WTF?? Two Dem Govs Praise Trump!!


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Not only did both NY Gov Cuomo and Cali Gov Newsome publicly commend the efforts of the Trump admin in the War on China-virus, Cuomo admonished CNN squawking head Alisyn Camerota this morning for the leftist media's use of misleading, emotion-inducing terms like "shelter-in-place." He rightly noted that they are causing considerable concern and consternation among already tense Americans. The media never - and I mean never - take responsibility for the consequences of their words … such as when a media destabilized daddy beats his 3 yr old half to death.

My beef is where was Cuomo's criticism the last 3 years as the same media used inflammatory words and outright lies to stoke the rage and hatred in so many of the not-too-bright leftards who voted for him? If lefties didn't have monumental hypocrisy they'd have nothing at all.

Cuomo Praises Trump for Helping Curb Coronavirus Outbreak

Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response.
...Newsom’s approach also reflects the reality that he needs the president’s help to ensure California has adequate resources during the pandemic.
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Well he finally came around and is taking covid 19 seriously.
Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response. You and your leftarded media have had nothing but mindless criticism.
Well he finally came around and is taking covid 19 seriously.
Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response. You and your leftarded media have had nothing but mindless criticism.

He needs to apologize to the gov of Wash. for calling him a snake and to Gov Witmer, he said not doing enough.

Just because he came out with a different tone on March 16th, doesn't mean he hasn't suggested Covid 19 was a democratic hoax up till then. Now he calls it a Chinese virus. What a pitiful man , always has to put blame on something.
Well he finally came around and is taking covid 19 seriously.
Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response. You and your leftarded media have had nothing but mindless criticism.

He needs to apologize to the gov of Wash. for calling him a snake and to Gov Witmer, he said not doing enough.

Just because he came out with a different tone on March 16th, doesn't mean he hasn't suggested Covid 19 was a democratic hoax up till then. Now he calls it a Chinese virus. What a pitiful man , always has to put blame on something.

Like 50 rolls of toilet paper in your garage?
Why are you politicizing this? Cuomo said Trump is helping him now, though he wasn't initially.... let bygones be bygones, he's helping now, that's what matters....

So you start a thread on democrats not groveling and genuflecting to Trump enough?
Well he finally came around and is taking covid 19 seriously.
Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response. You and your leftarded media have had nothing but mindless criticism.

He needs to apologize to the gov of Wash. for calling him a snake and to Gov Witmer, he said not doing enough.

Just because he came out with a different tone on March 16th, doesn't mean he hasn't suggested Covid 19 was a democratic hoax up till then. Now he calls it a Chinese virus. What a pitiful man , always has to put blame on something.
You are always the idiot and liar. Trump never said Chinavirus was a hoax … he said the reaction of your leftarded media is a hoax and just this morning NY Gov Cuomo admonished CNN squawking head Alisyn Camerota for the leftist media's use of misleading, emotion-inducing terms like "shelter-in-place." He rightly noted that they are causing considerable concern and consternation among already tense Americans. The media never - and I mean never - take responsibility for the consequences of their words … such as when a media destabilized daddy beats his 3 yr old half to death.

My beef is where was Cuomo's criticism the last 3 years as the same media used inflammatory words and outright lies to stoke the rage and hatred in so many of the not-too-bright leftards who voted for him? If lefties didn't have monumental hypocrisy they'd have only mindless sheeple like you.
Why are you politicizing this? Cuomo said Trump is helping him now, though he wasn't initially.... let bygones be bygones, he's helping now, that's what matters....

So you start a thread on democrats not groveling and genuflecting to Trump enough?
FFS you leftards are like trained monkeys. Just this morning NY Gov Cuomo admonished CNN squawking head Alisyn Camerota for the leftist media's use of misleading, emotion-inducing terms like "shelter-in-place." He rightly noted that they are causing considerable concern and consternation among already tense Americans.

So when will you and your leftarded media stop politicizing this?
Well he finally came around and is taking covid 19 seriously.
Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response. You and your leftarded media have had nothing but mindless criticism.

He needs to apologize to the gov of Wash. for calling him a snake and to Gov Witmer, he said not doing enough.

Just because he came out with a different tone on March 16th, doesn't mean he hasn't suggested Covid 19 was a democratic hoax up till then. Now he calls it a Chinese virus. What a pitiful man , always has to put blame on something.

You mean it didn't come from China? China let it go on for far too long before taking drastic action, allowing it to spread so others got it and brought it here. They are keeping all their research hush-hush making it much more difficult for us and other countries to deal with this problem. Trump is absolutely correct, this is the Chinese virus, and yes, they are responsible for it.
Nice to see that not everyone is afraid to say something decent about the other tribe.
Neither Dem gov said a nice word about the "other tribe" and your leftarded media continues to fill your otherwise empty head with plenty of misleading, emotion-inducing terms like "shelter-in-place" in order to stoke the rage and hatred in so many of the not-too-bright leftards.
Well he finally came around and is taking covid 19 seriously.
Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response. You and your leftarded media have had nothing but mindless criticism.

He needs to apologize to the gov of Wash. for calling him a snake and to Gov Witmer, he said not doing enough.

Just because he came out with a different tone on March 16th, doesn't mean he hasn't suggested Covid 19 was a democratic hoax up till then. Now he calls it a Chinese virus. What a pitiful man , always has to put blame on something.
You are always the idiot and liar. Trump never said Chinavirus was a hoax … he said the reaction of your leftarded media is a hoax and just this morning NY Gov Cuomo admonished CNN squawking head Alisyn Camerota for the leftist media's use of misleading, emotion-inducing terms like "shelter-in-place." He rightly noted that they are causing considerable concern and consternation among already tense Americans. The media never - and I mean never - take responsibility for the consequences of their words … such as when a media destabilized daddy beats his 3 yr old half to death.

My beef is where was Cuomo's criticism the last 3 years as the same media used inflammatory words and outright lies to stoke the rage and hatred in so many of the not-too-bright leftards who voted for him? If lefties didn't have monumental hypocrisy they'd have only mindless sheeple like you.

Sure he did , he said it was a Democratic hoax.

At a campaign rally in South Carolina on Feb. 28 the president claimed Democrats had politicized the coronavirus outbreak and it was “their new hoax”. Before that, on Jan. 22, the president said, “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” Since then, thousands of Americans have been infected, some have died, the economy is on the verge of collapse — and the worst is yet to come.
Trump fell asleep at switch as COVID-19 spread
Tramp has been dishing on the Democrats governors since before he came into office, and you get upset they are giving it right back. WOW!!
Nice to see that not everyone is afraid to say something decent about the other tribe.
Neither Dem gov said a nice word about the "other tribe" and your leftarded media continues to fill your otherwise empty head with plenty of misleading, emotion-inducing terms like "shelter-in-place" in order to stoke the rage and hatred in so many of the not-too-bright leftards.
I never have to name names. You hypersensitive drama queens just jump in and start flailing around for me.

Well he finally came around and is taking covid 19 seriously.
Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response. You and your leftarded media have had nothing but mindless criticism.

He needs to apologize to the gov of Wash. for calling him a snake and to Gov Witmer, he said not doing enough.

Just because he came out with a different tone on March 16th, doesn't mean he hasn't suggested Covid 19 was a democratic hoax up till then. Now he calls it a Chinese virus. What a pitiful man , always has to put blame on something.

You mean it didn't come from China? China let it go on for far too long before taking drastic action, allowing it to spread so others got it and brought it here. They are keeping all their research hush-hush making it much more difficult for us and other countries to deal with this problem. Trump is absolutely correct, this is the Chinese virus, and yes, they are responsible for it.

Well we know it came from China, but he doesn't have to refer to it as the Chinese Virus. He is doing that so his followers (like you, I call you worshippers) are mad at the Chinese (in this country) and their country.

He always has to blame someone or something for his failures.
Well he finally came around and is taking covid 19 seriously.
Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response. You and your leftarded media have had nothing but mindless criticism.

He needs to apologize to the gov of Wash. for calling him a snake and to Gov Witmer, he said not doing enough.

Just because he came out with a different tone on March 16th, doesn't mean he hasn't suggested Covid 19 was a democratic hoax up till then. Now he calls it a Chinese virus. What a pitiful man , always has to put blame on something.
You are always the idiot and liar. Trump never said Chinavirus was a hoax … he said the reaction of your leftarded media is a hoax and just this morning NY Gov Cuomo admonished CNN squawking head Alisyn Camerota for the leftist media's use of misleading, emotion-inducing terms like "shelter-in-place." He rightly noted that they are causing considerable concern and consternation among already tense Americans. The media never - and I mean never - take responsibility for the consequences of their words … such as when a media destabilized daddy beats his 3 yr old half to death.

My beef is where was Cuomo's criticism the last 3 years as the same media used inflammatory words and outright lies to stoke the rage and hatred in so many of the not-too-bright leftards who voted for him? If lefties didn't have monumental hypocrisy they'd have only mindless sheeple like you.

Sure he did , he said it was a Democratic hoax.

At a campaign rally in South Carolina on Feb. 28 the president claimed Democrats had politicized the coronavirus outbreak and it was “their new hoax”. Before that, on Jan. 22, the president said, “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” Since then, thousands of Americans have been infected, some have died, the economy is on the verge of collapse — and the worst is yet to come.
Trump fell asleep at switch as COVID-19 spread
Tramp has been dishing on the Democrats governors since before he came into office, and you get upset they are giving it right back. WOW!!
FFS you are stupid. He clearly said the left's politicization of Chinavirus was their newest hoax, not the virus.

Tell me, Pene, did they remove your ability to reason as an adult when you joined the leftarded BORG or was it gone by the time you embraced the seething hatred?
Well he finally came around and is taking covid 19 seriously.
Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response. You and your leftarded media have had nothing but mindless criticism.

He needs to apologize to the gov of Wash. for calling him a snake and to Gov Witmer, he said not doing enough.

Just because he came out with a different tone on March 16th, doesn't mean he hasn't suggested Covid 19 was a democratic hoax up till then. Now he calls it a Chinese virus. What a pitiful man , always has to put blame on something.

You mean it didn't come from China? China let it go on for far too long before taking drastic action, allowing it to spread so others got it and brought it here. They are keeping all their research hush-hush making it much more difficult for us and other countries to deal with this problem. Trump is absolutely correct, this is the Chinese virus, and yes, they are responsible for it.

Well we know it came from China, but he doesn't have to refer to it as the Chinese Virus. He is doing that so his followers (like you, I call you worshippers) are mad at the Chinese (in this country) and their country.

He always has to blame someone or something for his failures.
The Chinavirus is Trump's failure?

And WTF is wrong with calling it Chinavirus? Are you triggered again, Snowflake?

"Aaaarrrgh!!! Trump is a racist!!!"

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Just because he came out with a different tone on March 16th, doesn't mean he hasn't suggested Covid 19 was a democratic hoax up till then.

THE CDC has stated that from 1 OCT 2019 through 1 FEB 2020 31 MILLION Americans have been infected with and 12,000 Americans have died from THE FLU...

- No shelter-in-place
- No forced shut-down of businesses
- No self-imposed govt increase in unemployment
- No self-imposed shutting down of a record economy going strongly
- No 'Post-Zombie Apocalyptic Fear-Mongering' by the media

...despite both those numbers being FAR greater than the same numbers related to COVID-19's GLOBAL numbers

No one has said COVID-19 is not a dangerous / serious virus, snowflake....we have claimed the fear-mongering 'apocalyptic' media coverage and overblown response to it so far has been a complete HOAX.
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And WTF is wrong with calling it Chinavirus? Are you triggered again?

"'CHINA-virus'?! Trump is a Racist'?!
(Hope you don't mind - this was awesome, and I HAD to use it... :p )

I want to personally THANK all self-proclaimed PC, OUTRAGED, BUTT-HURT, EASILY-MANIPULATED, TRIGGERED, IGNORANT, UN-EDUCATED TRUMP-HATING MEDIA,DEMOCRATS, AND SNOWFLAKES who have SELF-IDENTIFIED as being such by attacking the President over calling COVID-19 the 'CHINA virus'!

1. The CDC initially stated in looking at COVID-19 - which originated in Hwan, CHINA, they found elements in the disease never seen in NEW...a NEW strain.

2.. By asking the question and implying the President is a 'racist' for calling it the 'CHINA' virus, these individuals DID self-identify as IGNORANT / UN-EDUCATED.

While watching the press conference the other day, in which some liberal female 'reporter' asked the President why he called COVID-19 the China virus' and implied he was racist in doing so, I wanted SO BADLY for the President to put her on the spot in response to her question my asking her if she knew:

1) "Do you know what 'Ebola' is?"

2) "What does 'MERS' stands for?"

'EBOLA' is a RIVER is a river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo:
"The Ebola River (/ˈɛboʊlə/), also commonly known by its indigenous name Legbala,[1] is the headstream of the Mongala River, a tributary of the Congo River, in northern Democratic Republic of the Congo."
-- Ebola River - Wikipedia

The EBOLA virus is named after the river in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where it was first discovered.
** What is the Ebola virus, and why is it back?

'MERS' stands for 'MIDDLE EASTERN Respiratory Syndrome'.
"It was called this because Health officials first reported the disease in Saudi Arabia in September 2012. Through retrospective (backward-looking) investigations, they later identified that the first known cases of MERS occurred in Jordan in April 2012. So far, all cases of MERS have been linked through travel to, or residence in, countries in and near the Arabian Peninsula."

** About MERS

The President is referring to COVID-19 as the 'CHINA virus' because 1) this new strain of Coronavirus originated in CHINA ... and 2) to combat the on-going ChiCom govt propaganda campaign ridiculously claiming the US military attempted to plant COVID-19 in Huwan but that it backfired, leaked globally.
** Remember how they originally claimed it was traced back to n open-air market and was linked to shell fish...then BATS...and now suddenly it was a plot by the US military / govt?! :p


You can't pay to see comedy / entertainment like these ... especially since we are all being 'self-quarantined' thanks to the ChiComs.
Well he finally came around and is taking covid 19 seriously.
Newsom has repeatedly said he has no criticisms for Trump’s coronavirus response. You and your leftarded media have had nothing but mindless criticism.

He needs to apologize to the gov of Wash. for calling him a snake and to Gov Witmer, he said not doing enough.

Just because he came out with a different tone on March 16th, doesn't mean he hasn't suggested Covid 19 was a democratic hoax up till then. Now he calls it a Chinese virus. What a pitiful man , always has to put blame on something.

You mean it didn't come from China? China let it go on for far too long before taking drastic action, allowing it to spread so others got it and brought it here. They are keeping all their research hush-hush making it much more difficult for us and other countries to deal with this problem. Trump is absolutely correct, this is the Chinese virus, and yes, they are responsible for it.

Well we know it came from China, but he doesn't have to refer to it as the Chinese Virus. He is doing that so his followers (like you, I call you worshippers) are mad at the Chinese (in this country) and their country.

He always has to blame someone or something for his failures.

His failures? What did he fail at? The day the WHO sent out advisories (Jan 31) Trump immediately expanded his travel ban. The Democrats wanted Trump to reverse his decision because in their opinion, it was a move created out of racism. Furthermore, just two weeks ago they passed a bill to eliminate his original travel ban. Trump isn't making any mistakes, and thank God Hillary isn't in charge, because otherwise people with the virus would be flooding our country and things would be ten times worse.

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