WTH is wrong with Republicans?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Why are Republicans cooperating with these bogus "investigations" designed to undermine the Trump presidency? Are they cowed by the national press, or do they (not so secretly) envy his success and resent his intention to drain their swamp? Time will tell...
When it looks like the current Administration is in bed with an enemy, you don't have much choice but to pile on.
When it looks like the current Administration is in bed with an enemy, you don't have much choice but to pile on.

It's globalists who are the enemy to the mankind and the Dem elites (and unfortunately some of Rep elites) seem to be in bed with them.

Harlan K. Ullman, a shrewd American analyst, once noted that there used to be two parties in America – one had a conscience but no brains, and the other always had brains but no conscience. Now, Ullman notes, we have two completely identical parties with no brains and no conscience, and he questions the meaning of their existence.
America Forever?
When it looks like the current Administration is in bed with an enemy, you don't have much choice but to pile on.
Looks like because of baseless allegations? No, we are not all libs so no sale here.

Too many Republicans are suffering from Stockholm syndrome from being beaten into submission by the press.
Why are Republicans cooperating with these bogus "investigations" designed to undermine the Trump presidency? Are they cowed by the national press, or do they (not so secretly) envy his success and resent his intention to drain their swamp? Time will tell...
having spent the bulk of the past 8 years pursuing bogus show trials instead of doing their work, Congressional Yahoos have backed themselves into a corner....Jason Chaffetz understood this and took a hike rather than make a complete ass of himself.
Why are Republicans cooperating with these bogus "investigations" designed to undermine the Trump presidency? Are they cowed by the national press, or do they (not so secretly) envy his success and resent his intention to drain their swamp? Time will tell...

Do you think Trump looks worried about this? I suspect that in the end Trump knows he will be vindicated and perhaps the republican congress knows that as well. if that occurs there is going to be a huge payout for them in the public because the democrats will be seen as liars. I hope it keeps going and going until the end so that the public will see how futile it is to take on Trump. They already tried fake polls to stop Trump from being elected.
Why are Republicans cooperating with these bogus "investigations" designed to undermine the Trump presidency? Are they cowed by the national press, or do they (not so secretly) envy his success and resent his intention to drain their swamp? Time will tell...

Because they want him gone to.
"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
Why are Republicans cooperating with these bogus "investigations" designed to undermine the Trump presidency? Are they cowed by the national press, or do they (not so secretly) envy his success and resent his intention to drain their swamp? Time will tell...

Do you think Trump looks worried about this? I suspect that in the end Trump knows he will be vindicated and perhaps the republican congress knows that as well. if that occurs there is going to be a huge payout for them in the public because the democrats will be seen as liars. I hope it keeps going and going until the end so that the public will see how futile it is to take on Trump. They already tried fake polls to stop Trump from being elected.

Trump should primary every republican up for election in 2018. Keeping them around has been more trouble then its worth.
The situation reminds me of Jimmy Carter's presidency. That being an outsider as president that isn't looked upon by the party establishment with respect and leadership.
When it looks like the current Administration is in bed with an enemy, you don't have much choice but to pile on.

It's globalists who are the enemy to the mankind and the Dem elites (and unfortunately some of Rep elites) seem to be in bed with them.

Harlan K. Ullman, a shrewd American analyst, once noted that there used to be two parties in America – one had a conscience but no brains, and the other always had brains but no conscience. Now, Ullman notes, we have two completely identical parties with no brains and no conscience, and he questions the meaning of their existence.
America Forever?
The Preppy Republic

Populists must forcibly take all power away from both the Left Wing elitists and the Right Wing elitists. Both wings of the tiny Establishment despise, hate, and fear the silenced majority.
Why are Republicans cooperating with these bogus "investigations" designed to undermine the Trump presidency? Are they cowed by the national press, or do they (not so secretly) envy his success and resent his intention to drain their swamp? Time will tell...
You have lifetime losers like Ryan the Rino, Blubber Neck McConnell & Senile McCain who like the status quo in D.C. They do not want anyone who will jeopardize their gravy train. They would rather have Hillary than Trump. They are pieces of shit who are stalling his agenda.

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