WTF? Toronto Mayor after the carnage committed today reminds us "that we are inclusive" to go to bed..........make a living so those on welfare can get paid.........

Night folks.
War is the physical projection of political power.
PC version of can't be that they decided to kill each other because they dislike..........or shall I say ...........HATE each other....

When all reasonable political negotiation is exhausted.................Nations and people go to WAR.........aka kill each other....

Are they sending love notes to each other when they kill each know what I'm implying.


"PC" doesn't have a damn thing to do with it.

War does not happen because of hatred - hatred is what rulers use to sell war to the population.
So no nations go to War because they simply HATE EACH OTHER..............LOL



That's not how it works. Countries don't go to war because they hate each other - they go to war for land, money or religion.
That's a matter of really got to be pissed at each other to go to here are trying to Sterilize War Doc.

Bandage please..............


Recognizing that war is not about emotion is not "sterilizing" it.
PC version of can't be that they decided to kill each other because they dislike..........or shall I say ...........HATE each other....

When all reasonable political negotiation is exhausted.................Nations and people go to WAR.........aka kill each other....

Are they sending love notes to each other when they kill each know what I'm implying.


"PC" doesn't have a damn thing to do with it.

War does not happen because of hatred - hatred is what rulers use to sell war to the population.
So no nations go to War because they simply HATE EACH OTHER..............LOL



That's not how it works. Countries don't go to war because they hate each other - they go to war for land, money or religion.
That's a matter of really got to be pissed at each other to go to here are trying to Sterilize War Doc.

Bandage please..............


Recognizing that war is not about emotion is not "sterilizing" it.
Oh really?
Holy freaking Toledo! Another fucking politician chiding his citizens to "be good now; don't get mad at the terror attack; we all have to hold hands and sing kum by ya"


John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”

9 Dead, 16 Injured: The Latest on the Van That Plowed into a Crowd in Toronto
So should all vans be banned, the fact is that motor vehicles kill 50,000 Americans per year. Does Nancy Peelosy have a comment
“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, ...”
.... such as the time Canada prosecuted conservative author Mark Steyn for offending Muslims in a book.

PC is always a one-way street. Always.
What Muslim? Why are you inventing Muslims?
Inventing Muslims? The story about Steyn is correct.

Are you okay?
You brought Muslims into the thread. Why?
To mock Canada for "being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate", but only in one (1) direction. You were so enraged and protective over the use of the word "Muslim" that you must not have seen the second sentence, which explained the first sentence pretty clearly.

I realize how hypersensitive you folks are on behalf of your pet constituent protected religion, but fer fuck's sake, my post went COMPLETELY over your head.

Too funny.
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Holy freaking Toledo! Another fucking politician chiding his citizens to "be good now; don't get mad at the terror attack; we all have to hold hands and sing kum by ya"


John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”

9 Dead, 16 Injured: The Latest on the Van That Plowed into a Crowd in Toronto
didn't know Toronto was in french candaduh
I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

If it's a problem with Islam, why aren't there 1.6 billion Islamic terrorists?

Why aren't there anymore Islamic Tatar terrorists, than there are White Christian terrorists? In fact, Irish, Basque, and a bunch of lone British weirdos like Paddock, Roof, Fields and others have been more of a mass murder / terrorist issue than the Islamic Tatars.

It's clearly about their genes, and race...

Weren't the Irish and the Basque terrorists mostly marxists? That's a pretty sick ideology too.

There's good, and bad in all groups even if at different proportions, sometimes vastly different proportions in the case of Middle-Easterners.

However, if there's still good in a group, what makes for good, and bad in groups?

It seems the simple answer is genes + environment, for the most part.

If there is enough bad, that we have to reasonably fear random mass murder in our streets, that's enough reason to NOT roll out the welcome mat.

1%, 3%, 12, 15 27, 145 kadoodle, I don't care.


Since 911 Fewer people in this country have been killed by Muslims than by white supremacist terrorist trash.

LOL, there's about 60 times more Whites than Muslims in the U.S.A..
Just to insert a fact into this sea of religious hatred and jingoism:

0.03% of Armenians are Muslim.
95% are Christian.

It will be quite telling if he is an Armenian Muslim then...

It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

Aha. So rather than being a hysterical islamaphobe fuckwit, you're just a regular, old fashioned hate-everyone jingoistic fuckwit.

I don't hate anyone.

But if Toronto had not been inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.

I've been to Canada. I like Canada. I like Canadians. I don't want to see bad things happen to them.

Or to US.

Lets change it up, and start making policy based on what is good for us, keeping us safe and getting us jobs.

Dont' fear change.

That’s an absolutely retarded statement.

Toronto is one of the safest cities in North America and one of the most diverse cities in the world.

Stop dividing everything up between “us” and “them” and people will stop accusing you of hating.
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It will be quite telling if he is an Armenian Muslim then...

It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

Aha. So rather than being a hysterical islamaphobe fuckwit, you're just a regular, old fashioned hate-everyone jingoistic fuckwit.

I don't hate anyone.

But if Toronto had not been inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.

I've been to Canada. I like Canada. I like Canadians. I don't want to see bad things happen to them.

Or to US.

Lets change it up, and start making policy based on what is good for us, keeping us safe and getting us jobs.

Dont' fear change.

That’s an absolutely retarded statement.

Toronto is one of the safest cities in North America and one of the most diverse cities in the world.

Stop dividing everything up between “us” and “them” and people will stop accusing you of hating.

Oh please, a lot of Toronto's diversity are of "Asian elites" why don't you check the crime rates of "Asian elites" in the U.S.A?
It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

If it's a problem with Islam, why aren't there 1.6 billion Islamic terrorists?

Why aren't there anymore Islamic Tatar terrorists, than there are White Christian terrorists? In fact, Irish, Basque, and a bunch of lone British weirdos like Paddock, Roof, Fields and others have been more of a mass murder / terrorist issue than the Islamic Tatars.

It's clearly about their genes, and race...

Weren't the Irish and the Basque terrorists mostly marxists? That's a pretty sick ideology too.

There's good, and bad in all groups even if at different proportions, sometimes vastly different proportions in the case of Middle-Easterners.

However, if there's still good in a group, what makes for good, and bad in groups?

It seems the simple answer is genes + environment, for the most part.

If there is enough bad, that we have to reasonably fear random mass murder in our streets, that's enough reason to NOT roll out the welcome mat.

1%, 3%, 12, 15 27, 145 kadoodle, I don't care.


Yes, some people are just trashier, and that includes Black Protestants, Hispanic Catholics, and Muslim Arabs.

Some of the fairly White Muslims like Bosniaks, or Tatars are probably much safer, and more normal than Black Protestants, or Hispanic Catholics.

I personally don't think religion has much to do with it, it appears to be largely genetic.
If Toronto was not inclusive, those 9 people would still be alive.
Inclusiveness with out introspection, is just insane. Without reason and without balance, unquestioned inclusion is madness.
It Is Self-Serving for Them to Preach That Sons Must Not Suffer for the Sins of Their Fathers

They know all that. The ruling class gets sadistic pleasure out of hating us, harassing us, and humiliating us. Take away their future. After all, Trudeau is just an HeirHead who'd be a nobody if his Daddy hadn't been Prime Minister himself.
It's already telling how desperate you want him to be Muslim.

But statistically, you're probably going to have to find a different pile of dead bodies to masturbate over.

I have long been against all Third World Immigration, and indeed, support a complete stoppage of all immigration until we assimilate the massive number of immigrants that we have now.

I don't care whether he is muslim or not.

But if only .03 percent of Armenians are Muslim, it would be very, very unlikely that any "random" Armenian mass murderer would be a Muslim.

So if he is, that supports the idea that the problem has something to do with Islam.

Just saying.

If it's a problem with Islam, why aren't there 1.6 billion Islamic terrorists?

Why aren't there anymore Islamic Tatar terrorists, than there are White Christian terrorists? In fact, Irish, Basque, and a bunch of lone British weirdos like Paddock, Roof, Fields and others have been more of a mass murder / terrorist issue than the Islamic Tatars.

It's clearly about their genes, and race...

Weren't the Irish and the Basque terrorists mostly marxists? That's a pretty sick ideology too.

There's good, and bad in all groups even if at different proportions, sometimes vastly different proportions in the case of Middle-Easterners.

However, if there's still good in a group, what makes for good, and bad in groups?

It seems the simple answer is genes + environment, for the most part.

If there is enough bad, that we have to reasonably fear random mass murder in our streets, that's enough reason to NOT roll out the welcome mat.

1%, 3%, 12, 15 27, 145 kadoodle, I don't care.

"Diversity Is Noble," Taunted Marie Antoinette. Then She Laughed Her Head Off.

It would be more effective to try our multicultie leaders for Capital Treason.
Holy freaking Toledo! Another fucking politician chiding his citizens to "be good now; don't get mad at the terror attack; we all have to hold hands and sing kum by ya"


John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”

9 Dead, 16 Injured: The Latest on the Van That Plowed into a Crowd in Toronto
Well , isn't that what Hussein Obama used to always say right after an attack?
Holy freaking Toledo! Another fucking politician chiding his citizens to "be good now; don't get mad at the terror attack; we all have to hold hands and sing kum by ya"


John Tory needs to be politically bitch slapped into another universe for thinking only about Toronto's reputation around the world at a time like this.

“This is a time when this community should come together,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said at a press briefing on Monday.

“I hope that we will, as a city, remind ourselves of the fact that we are admired around the world for being inclusive and for being accepting and understanding and considerate, and that we are united in standing in solidarity, especially with those who have fallen victim to this terrible tragedy today.”

9 Dead, 16 Injured: The Latest on the Van That Plowed into a Crowd in Toronto

What..... he knows what is really important...sure, people are dead...but feeling good about himself for his inclusiveness is really important too.....
Kind of like dancing whenever there are murders in the U.S. if they are committed by anything other than guns....or getting all giddy when gun deaths occur in Europe.
What was the Mayor supposed to say?

Hmmmm... The safety of our citizens before worrying about diversity? Have a sound and reasonable immigration policy and diversity will take care of itself without sacrificing the safety of it's citizens. But in true Liberal form it's diversity before safety.
So....this guy a muslim? Or not? And if not....where are the mea culpas?
My hatred? I'm not the one plowing down innocent people with a van. Try directing your anger towards the animals that do this shit.

Of course, it's just a coincidence they are all Muslims.....:rofl:

Tell us again how you're not "excited" to blame this on a Muslim.

Be sure to use lots of smilies.

What is exciting about another murdering muslim using a vehicle as a weapon?

What's exciting for you is a little more fuel for your hatred engine.

That's why you're still trying to claim that this attacker in Toronto is a Muslim.

83% of these types of attacks since 2000 and through 2017 were perpetrated by MUSLIMS. The 17% that weren't were primarily in China. UPDATED: Vehicle attacks around the world since 2000 - Crime Prevention Research Center

Wanna bet that this pig is a Muslim?

I'd say it's 87% or 90% he is an Islamist ,yes.

And you would be WRONG.

The guy is Armenian. 95% of Armenians are Christians. The history of Armenians is that the Turkish Muslims perpetrated a horrific genocide against Armenians in the early 1900’s. Not only are Armenians overwhelmingly Christian, they bear much antipathy towards Muslims because of that history.

Now let’s go with facts instead of the hopes and dreams of right wingers that want him to be a jihadist.

He’s a recent college graduate. Classmates describe him as quiet, withdrawn and socially awkward with no known religious or political affiliations. People who went to high school with him said he’s autistic.

He apparently posted a social media rant sympathizing with an American mass shooter who couldn’t get laid.

Witnesses report he begged the cop who arrested him to “Shoot me! Shoot me in the head!!!”.

So what we appear to have is a yet another white, Christian loser, with no political motives, looking to commit suicide by cop.

transitive verb
to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable

I was using it in the "reasonable" sense, not the "just" sense. But I apologize for confusing you.
Apology accepted. :)

How can hating Hitler be reasonable and serve no purpose?

I don't understand why you can't see the answer to your question.

The fact that it is reasonable to expect someone whose family has been killed to hate the man behind it is unrelated to whether or not that hatred serves an external purpose.
If it serves no purpose then it is the opposite of reasonable. It is unreasonable. It is unjustified.

It serves an internal purpose. It makes one feel better, in a roundabout way.

It serves no external purpose. In fact, hatred can only make you act worse - it can never make you act better.
As an external factor hatred can be a great motivator.

Did any of your relatives actually fight the Nazis? Because that would have been justifiable in every sense.

Hatred is a very poor motivator. It leads one to make bad decisions without careful consideration of all of the facts, information and options.

The statements “Don’t get mad, get even” and “Revenge is a dish best served cold”. Hot emotions like hate and anger destroy the hater not the hated.

The Allies didn’t take out Hitler because they hated him. They did it to stop his aggression, to save lives and to make the world a safer place.

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