WV house overrides Governors veto of pro gun bill

Granny was always allowed to. Now she needs no permit, and no training. True for her and the criminals. What could possibly go wrong...

Now she'll be allowed to conceal. Don't mess with Granny. That would be my advice.
She always was allowed to. And so are the criminals, now...

No, they are not allowed to.
Lots of criminals still have guns, legally. And now they can carry them hidden, that's legal.
Na, not really...
Yes, really.
One of the biggest ironies in the whole gun rights vs. mass shootings debate is that those arguing against any and all restrictions or registration of guns, or increased background checks to try to reduce gun violence are perfectly happy to turn around and trade off other people's rights by calling for surveillance of mosques or a muslim database.
More laws only hurt law abiding people...
And give criminals more opportunity, enForce current laws and leave it at that.
We don't have the time or money to mess around with frivolous laws.
WV House overrides Tomblin's veto on permitless concealed carry bill

Awesome! Good job folks! Another pro 2nd amendment victory!
From the article:

"Tomblin vetoed the bill on Thursday over safety concerns from law enforcement."

Screw the safety concerns of law enforcement! Who the hell do they think they are?

2aguy should be along any minute now to get on his knees in front of you to show you how much he appreciates you posting this tidbit.
Screw anyone's concerns when it comes to MY rights. Oh and their pathetic "concerns" are asinine since people can ALREADY carry concealed in WV this just makes it to where now when its COLD out which it does happen in WV they can wear a coat or sweatshirt over their holster. Cry about it.

It is not your right to be able to carry a gun without a permit. That's well established in case law.
The Second Amendment is my permit
The repubs keep proving they are owned by the nra. We have real problems and they just keep selling guns. Meanwhile cops and kids are getting shot regularly. Never mind the mass shootings. No wonder the party is imploding.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
The repubs keep proving they are owned by the nra. We have real problems and they just keep selling guns. Meanwhile cops and kids are getting shot regularly. Never mind the mass shootings. No wonder the party is imploding.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Do tell, why was the gun invented? The original name, a hand cannon, is a hint...
Screw anyone's concerns when it comes to MY rights. Oh and their pathetic "concerns" are asinine since people can ALREADY carry concealed in WV this just makes it to where now when its COLD out which it does happen in WV they can wear a coat or sweatshirt over their holster. Cry about it.

It is not your right to be able to carry a gun without a permit. That's well established in case law.

If you legally own a firearm, i see no reason why you can't carry it on your person. In fact, these days it would be very wise to do so.

These days? Crime is at historic lows.
Thanks to people arming themselves and criminals thinking twice before committing a crime.

Not at all. Thanks to policing, security systems, cameras all over... Crime was downward trending when gun ownership was downward trending. If more guns lowered crime we would have the lowest crime rates in the world. We do not. We have real issues they need fixing and the repubs sell guns and attack planned parenthood.
The repubs keep proving they are owned by the nra. We have real problems and they just keep selling guns. Meanwhile cops and kids are getting shot regularly. Never mind the mass shootings. No wonder the party is imploding.

Even the most moderate attempts to control guns are shot down. Conceal carry is one good example. There's a checkerboard of laws on that, differing by state. Some require a training course on safety and expertise, and a permit. What the hell is wrong with that?
The second amendment is only permit required
The repubs keep proving they are owned by the nra. We have real problems and they just keep selling guns. Meanwhile cops and kids are getting shot regularly. Never mind the mass shootings. No wonder the party is imploding.

Even the most moderate attempts to control guns are shot down. Conceal carry is one good example. There's a checkerboard of laws on that, differing by state. Some require a training course on safety and expertise, and a permit. What the hell is wrong with that?

All this pro gun crap helps nobody. There are real issues that need fixing and all repubs do is sell guns, hate gays, and attack planned parenthood. I think they realize their answers don't work so they distract people from actual problems.
You're making shit up, now go hide
Wonderful, then don't obtain a firearm or carry one on your person. That's your call. I'm good with that. But others are choosing to go another route. And that's their Constitutional right.

Yes guns are legal, that's fine. They also don't fix any of our problems. Why are repubs spending so much time on them!

It's much more than that. It's about defending and preserving our Constitutional rights. Our Constitution is now under constant assault. If they destroy the 2nd Amendment, what else will they go after? It won't end with the eliminating the 2nd Amendment.

I have not seen any serious attempt to end the 2nd amendment. It is a made up issue to sell more guns.

Millions & millions of legal Gun Owners feel differently. They're feel under attack.

Yes it is a made up issue to sell guns. Even the mildest gun laws don't pass. It is a distraction from real issues. Just another way to divide the country.
It's much more than that. It's about defending and preserving our Constitutional rights. Our Constitution is now under constant assault. If they destroy the 2nd Amendment, what else will they go after? It won't end with the eliminating the 2nd Amendment.

I have not seen any serious attempt to end the 2nd amendment. It is a made up issue to sell more guns.

Millions & millions of legal Gun Owners feel differently. They're feel under attack.

Yes it is a made up issue to sell guns. Even the mildest gun laws don't pass. It is a distraction from real issues. Just another way to divide the country.

I disagree. The Communist/Progressive Gun Grabbers are a real threat. They have an agenda. And that agenda is to ban firearms in America. It's no 'imaginary' threat.

We have far less restrictive gun laws now than we had 20 years ago. Yet the gun sellers make you think your rights are under attack. It is a farse .

Wages are under attack. They have been stagnant for years while repubs talk guns. Just a distraction from real issues.
Quit bringing guns up then, Focus on the real issues. Dumbass
Great news for the average criminal, no permit needed so, you can't be charged with that any longer...

They are called criminals for a reason. Do you really think they care about whether a permit is required?
One less thing to charge them with. Handgun down your pants, have a nice day, Sir...
If a convicted criminal carries he is charged with possessing carry and having a firearm illegally there is no need for concealed carry laws for legal owners.
Legal owners include what you people call thugs. And the no training requirement, brilliant...
ANYONE not barred by law from owning firearms is not a criminal and if they pass a background check should be allowed to concealed carry. ANYONE barred from owning a firearm is already breaking the law by carrying whether concealed or not, you don't need a concealed carry charge for them
The repubs keep proving they are owned by the nra. We have real problems and they just keep selling guns. Meanwhile cops and kids are getting shot regularly. Never mind the mass shootings. No wonder the party is imploding.

Even the most moderate attempts to control guns are shot down. Conceal carry is one good example. There's a checkerboard of laws on that, differing by state. Some require a training course on safety and expertise, and a permit. What the hell is wrong with that?
So you would be ok with a test to exercise your right to vote right? I mean whats the problem?
Great news for the average criminal, no permit needed so, you can't be charged with that any longer...

They are called criminals for a reason. Do you really think they care about whether a permit is required?
One less thing to charge them with. Handgun down your pants, have a nice day, Sir...
If a convicted criminal carries he is charged with possessing carry and having a firearm illegally there is no need for concealed carry laws for legal owners.
Legal owners include what you people call thugs. And the no training requirement, brilliant...
ANYONE not barred by law from owning firearms is not a criminal and if they pass a background check should be allowed to concealed carry. ANYONE barred from owning a firearm is already breaking the law by carrying whether concealed or not, you don't need a concealed carry charge for them
And how many are barred? Oh right, not many but that kid who might have had a plan for that hidden gun is now perfectly legal to carry it, safely tucked away. No permits, no training, no nothin'.
They are called criminals for a reason. Do you really think they care about whether a permit is required?
One less thing to charge them with. Handgun down your pants, have a nice day, Sir...
If a convicted criminal carries he is charged with possessing carry and having a firearm illegally there is no need for concealed carry laws for legal owners.
Legal owners include what you people call thugs. And the no training requirement, brilliant...
ANYONE not barred by law from owning firearms is not a criminal and if they pass a background check should be allowed to concealed carry. ANYONE barred from owning a firearm is already breaking the law by carrying whether concealed or not, you don't need a concealed carry charge for them
And how many are barred? Oh right, not many but that kid who might have had a plan for that hidden gun is now perfectly legal to carry it, safely tucked away. No permits, no training, no nothin'.
I knew it, you're an absolute control freak... Lol
The repubs keep proving they are owned by the nra. We have real problems and they just keep selling guns. Meanwhile cops and kids are getting shot regularly. Never mind the mass shootings. No wonder the party is imploding.

Even the most moderate attempts to control guns are shot down. Conceal carry is one good example. There's a checkerboard of laws on that, differing by state. Some require a training course on safety and expertise, and a permit. What the hell is wrong with that?
So you would be ok with a test to exercise your right to vote right? I mean whats the problem?

There is a minimum age required to vote. It's not an unlimited right. In addition in some states, convicted felons lose their right to vote. It's not an unlimited right. Unlike the 2nd Amendment voting is a requirement of a functional democracy. Poll taxes and tests were ruled unconstitutional.

Why would a common sense approach to concealed carry bother you? People have to pass a test to drive a car but not to carry a gun?

Why is it that the 2nd Amendment is viewed by people like you as the only right in which there should be no restrictions or limits?
The repubs keep proving they are owned by the nra. We have real problems and they just keep selling guns. Meanwhile cops and kids are getting shot regularly. Never mind the mass shootings. No wonder the party is imploding.

Even the most moderate attempts to control guns are shot down. Conceal carry is one good example. There's a checkerboard of laws on that, differing by state. Some require a training course on safety and expertise, and a permit. What the hell is wrong with that?
So you would be ok with a test to exercise your right to vote right? I mean whats the problem?

There is a minimum age required to vote. It's not an unlimited right. In addition in some states, convicted felons lose their right to vote. It's not an unlimited right. Unlike the 2nd Amendment voting is a requirement of a functional democracy. Poll taxes and tests were ruled unconstitutional.

Why would a common sense approach to concealed carry bother you? People have to pass a test to drive a car but not to carry a gun?

Why is it that the 2nd Amendment is viewed by people like you as the only right in which there should be no restrictions or limits?
Driving the car is not a right, the Second Amendment is a right...
We already have plenty of laws on the books no reason for dumbass repetition.
The repubs keep proving they are owned by the nra. We have real problems and they just keep selling guns. Meanwhile cops and kids are getting shot regularly. Never mind the mass shootings. No wonder the party is imploding.

Even the most moderate attempts to control guns are shot down. Conceal carry is one good example. There's a checkerboard of laws on that, differing by state. Some require a training course on safety and expertise, and a permit. What the hell is wrong with that?
So you would be ok with a test to exercise your right to vote right? I mean whats the problem?

There is a minimum age required to vote. It's not an unlimited right. In addition in some states, convicted felons lose their right to vote. It's not an unlimited right. Unlike the 2nd Amendment voting is a requirement of a functional democracy. Poll taxes and tests were ruled unconstitutional.

Why would a common sense approach to concealed carry bother you? People have to pass a test to drive a car but not to carry a gun?

Why is it that the 2nd Amendment is viewed by people like you as the only right in which there should be no restrictions or limits?
Be VERY specific, list for me the Constitutional Right to drive......And there are restrictions, felons and certain crimes convicted of lose the right. One must undergo a background check to buy a firearm. There is an age limit. Getting the point yet?
The repubs keep proving they are owned by the nra. We have real problems and they just keep selling guns. Meanwhile cops and kids are getting shot regularly. Never mind the mass shootings. No wonder the party is imploding.

Even the most moderate attempts to control guns are shot down. Conceal carry is one good example. There's a checkerboard of laws on that, differing by state. Some require a training course on safety and expertise, and a permit. What the hell is wrong with that?
So you would be ok with a test to exercise your right to vote right? I mean whats the problem?

There is a minimum age required to vote. It's not an unlimited right. In addition in some states, convicted felons lose their right to vote. It's not an unlimited right. Unlike the 2nd Amendment voting is a requirement of a functional democracy. Poll taxes and tests were ruled unconstitutional.

Why would a common sense approach to concealed carry bother you? People have to pass a test to drive a car but not to carry a gun?

Why is it that the 2nd Amendment is viewed by people like you as the only right in which there should be no restrictions or limits?
Be VERY specific, list for me the Constitutional Right to drive......And there are restrictions, felons and certain crimes convicted of lose the right. One must undergo a background check to buy a firearm. There is an age limit. Getting the point yet?

A background check means only that the person is clean - no indication of knowledge.

What's wrong with requiring knowledge for a concealed carry?
The repubs keep proving they are owned by the nra. We have real problems and they just keep selling guns. Meanwhile cops and kids are getting shot regularly. Never mind the mass shootings. No wonder the party is imploding.

Even the most moderate attempts to control guns are shot down. Conceal carry is one good example. There's a checkerboard of laws on that, differing by state. Some require a training course on safety and expertise, and a permit. What the hell is wrong with that?
So you would be ok with a test to exercise your right to vote right? I mean whats the problem?

There is a minimum age required to vote. It's not an unlimited right. In addition in some states, convicted felons lose their right to vote. It's not an unlimited right. Unlike the 2nd Amendment voting is a requirement of a functional democracy. Poll taxes and tests were ruled unconstitutional.

Why would a common sense approach to concealed carry bother you? People have to pass a test to drive a car but not to carry a gun?

Why is it that the 2nd Amendment is viewed by people like you as the only right in which there should be no restrictions or limits?
Driving the car is not a right, the Second Amendment is a right...
We already have plenty of laws on the books no reason for dumbass repetition.

What laws are on the books "for no reason" requiring a minimum of knowledge on how to operate a dangerous weapon responsibly?

Why do you oppose this?

There are limits on other rights. Why not gun rights?
Do I have the constitutional right to foment a rebellian (hey it's free speech!)

How about yelling "run - there's a gunman" in a crowded theatre?

My religion requires sacrificing hamsters (beheading them with toenail clippers to be exact) - why are you restricting my right?

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