WW111 Starts in the Mid-east very soon.

WW111 Starts in the Mid-east very soon.
When? Can you at least give a month or year?

Otherwise you're just another doomsday person saying "someday soon blah blah blah" who's unwilling to admit they they spend a lifetime being wrong about the sky falling.

Umm...This is the same goon that's been saying the rapture is imminent. For two years.

And the same Gismo who posted this very thing last week.

Isn't there a rule against constantly spamming so many forums with the same shit?

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On the Road to Armageddon

How evangelicals became Israel's best friend.

Read more at On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

I saw a television piece on this just last night.

If you ask me, they're all nuts.

BOTTOMLINE= YOU LOVE AND BLESS ISRAEL OR YOU FACE THE CURSE OF GOD!!! your choice!!!====GOD SAYS about ISRAEL=I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” genesis 12:2-3

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On the Road to Armageddon

How evangelicals became Israel's best friend.

Read more at On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

I saw a television piece on this just last night.

If you ask me, they're all nuts.

BOTTOMLINE= YOU LOVE AND BLESS ISRAEL OR YOU FACE THE CURSE OF GOD!!! your choice!!!====GOD SAYS about ISRAEL=I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” genesis 12:2-3

You didn't even read that shit, you charlatan.

And you don't know charlatan from shinola.
Sorry non believers but denying what is going to happen is going to happen Bible notwithstsnding. As a fact it has nothing to do with the Bible. Holding onto unbelief like it is some sort of talisman is nonsense. No one was stupid enough to actually hold that atheism would stop Hitler's army from marching or Japanese aircraft from flying. You won't be able to close your eyes and say it's not happening because you don't believe in God.
YES!!! THE NEXT BIG WORLD EVENTS YOU SHOULD EXPECT= seven year mid east peace treaty signed,WW111,THE RAPTURE, THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON,THE RETURN OF JESUS!!! are you ,ready????????????
Bullshit. Tehran has done nothing of the sort. And that 80% retard. So put down your little rapture option and come to reality if you can.

http://www.jpost.com/Iranian-Threat...-percent-weapons-grade-level-348400===Report: Iran says entitled to enrich uranium at 90% weapons-grade level By JPOST.COM STAFF, REUTERS
04/13/2014 19:18
inShare.0&#8203;&#9660;Iranian nuclear energy chief announces his country is planning to build 4 new nuclear plants with Russian help.

It only took the US about 3 years to develop an atomic and hydrogen bomb, and we were working in the dark with respect to prior knowledge. Now you are going to tell me that Iran, that has supposedly been working on making a nuclear bomb has been at it for well over ten years and has yet to be able to have even just one nuke...
I smell bullshit on your part...
YES!!! THE NEXT BIG WORLD EVENTS YOU SHOULD EXPECT= seven year mid east peace treaty signed,WW111,THE RAPTURE, THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON,THE RETURN OF JESUS!!! are you ,ready????????????

Hey it's WWIII, not WW111, that would make it world war one hundred and eleven......Roman numerals ignorant, yet you read the Bible, ahemmm.............
YES!!! THE NEXT BIG WORLD EVENTS YOU SHOULD EXPECT= seven year mid east peace treaty signed,WW111,THE RAPTURE, THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON,THE RETURN OF JESUS!!! are you ,ready????????????

You won't have to go far, the Mormons bought land in Northern Missouri for Christ to alit upon his arrival....maybe he'll sign his book for you...
Sorry non believers but denying what is going to happen is going to happen Bible notwithstsnding. As a fact it has nothing to do with the Bible. Holding onto unbelief like it is some sort of talisman is nonsense. No one was stupid enough to actually hold that atheism would stop Hitler's army from marching or Japanese aircraft from flying. You won't be able to close your eyes and say it's not happening because you don't believe in God.

And the other super ID chimes in..............

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