WW1 100YR memorial: Trump cancels due to "weather", 69 other world leaders are going (54 & rainy)

It was at the G7 Summit and I can post several videos and articles if you like. Just say the word. A simple Google search will bring up several different sources.
I hope you are really not some poor animals mom...You are the one who asked where it was at, not me...geez!
Your reply to my comment was simply CNN, which as we all know is the right's code for fake news. I was pointing out that it was in fact, a fact and could be verified via several different sites.
It was at the G7 Summit and I can post several videos and articles if you like. Just say the word. A simple Google search will bring up several different sources.
I hope you are really not some poor animals mom...You are the one who asked where it was at, not me...geez!
Your reply to my comment was simply CNN, which as we all know is the right's code for fake news. I was pointing out that it was in fact, a fact and could be verified via several different sites. I remembered it after I replied to you. I've got several things going on today and am trying to keep up here too.
And yes, I do have animals who I treat very well. I have horses who have a heated barn and are very spoiled. I have cats and a dog and am a volunteer for a no kill rescue group. In between keeping up with this thread, I was helping my guy to replace my well pump that died a couple of days ago. So, sometimes I just skim over the comments and probably miss a lot. Since people here can be so nasty, I will try not to make that mistake again.
We're good
Anybody notice that every republican prezdent in this century have 1) been draft dodgers and 2) became prezdent although the majority of Americans voted against them, and 3) both are dumber than a box of hammers. We now know trump's scared of the rain, not sure about bush jr.
Anybody notice that every republican prezdent in this century have 1) been draft dodgers and 2) become prezdent although the majority of Americans voted against them and (3 both are dumber than a box of hammers. We now know trump's scared of the rain, not sure about bush jr.
All we need to do to win is try and find candidates who can exceed those lofty achievements...see Obama
It was at the G7 Summit and I can post several videos and articles if you like. Just say the word. A simple Google search will bring up several different sources.
I hope you are really not some poor animals mom...You are the one who asked where it was at, not me...geez!
Your reply to my comment was simply CNN, which as we all know is the right's code for fake news. I was pointing out that it was in fact, a fact and could be verified via several different sites.
It was at the G7 Summit and I can post several videos and articles if you like. Just say the word. A simple Google search will bring up several different sources.
I hope you are really not some poor animals mom...You are the one who asked where it was at, not me...geez!
Your reply to my comment was simply CNN, which as we all know is the right's code for fake news. I was pointing out that it was in fact, a fact and could be verified via several different sites. I remembered it after I replied to you. I've got several things going on today and am trying to keep up here too.
And yes, I do have animals who I treat very well. I have horses who have a heated barn and are very spoiled. I have cats and a dog and am a volunteer for a no kill rescue group. In between keeping up with this thread, I was helping my guy to replace my well pump that died a couple of days ago. So, sometimes I just skim over the comments and probably miss a lot. Since people here can be so nasty, I will try not to make that mistake again.
We're good
Thank you.
My new theory; Trump's hair in the rain is the most embarrassing sight in the world, and he doesn't want the mean Frenchies poking fun. Very fragile ego.
One of the worlds most hysterical ironies is a progressive male thumping out his chest calling other males cowards. Non- progressive males know exactly what I'm talking about!

I mean....c'mon now....who's picking Tom, Black Flag or any other pseudo-males in this thread to share a foxhole with or even walking into a bar with for that matter!:abgg2q.jpg:
One of the worlds most hysterical ironies is a progressive male thumping out his chest calling other males cowards. Non- progressive males know exactly what I'm talking about!

I mean....c'mon now....who's picking Tom, Black Flag or any other pseudo-males in this thread to share a foxhole with or even walking into a bar with for that matter!:abgg2q.jpg:
^ :cuckoo:
Anybody notice that every republican prezdent in this century have 1) been draft dodgers and 2) became prezdent although the majority of Americans voted against them, and 3) both are dumber than a box of hammers. We now know trump's scared of the rain, not sure about bush jr.
Somehow i dont think this is the real Bannon.

But this is the real Putin:
Nicholas Soames, a British politician and grandson of Winston Churchill, ripped President Trump on Saturday for canceling a cemetery visit in France due to bad weather.

"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted.

Soames, who is a member of Parliament for Mid Sussex, included a hashtag saying Trump is "not fit to represent his great country."

Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather

I suppose it was raining. "Pathetic inadequate" covers so many bases.

Scale of one to ten: what is Tommy's obsession level with President Trump first, and anything American second?

I would say it breaks whatever meter you give it. Which is so odd. Does NOTHING happen in Wales?
Scale of one to ten: what is Tommy's obsession level with President Trump first, and anything American second?

I would say it breaks whatever meter you give it. Which is so odd. Does NOTHING happen in Wales?
Soccer is excitement for them...I have done or been a part of at least 25 more exciting things than soccer today...including most things on this message board.
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Trump pisses on US heroes and you jackasses are ok with that. Why dont you just make him King and be done with it ?
You have a "king." We laugh at him. You guys don't even have an army anymore. You can't function without foreign mercenaries. Britain's days are numbered. You will soon find yourselves under the thumb of your Islamic masters.
Scale of one to ten: what is Tommy's obsession level with President Trump first, and anything American second?

I would say it breaks whatever meter you give it. Which is so odd. Does NOTHING happen in Wales?
Soccer is excitement for them...I have done or been a part of at least 25 more exciting than soccer today...including most things on this message board.

They brag about their weather changing. Not even kidding. What they mean is, it might rain at any time.

People from North America look at their "changeable weather" like whut. On this date last month it was in the mid 80s and we were wearing sandals. Today, we have several inches of snow and it's below freezing.

Even their weather is boring.
They brag about their weather changing. Not even kidding. What they mean is, it might rain at any time.

People from North America look at their "changeable weather" like whut. On this date last month it was in the mid 80s and we were wearing sandals. Today, we have several inches of snow and it's below freezing.

Even their weather is boring.
Give them credit for being smart enough to dump the EU, at least a majority of them.
Trump pisses on US heroes and you jackasses are ok with that. Why dont you just make him King and be done with it ?
You have a "king." We laugh at him. You guys don't even have an army anymore. You can't function without foreign mercenaries. Britain's days are numbered. You will soon find yourselves under the thumb of your Islamic masters.

That will hurt Tommy's feelings---they sent soldiers to Iraq and like, a hundred of them died! (Don't mind the half a million that died fighting their world wars some 70 years ago)

Plus radical Muslims are the nicest people. So diverse.
They brag about their weather changing. Not even kidding. What they mean is, it might rain at any time.

People from North America look at their "changeable weather" like whut. On this date last month it was in the mid 80s and we were wearing sandals. Today, we have several inches of snow and it's below freezing.

Even their weather is boring.
Give them credit for being smart enough to dump the EU, at least a majority of them.

Agreed. But now it won't happen; they've been browbeaten by the Tommies of the UK, see.

So now they will lose the UK, and the way they take out their frustration about all that is to harp on America. So easy to see. But so short-sighted and stupid.
American President Donald Trump gave American WWI military heroes the ultimate disrespect and refused to attend a Memorial Service at a cemetery for American war dead in France.
Trump has earned a reputation for disrespecting one of more American Military war heroes, but this latest may top anything he has done in the past.
He's in France to celebrate the Veterans who gave their lives during WWI but....well...it rained...so he couldn't.

Of course the guys that gave their lives spent months in mud and rain but ya know...Trump's rich and pampered so....

Nah...he'll sit in the Embassy and tweet

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