WW1 100YR memorial: Trump cancels due to "weather", 69 other world leaders are going (54 & rainy)

It was an American Cemetry as well.

“Donald Trump complained about having to stand in the rain, to speak about the massacre in Pittsburgh, because it messed his hair up (more),” said VoteVets in a tweet, referring to Trump’s remarks after a mass shooting two weeks ago in which 11 people were killed. “Today, he will skip honoring fallen American heroes of WWI, and stay in his hotel room, because of some rain.”

It's been claimed that this was called because it was not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain.

If that is true, your complaint is even more bullshit that it was.

You lose.
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, nad here's a real President....

Obama was a "real president" in the same sense he was a Nobel Prize winner.

Trump, on the other hand, is a real president. Don't bother whining about it. We all get it.
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.

Dang sweets....that's some cult! 60 million people....happy as shit btw....especially the groin kicks to the left he is so fond of! Every day he has you people in knots peeling off layers of skin. Its hysterical to we cult members!:backpedal:

There are more people in this country who despise him than worship him, so laugh all you want. Tell him how much you adore him and I'm sure he will allow you to kiss his balls. But then, I'm sure you would consider it a privilege.
It was an American Cemetry as well.

“Donald Trump complained about having to stand in the rain, to speak about the massacre in Pittsburgh, because it messed his hair up (more),” said VoteVets in a tweet, referring to Trump’s remarks after a mass shooting two weeks ago in which 11 people were killed. “Today, he will skip honoring fallen American heroes of WWI, and stay in his hotel room, because of some rain.”

It's been claimed that this was called because it was not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain.

If that is true, your complaint is even more bullshit that it was.

You lose.
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, nad here's a real President....

Obama was a "real president" in the same sense he was a Nobel Prize winner.

Trump, on the other hand, is a real president. Don't bother whining about it. We all get it.
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.
I suggest you watch history unfold itself. Regaless, there is little doubt that Trump is a far more consequential president after two years than Obama was in eight.
What if Cadet Bone Spurs REALLY has a health issue?

I mean like despite the fact that he is the healthiest president in the universe, and also in several dimensions incomprehensible to humans. More than Kim Jong Il even.
It was an American Cemetry as well.

“Donald Trump complained about having to stand in the rain, to speak about the massacre in Pittsburgh, because it messed his hair up (more),” said VoteVets in a tweet, referring to Trump’s remarks after a mass shooting two weeks ago in which 11 people were killed. “Today, he will skip honoring fallen American heroes of WWI, and stay in his hotel room, because of some rain.”

It's been claimed that this was called because it was not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain.

If that is true, your complaint is even more bullshit that it was.

You lose.
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, nad here's a real President....

Obama was a "real president" in the same sense he was a Nobel Prize winner.

Trump, on the other hand, is a real president. Don't bother whining about it. We all get it.
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.
I suggest you watch history unfold itself. Regaless, there is little doubt that Trump is a far more consequential president after two years than Obama was in eight.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
I'm done with you because if there's one thing I've learned, logic and facts just don't register with a trump worshiper, so I'm not going to waste my time or energy on you any longer.
The tirade seems out of
It's been claimed that this was called because it was not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain.

If that is true, your complaint is even more bullshit that it was.

You lose.
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, nad here's a real President....

Obama was a "real president" in the same sense he was a Nobel Prize winner.

Trump, on the other hand, is a real president. Don't bother whining about it. We all get it.
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.

Dang sweets....that's some cult! 60 million people....happy as shit btw....especially the groin kicks to the left he is so fond of! Every day he has you people in knots peeling off layers of skin. Its hysterical to we cult members!:backpedal:

There are more people in this country who despise him than worship him, so laugh all you want. Tell him how much you adore him and I'm sure he will allow you to kiss his balls. But then, I'm sure you would consider it a privilege.
"Kiss his balls" ?....There's your days hate speech from a typical democrat mom. The hatred on the left is beyond crazy.
The US should ask Obama to represent them at this type of event. Somewhere that a bit of class is needed.
What if Cadet Bone Spurs REALLY has a health issue?

I mean like despite the fact that he is the healthiest president in the universe, and also in several dimensions incomprehensible to humans. More than Kim Jong Il even.
Look at him! He's gotten even fatter than he was a year ago. He really should go see Dr. Nowzaradan for gastric bypass surgery.
What if Cadet Bone Spurs REALLY has a health issue?
I think being healthy would be an issue for the left

I mean like despite the fact that he is the healthiest president in the universe, and also in several dimensions incomprehensible to humans.
While possible, I'm not sure about that, but he is without question the most powerful president in the universe no matter the dimension, FACT
More than Kim Jong Il even.
I happen to know for a fact he suffers from nothing medical
Oh, are the Brits annoyed because the President of the United States cancelled a visit to a French cemetery? Boo Hoo. The elitist snobs should thank America every day that they aren't speaking German.
Its an American Military Cemetrey you thick fucker. Didnt you know that ?

Here is a picture of an American who braved the slight drizzle to pay respects.

Maybe the real reason is that the cemetery is really big and there are no golf carts to cart his obese ass around. We all know he can't even walk a short distance without one. Where was it that all the rest of the presidents of the countries were walking but he had to ride in a golf cart?
Nicholas Soames, a British politician and grandson of Winston Churchill, ripped President Trump on Saturday for canceling a cemetery visit in France due to bad weather.

"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted.

Soames, who is a member of Parliament for Mid Sussex, included a hashtag saying Trump is "not fit to represent his great country."

Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather

I suppose it was raining. "Pathetic inadequate" covers so many bases.
STFU idiot.
What if Cadet Bone Spurs REALLY has a health issue?
I think being healthy would be an issue for the left

I mean like despite the fact that he is the healthiest president in the universe, and also in several dimensions incomprehensible to humans.
While possible, I'm not sure about that, but he is without question the most powerful president in the universe no matter the dimension, FACT
More than Kim Jong Il even.
I happen to know for a fact he suffers from nothing medical
How do you know this for a fact? Are you his doctor? Do you have access to his medical records? Or, are you just believing it because he said it? He's clinically obese, eats only junk food, never sleeps, and can't even walk a short distance without having to ride in a golf cart. You call that healthy?
Nicholas Soames, a British politician and grandson of Winston Churchill, ripped President Trump on Saturday for canceling a cemetery visit in France due to bad weather.

"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames tweeted.

Soames, who is a member of Parliament for Mid Sussex, included a hashtag saying Trump is "not fit to represent his great country."

Churchill's grandson slams Trump for skipping cemetery visit because of weather

I suppose it was raining. "Pathetic inadequate" covers so many bases.

To be quite blunt, Tommy...why should I care what Nicholas Soames thinks of the President of the United States?
The tirade seems out of
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, nad here's a real President....

Obama was a "real president" in the same sense he was a Nobel Prize winner.

Trump, on the other hand, is a real president. Don't bother whining about it. We all get it.
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.

Dang sweets....that's some cult! 60 million people....happy as shit btw....especially the groin kicks to the left he is so fond of! Every day he has you people in knots peeling off layers of skin. Its hysterical to we cult members!:backpedal:

There are more people in this country who despise him than worship him, so laugh all you want. Tell him how much you adore him and I'm sure he will allow you to kiss his balls. But then, I'm sure you would consider it a privilege.
"Kiss his balls" ?....There's your days hate speech from a typical democrat mom. The hatred on the left is beyond crazy.

Oh honey, I'm learning from the best right here. What I said is mild compared to some of the filth I've read here from the right wingers.
It's been claimed that this was called because it was not safe to fly a helicopter in the rain.

If that is true, your complaint is even more bullshit that it was.

You lose.
There wasn't a car he could have taken? He didn't want to go.....period!

Oh, nad here's a real President....

Obama was a "real president" in the same sense he was a Nobel Prize winner.

Trump, on the other hand, is a real president. Don't bother whining about it. We all get it.
trump will never be a real president because he's nothing but a coward and a fake, but he has cult worshipers such as yourself and adoration is the only thing he craves, so keep up the good work. Actually, I guess if you consider a narcissistic, thin skinned, ignorant buffoon to be a good president, then you're correct. In the meantime, keep turning a blind eye to the destruction he's doing to this country.
I suggest you watch history unfold itself. Regaless, there is little doubt that Trump is a far more consequential president after two years than Obama was in eight.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
I'm done with you because if there's one thing I've learned, logic and facts just don't register with a trump worshiper, so I'm not going to waste my time or energy on you any longer.
Ciao snowflake.

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