WV house overrides Governors veto of pro gun bill

WV House overrides Tomblin's veto on permitless concealed carry bill

Awesome! Good job folks! Another pro 2nd amendment victory!
From the article:

"Tomblin vetoed the bill on Thursday over safety concerns from law enforcement."

Screw the safety concerns of law enforcement! Who the hell do they think they are?

2aguy should be along any minute now to get on his knees in front of you to show you how much he appreciates you posting this tidbit.

Doubtful that all of law enforcement had safety concerns. Most likely it was one of his cronies that he placed in law enforcement, some left wing nut job, that he is referring to. I know many LEOs and they are all pro-2nd Amendment.
One less thing to charge them with. Handgun down your pants, have a nice day, Sir...
If a convicted criminal carries he is charged with possessing carry and having a firearm illegally there is no need for concealed carry laws for legal owners.
Legal owners include what you people call thugs. And the no training requirement, brilliant...
ANYONE not barred by law from owning firearms is not a criminal and if they pass a background check should be allowed to concealed carry. ANYONE barred from owning a firearm is already breaking the law by carrying whether concealed or not, you don't need a concealed carry charge for them
And how many are barred? Oh right, not many but that kid who might have had a plan for that hidden gun is now perfectly legal to carry it, safely tucked away. No permits, no training, no nothin'.

The permits could be in place and that kid that had a plan for that hidden gun isn't going to be stopped by a piece of paper.
Nope, but they could have charged him with a crime. Now, they cannot.
Then why are repubs constantly passing more gun shit?
They get paid to, literally.

Yes they do. And they have a distraction from the fact they are fixing none of the real issues.
To them, those are the real issues. They get elected to prove government doesn't work...

But they want government to stop abortions and gay marriage. Figure that one out. That gay marriage issue is really going to fix our problems. And if you believe them that laws don't stop crime, what will a law against abortion do?
Then why are repubs constantly passing more gun shit?
They get paid to, literally.

Yes they do. And they have a distraction from the fact they are fixing none of the real issues.
To them, those are the real issues. They get elected to prove government doesn't work...

But they want government to stop abortions and gay marriage. Figure that one out. That gay marriage issue is really going to fix our problems. And if you believe them that laws don't stop crime, what will a law against abortion do?
Federal government should have nothing to do with abortions, gay marriage and firearms.
Then why are repubs constantly passing more gun shit?
They get paid to, literally.

Yes they do. And they have a distraction from the fact they are fixing none of the real issues.
To them, those are the real issues. They get elected to prove government doesn't work...

But they want government to stop abortions and gay marriage. Figure that one out. That gay marriage issue is really going to fix our problems. And if you believe them that laws don't stop crime, what will a law against abortion do?
Federal government should have nothing to do with abortions, gay marriage and firearms.
So, it's okay if the States ban all three?
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Then why are repubs constantly passing more gun shit?
They get paid to, literally.

Yes they do. And they have a distraction from the fact they are fixing none of the real issues.
To them, those are the real issues. They get elected to prove government doesn't work...

But they want government to stop abortions and gay marriage. Figure that one out. That gay marriage issue is really going to fix our problems. And if you believe them that laws don't stop crime, what will a law against abortion do?
Federal government should have nothing to do with abortions, gay marriage and firearms.

Those are the republicans biggest issues. They are working to make abortions illegal, gay marriage illegal, and selling guns. But budgets they are not balancing. They do nothing for the big issues that really effect people. Making guns easier to get when everyone already has easy access helps nobody, just a distraction from the real issues they have no answers to.
They get paid to, literally.

Yes they do. And they have a distraction from the fact they are fixing none of the real issues.
To them, those are the real issues. They get elected to prove government doesn't work...

But they want government to stop abortions and gay marriage. Figure that one out. That gay marriage issue is really going to fix our problems. And if you believe them that laws don't stop crime, what will a law against abortion do?
Federal government should have nothing to do with abortions, gay marriage and firearms.

Those are the republicans biggest issues. They are working to make abortions illegal, gay marriage illegal, and selling guns. But budgets they are not balancing. They do nothing for the big issues that really effect people. Making guns easier to get when everyone already has easy access helps nobody, just a distraction from the real issues they have no answers to.
Federal government should have nothing to do with these things, they do not have the moral fiber to know what's best for anyone.
The only way to balance the budget is to pay off the debt in full, we can all see how that's been going on over the last century or so, it's went up every year...
Yes they do. And they have a distraction from the fact they are fixing none of the real issues.
To them, those are the real issues. They get elected to prove government doesn't work...

But they want government to stop abortions and gay marriage. Figure that one out. That gay marriage issue is really going to fix our problems. And if you believe them that laws don't stop crime, what will a law against abortion do?
Federal government should have nothing to do with abortions, gay marriage and firearms.

Those are the republicans biggest issues. They are working to make abortions illegal, gay marriage illegal, and selling guns. But budgets they are not balancing. They do nothing for the big issues that really effect people. Making guns easier to get when everyone already has easy access helps nobody, just a distraction from the real issues they have no answers to.
Federal government should have nothing to do with these things, they do not have the moral fiber to know what's best for anyone.
The only way to balance the budget is to pay off the debt in full, we can all see how that's been going on over the last century or so, it's went up every year...
The States know what's best? So, if they ban abortions, gay marriage, and guns, that's best?
Yes they do. And they have a distraction from the fact they are fixing none of the real issues.
To them, those are the real issues. They get elected to prove government doesn't work...

But they want government to stop abortions and gay marriage. Figure that one out. That gay marriage issue is really going to fix our problems. And if you believe them that laws don't stop crime, what will a law against abortion do?
Federal government should have nothing to do with abortions, gay marriage and firearms.

Those are the republicans biggest issues. They are working to make abortions illegal, gay marriage illegal, and selling guns. But budgets they are not balancing. They do nothing for the big issues that really effect people. Making guns easier to get when everyone already has easy access helps nobody, just a distraction from the real issues they have no answers to.
Federal government should have nothing to do with these things, they do not have the moral fiber to know what's best for anyone.
The only way to balance the budget is to pay off the debt in full, we can all see how that's been going on over the last century or so, it's went up every year...

Yes and while it goes up every year people are distracted by made up issues like abortion, gay marriage, and guns. People are applauding the repubs for the OP. When in reality it is just another distraction from the real issues. If anything this has probably helped a few future criminals avoid extra jail time. Every gang has a few non felons they can give the guns to when the cops come around. It certainly does nothing to fix the real issues we have. The repubs were supposed to be small government and fiscally conservative. Those issues have been thrown away while they distract people. Stop applauding when they waste time passing things that fix nothing.
Millions & millions of legal Gun Owners feel differently. They're feel under attack.

Yes it is a made up issue to sell guns. Even the mildest gun laws don't pass. It is a distraction from real issues. Just another way to divide the country.

I disagree. The Communist/Progressive Gun Grabbers are a real threat. They have an agenda. And that agenda is to ban firearms in America. It's no 'imaginary' threat.

We have far less restrictive gun laws now than we had 20 years ago. Yet the gun sellers make you think your rights are under attack. It is a farse .

Wages are under attack. They have been stagnant for years while repubs talk guns. Just a distraction from real issues.
Quit bringing guns up then, Focus on the real issues. Dumbass

It is republicans bringing up this fake issue. You clowns praise them for protecting your right that doesn't need protecting. Meanwhile they are grossly incompetent at everything that does need fixing.

The thread topic is on West Virginia's Legislature overriding the Governor on a gun bill. If you don't wanna discuss guns, just exit the thread. Problem solved. You're welcome.
To them, those are the real issues. They get elected to prove government doesn't work...

But they want government to stop abortions and gay marriage. Figure that one out. That gay marriage issue is really going to fix our problems. And if you believe them that laws don't stop crime, what will a law against abortion do?
Federal government should have nothing to do with abortions, gay marriage and firearms.

Those are the republicans biggest issues. They are working to make abortions illegal, gay marriage illegal, and selling guns. But budgets they are not balancing. They do nothing for the big issues that really effect people. Making guns easier to get when everyone already has easy access helps nobody, just a distraction from the real issues they have no answers to.
Federal government should have nothing to do with these things, they do not have the moral fiber to know what's best for anyone.
The only way to balance the budget is to pay off the debt in full, we can all see how that's been going on over the last century or so, it's went up every year...
The States know what's best? So, if they ban abortions, gay marriage, and guns, that's best?
Easy live in the state you like
Yes it is a made up issue to sell guns. Even the mildest gun laws don't pass. It is a distraction from real issues. Just another way to divide the country.

I disagree. The Communist/Progressive Gun Grabbers are a real threat. They have an agenda. And that agenda is to ban firearms in America. It's no 'imaginary' threat.

We have far less restrictive gun laws now than we had 20 years ago. Yet the gun sellers make you think your rights are under attack. It is a farse .

Wages are under attack. They have been stagnant for years while repubs talk guns. Just a distraction from real issues.
Quit bringing guns up then, Focus on the real issues. Dumbass

It is republicans bringing up this fake issue. You clowns praise them for protecting your right that doesn't need protecting. Meanwhile they are grossly incompetent at everything that does need fixing.

The thread topic is on West Virginia's Legislature overriding the Governor on a gun bill. If you don't wanna discuss guns, just exit the thread. Problem solved. You're welcome.

Ok, applaud them for fixing nothing. You have been duped. You are better than this. But I will exit.
But they want government to stop abortions and gay marriage. Figure that one out. That gay marriage issue is really going to fix our problems. And if you believe them that laws don't stop crime, what will a law against abortion do?
Federal government should have nothing to do with abortions, gay marriage and firearms.

Those are the republicans biggest issues. They are working to make abortions illegal, gay marriage illegal, and selling guns. But budgets they are not balancing. They do nothing for the big issues that really effect people. Making guns easier to get when everyone already has easy access helps nobody, just a distraction from the real issues they have no answers to.
Federal government should have nothing to do with these things, they do not have the moral fiber to know what's best for anyone.
The only way to balance the budget is to pay off the debt in full, we can all see how that's been going on over the last century or so, it's went up every year...
The States know what's best? So, if they ban abortions, gay marriage, and guns, that's best?
Easy live in the state you like
So, if they ban abortions, gay marriage, and guns, that's best? Yes, or no?
To them, those are the real issues. They get elected to prove government doesn't work...

But they want government to stop abortions and gay marriage. Figure that one out. That gay marriage issue is really going to fix our problems. And if you believe them that laws don't stop crime, what will a law against abortion do?
Federal government should have nothing to do with abortions, gay marriage and firearms.

Those are the republicans biggest issues. They are working to make abortions illegal, gay marriage illegal, and selling guns. But budgets they are not balancing. They do nothing for the big issues that really effect people. Making guns easier to get when everyone already has easy access helps nobody, just a distraction from the real issues they have no answers to.
Federal government should have nothing to do with these things, they do not have the moral fiber to know what's best for anyone.
The only way to balance the budget is to pay off the debt in full, we can all see how that's been going on over the last century or so, it's went up every year...

Yes and while it goes up every year people are distracted by made up issues like abortion, gay marriage, and guns. People are applauding the repubs for the OP. When in reality it is just another distraction from the real issues. If anything this has probably helped a few future criminals avoid extra jail time. Every gang has a few non felons they can give the guns to when the cops come around. It certainly does nothing to fix the real issues we have. The repubs were supposed to be small government and fiscally conservative. Those issues have been thrown away while they distract people. Stop applauding when they waste time passing things that fix nothing.
It's all about control with you is it not?? Typical progressive
Federal government should have nothing to do with abortions, gay marriage and firearms.

Those are the republicans biggest issues. They are working to make abortions illegal, gay marriage illegal, and selling guns. But budgets they are not balancing. They do nothing for the big issues that really effect people. Making guns easier to get when everyone already has easy access helps nobody, just a distraction from the real issues they have no answers to.
Federal government should have nothing to do with these things, they do not have the moral fiber to know what's best for anyone.
The only way to balance the budget is to pay off the debt in full, we can all see how that's been going on over the last century or so, it's went up every year...
The States know what's best? So, if they ban abortions, gay marriage, and guns, that's best?
Easy live in the state you like
So, if they ban abortions, gay marriage, and guns, that's best? Yes, or no?
Those things are states issues, let each state duke it out amongst themselves...
I disagree. The Communist/Progressive Gun Grabbers are a real threat. They have an agenda. And that agenda is to ban firearms in America. It's no 'imaginary' threat.

We have far less restrictive gun laws now than we had 20 years ago. Yet the gun sellers make you think your rights are under attack. It is a farse .

Wages are under attack. They have been stagnant for years while repubs talk guns. Just a distraction from real issues.
Quit bringing guns up then, Focus on the real issues. Dumbass

It is republicans bringing up this fake issue. You clowns praise them for protecting your right that doesn't need protecting. Meanwhile they are grossly incompetent at everything that does need fixing.

The thread topic is on West Virginia's Legislature overriding the Governor on a gun bill. If you don't wanna discuss guns, just exit the thread. Problem solved. You're welcome.

Ok, applaud them for fixing nothing. You have been duped. You are better than this. But I will exit.

Uh, you do know the thread topic is on a gun issue, no? You said you don't wanna discuss the issue, yet you're still here discussing it. And personally, i don't see this as a big deal. It just makes it easier for good law abiding citizens to arm and protect themselves. It balances the playing field.

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