullying, spousal or child abuse, drug or alcohol abuse, or other destructive behaviour.
OMG...the liberal narcissistic psychoanalyst comes out! Very humorous.:auiqs.jpg:
I do not believe in their explanation just like Germany do the same thing when they have an "unbalanced" migrant too who goes for it with his van and kill innocent people.

I live in that community. my youngest went to Thornlea. he knows the kid. I have a friend who was a special needs teacher at Thornlea. The authorities did not make it up. He was "different".
What's this shit place you live? people were walking beside the cloth-covered bodies as if nothing had happened and during the mayor's press conference he had young people behind who were making selfies and laughing.
But no shame what a shitty place that does not seem to have much respect for what happened, never seen that before
Toronto is full of immigrants and trash.
There's good, and bad in all groups even if at different proportions, sometimes vastly different proportions in the case of Middle-Easterners.

However, if there's still good in a group, what makes for good, and bad in groups?

It seems the simple answer is genes + environment, for the most part.

If there is enough bad, that we have to reasonably fear random mass murder in our streets, that's enough reason to NOT roll out the welcome mat.

1%, 3%, 12, 15 27, 145 kadoodle, I don't care.


Since 911 Fewer people in this country have been killed by Muslims than by white supremacist terrorist trash.

LOL, there's about 60 times more Whites than Muslims in the U.S.A..

And I still bet they are playing games with the numbers.

Of course you do. That’s what uneducated, ignorant truth averse bigots might “think”. And I use the word “think” loosely.

You don’t get to pretend facts aren’t real by saying “I bet it’s not true”

But then again, if you had fact in your side, you wouldn’t need to lie

Says the woman that defended a man whom I attacked because he stated that he supported genocide and using rape as a weapon of war.
I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

Aha. So rather than being a hysterical islamaphobe fuckwit, you're just a regular, old fashioned hate-everyone jingoistic fuckwit.

I don't hate anyone.

But if Toronto had not been inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.

I've been to Canada. I like Canada. I like Canadians. I don't want to see bad things happen to them.

Or to US.

Lets change it up, and start making policy based on what is good for us, keeping us safe and getting us jobs.

Dont' fear change.

That’s an absolutely retarded statement.

Toronto is one of the safest cities in North America and one of the most diverse cities in the world.

Stop dividing everything up between “us” and “them” and people will stop accusing you of hating.

1. Nothing in your statement challenged my point.

2. People are accusing me of hate, but it is your inclusiveness that got these people killed.

You Russian assholes are disgusting. There is no tragedy you won’t exploit to try try to sow your discord, racism and hate.

What is more divisive than denying that your fellow Americans are fellow Americans?

To be clear, for your lib mind. I am pointing out the hypocrisy of your action, ie complaining about "sowing discord" while denying that we are part of the same group.

And of course, nothing in your post, challanged, or really even addressed anything in my post, so my point stands.
I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

Aha. So rather than being a hysterical islamaphobe fuckwit, you're just a regular, old fashioned hate-everyone jingoistic fuckwit.

I don't hate anyone.

But if Toronto had not been inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.

I've been to Canada. I like Canada. I like Canadians. I don't want to see bad things happen to them.

Or to US.

Lets change it up, and start making policy based on what is good for us, keeping us safe and getting us jobs.

Dont' fear change.

That’s an absolutely retarded statement.

Toronto is one of the safest cities in North America and one of the most diverse cities in the world.

Stop dividing everything up between “us” and “them” and people will stop accusing you of hating.

1. Nothing in your statement challenged my point.

2. People are accusing me of hate, but it is your inclusiveness that got these people killed.
Censored in Our Sissy-Psychology Textbooks

Hate is a healthy attitude arising from the survival instinct. It may seem to be self-centered, but it benefits others to eliminate the truly hateful, who threaten the whole society's survival.

Criminals are the enemies of the human race. We don't need prisons, we need morgues. Most of all, we need to get rid of the feralphile lawmakers. The subhuman mutants they sadistically turned loose on us are just decoys. Find the source, knock it out, and this nightmare will be over.

The Death Penalty is generally not the standard penalty for most crimes, even in healthy cultures.

Your point about hate is noted.
I do not believe in their explanation just like Germany do the same thing when they have an "unbalanced" migrant too who goes for it with his van and kill innocent people.

I live in that community. my youngest went to Thornlea. he knows the kid. I have a friend who was a special needs teacher at Thornlea. The authorities did not make it up. He was "different".
Prometheus Bound, by Ingratitude and Jealousy

Are the coaches required to train a special-needs squad for those not good enough to make the team? This misplaced policy is an insult to the talented kids, whom we desperately need to develop fully.
I do not believe in their explanation just like Germany do the same thing when they have an "unbalanced" migrant too who goes for it with his van and kill innocent people.

I live in that community. my youngest went to Thornlea. he knows the kid. I have a friend who was a special needs teacher at Thornlea. The authorities did not make it up. He was "different".
Prometheus Bound, by Ingratitude and Jealousy

Are the coaches required to train a special-needs squad for those not good enough to make the team? This misplaced policy is an insult to the talented kids, whom we desperately need to develop fully.

It seems he has Asperger. There are very few reasons to NOT have Asperger kids with everybody. They tend to be socially awkward, but highly intelligent in focused areas.

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