WTF? Toronto Mayor after the carnage committed today reminds us "that we are inclusive"

Today’s coverage from Toronto included the Wall of Remembrance set up along the area where the massacre took place. All day long people have been placing signs, flowers, notes and candles. The Wall is now fully covered.

What I saw was young and old, white, black, brown, Asian. Men in turbans and beards, women in hijabs, dreadlocks, Jewfros, and white people like me. Signs in every language, and types of writing. Some signs had notes several languages and scripts on one sign.

People were hugging, crying, and comforting one another. Many were witnesses to what happened yesterday. They talked about caring for and comforting the injured. It was reported yesterday that many of the injured were cared for by security staff from the office building along Yonge Street until EMS arrived.

Toronto was my home for nearly 40 years. This spirit of love and inclusiveness is nothing new. There really was no need for John Tory to remind Torontonians to be inclusive. It’s who we are.
I love bacon.....really I do. You are 0 for 2 so far.
At least you don't argue the resemblance.

Dems hate Trump. If you think hate isn't a great motivator, there are 8 million dead Jews to argue differently.
Some Dems might hate trump....but as a group, no they do not. You are now 0 for 3.
As a political party, it's their slogan, Porky.
Then you will have no problem linking that slogan for us, chubby.
Take it from another great Dem orator, Wattles:

Maxine Waters Ludicrously Claims That 70 Percent Of Women Want To Impeach Trump
Wanting to impeach someone means that you want to uphold the rule of law and follow the does not indicate a Democrat "slogan of hate"...You are now 0 for 4, chubby.
At least you don't argue the resemblance.

Dems hate Trump. If you think hate isn't a great motivator, there are 8 million dead Jews to argue differently.
Some Dems might hate trump....but as a group, no they do not. You are now 0 for 3.
As a political party, it's their slogan, Porky.
Then you will have no problem linking that slogan for us, chubby.
Take it from another great Dem orator, Wattles:

Maxine Waters Ludicrously Claims That 70 Percent Of Women Want To Impeach Trump
Wanting to impeach someone means that you want to uphold the rule of law and follow the does not indicate a Democrat "slogan of hate"...You are now 0 for 4, chubby.
70% of women want to impeach Trump. That's leadership you can follow lol.
What was the Mayor supposed to say?

Hmmmm... The safety of our citizens before worrying about diversity? Have a sound and reasonable immigration policy and diversity will take care of itself without sacrificing the safety of it's citizens. But in true Liberal form it's diversity before safety.
In the immediate aftermath of a tragedy you want the mayor to be divisive? Before all the facts are known. Of course you do.

People get worked up over the most trivial of things. Oh noes, the mayor said Toronto is an inclusive community! The horror.

Manipulated by your media outlets much?
What was the Mayor supposed to say?

Hmmmm... The safety of our citizens before worrying about diversity? Have a sound and reasonable immigration policy and diversity will take care of itself without sacrificing the safety of it's citizens. But in true Liberal form it's diversity before safety.
In the immediate aftermath of a tragedy you want the mayor to be divisive? Before all the facts are known. Of course you do.

People get worked up over the most trivial of things. Oh noes, the mayor said Toronto is an inclusive community! The horror.

Manipulated by your media outlets much?
By inclusive he meant mass murderers, too. It was a liberal all-inclusive joke.
What was the Mayor supposed to say?

Hmmmm... The safety of our citizens before worrying about diversity? Have a sound and reasonable immigration policy and diversity will take care of itself without sacrificing the safety of it's citizens. But in true Liberal form it's diversity before safety.
In the immediate aftermath of a tragedy you want the mayor to be divisive? Before all the facts are known. Of course you do.

People get worked up over the most trivial of things. Oh noes, the mayor said Toronto is an inclusive community! The horror.

Manipulated by your media outlets much?
By inclusive he meant mass murderers, too. It was a liberal all-inclusive joke.

The Mayor of Toronto is a Conservative.
What was the Mayor supposed to say?

Hmmmm... The safety of our citizens before worrying about diversity? Have a sound and reasonable immigration policy and diversity will take care of itself without sacrificing the safety of it's citizens. But in true Liberal form it's diversity before safety.
In the immediate aftermath of a tragedy you want the mayor to be divisive? Before all the facts are known. Of course you do.

People get worked up over the most trivial of things. Oh noes, the mayor said Toronto is an inclusive community! The horror.

Manipulated by your media outlets much?
By inclusive he meant mass murderers, too. It was a liberal all-inclusive joke.

The Mayor of Toronto is a Conservative.
He was mocking the concept. Praising the very policy that caused this nightmare.
What was the Mayor supposed to say?

Hmmmm... The safety of our citizens before worrying about diversity? Have a sound and reasonable immigration policy and diversity will take care of itself without sacrificing the safety of it's citizens. But in true Liberal form it's diversity before safety.
In the immediate aftermath of a tragedy you want the mayor to be divisive? Before all the facts are known. Of course you do.

People get worked up over the most trivial of things. Oh noes, the mayor said Toronto is an inclusive community! The horror.

Manipulated by your media outlets much?
By inclusive he meant mass murderers, too. It was a liberal all-inclusive joke.

The Mayor of Toronto is a Conservative.
He was mocking the concept. Praising the very policy that caused this nightmare.

This nightmare wasn’t caused by diversity. It was caused by a white guy who can’t get laid and hates women.

In other words, another crazy white male with an axe to grind.
If it's a problem with Islam, why aren't there 1.6 billion Islamic terrorists?

Why aren't there anymore Islamic Tatar terrorists, than there are White Christian terrorists? In fact, Irish, Basque, and a bunch of lone British weirdos like Paddock, Roof, Fields and others have been more of a mass murder / terrorist issue than the Islamic Tatars.

It's clearly about their genes, and race...

Weren't the Irish and the Basque terrorists mostly marxists? That's a pretty sick ideology too.

There's good, and bad in all groups even if at different proportions, sometimes vastly different proportions in the case of Middle-Easterners.

However, if there's still good in a group, what makes for good, and bad in groups?

It seems the simple answer is genes + environment, for the most part.

If there is enough bad, that we have to reasonably fear random mass murder in our streets, that's enough reason to NOT roll out the welcome mat.

1%, 3%, 12, 15 27, 145 kadoodle, I don't care.


Since 911 Fewer people in this country have been killed by Muslims than by white supremacist terrorist trash.

LOL, there's about 60 times more Whites than Muslims in the U.S.A..

And I still bet they are playing games with the numbers.
It will be quite telling if he is an Armenian Muslim then...

It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

Aha. So rather than being a hysterical islamaphobe fuckwit, you're just a regular, old fashioned hate-everyone jingoistic fuckwit.

I don't hate anyone.

But if Toronto had not been inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.

I've been to Canada. I like Canada. I like Canadians. I don't want to see bad things happen to them.

Or to US.

Lets change it up, and start making policy based on what is good for us, keeping us safe and getting us jobs.

Dont' fear change.

That’s an absolutely retarded statement.

Toronto is one of the safest cities in North America and one of the most diverse cities in the world.

Stop dividing everything up between “us” and “them” and people will stop accusing you of hating.

1. Nothing in your statement challenged my point.

2. People are accusing me of hate, but it is your inclusiveness that got these people killed.
Weren't the Irish and the Basque terrorists mostly marxists? That's a pretty sick ideology too.

There's good, and bad in all groups even if at different proportions, sometimes vastly different proportions in the case of Middle-Easterners.

However, if there's still good in a group, what makes for good, and bad in groups?

It seems the simple answer is genes + environment, for the most part.

If there is enough bad, that we have to reasonably fear random mass murder in our streets, that's enough reason to NOT roll out the welcome mat.

1%, 3%, 12, 15 27, 145 kadoodle, I don't care.


Since 911 Fewer people in this country have been killed by Muslims than by white supremacist terrorist trash.

LOL, there's about 60 times more Whites than Muslims in the U.S.A..

And I still bet they are playing games with the numbers.

Of course you do. That’s what uneducated, ignorant truth averse bigots might “think”. And I use the word “think” loosely.

You don’t get to pretend facts aren’t real by saying “I bet it’s not true”

But then again, if you had fact in your side, you wouldn’t need to lie
It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

Aha. So rather than being a hysterical islamaphobe fuckwit, you're just a regular, old fashioned hate-everyone jingoistic fuckwit.

I don't hate anyone.

But if Toronto had not been inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.

I've been to Canada. I like Canada. I like Canadians. I don't want to see bad things happen to them.

Or to US.

Lets change it up, and start making policy based on what is good for us, keeping us safe and getting us jobs.

Dont' fear change.

That’s an absolutely retarded statement.

Toronto is one of the safest cities in North America and one of the most diverse cities in the world.

Stop dividing everything up between “us” and “them” and people will stop accusing you of hating.

1. Nothing in your statement challenged my point.

2. People are accusing me of hate, but it is your inclusiveness that got these people killed.

You Russian assholes are disgusting. There is no tragedy you won’t exploit to try try to sow your discord, racism and hate.
It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

Aha. So rather than being a hysterical islamaphobe fuckwit, you're just a regular, old fashioned hate-everyone jingoistic fuckwit.

I don't hate anyone.

But if Toronto had not been inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.

I've been to Canada. I like Canada. I like Canadians. I don't want to see bad things happen to them.

Or to US.

Lets change it up, and start making policy based on what is good for us, keeping us safe and getting us jobs.

Dont' fear change.

That’s an absolutely retarded statement.

Toronto is one of the safest cities in North America and one of the most diverse cities in the world.

Stop dividing everything up between “us” and “them” and people will stop accusing you of hating.

1. Nothing in your statement challenged my point.

2. People are accusing me of hate, but it is your inclusiveness that got these people killed.
Censored in Our Sissy-Psychology Textbooks

Hate is a healthy attitude arising from the survival instinct. It may seem to be self-centered, but it benefits others to eliminate the truly hateful, who threaten the whole society's survival.

Criminals are the enemies of the human race. We don't need prisons, we need morgues. Most of all, we need to get rid of the feralphile lawmakers. The subhuman mutants they sadistically turned loose on us are just decoys. Find the source, knock it out, and this nightmare will be over.

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