Xenomorph for TrumpUSA


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This short-story I cooked up was inspired by the plethora of space-opera and sci-fi fantasy/horror films about exploring space and finding cryptic enigmas or terror and suggesting to humanity that raw curiosity about human imagination does not necessarily yield progressive intelligence or helpful discoveries.

Perhaps that's a lesson for our overloaded consumerism-imaginarium society (e.g., Facebook, NASDAQ, Xbox, etc.).

What does our capitalism-subjective U.S. President (Donald Trump) think about such a perspective, and does he have a copy of Alien or Prometheus on Blu-ray disc?



A team of time-travellers decided to land on an abandoned planet which contained strange signals coming from some kind of spacecraft which crash-landed on it. The time-travellers were Samuels (a psychic vigilante), Shelbye (a medicine-woman with hair made out of snakes), Rosco (a centurion from Egypt), and Medusa (a sorceress with hair made out of snakes). The 'quartet' called themselves the Cosmonaut Four and they landed on the abandoned planet which was named by the Federation of Space Explorers as "Xenon." The Cosmonaut Four began wandering around Xenon on foot and dressed in respiration-protective gear and masks.

The Cosmonaut Four wandered into the crash-landed spacecraft which was apparently named Leviathan (that's the word that was drawn on it!). They looked inside and found a strange pulsating egg-like cocoon, so they took it back to their own spacecraft (named Nostromo). While in space, Shelbye began making all kinds of black-and-white sketches of the Cosmonaut Four in various mythological poses and as various god-like avatars, all the while wondering about the strange egg-cocoon they found on Xenon. Meanwhile, the egg-cocoon hatched and what came out was an incredibly rapidly-growing predatory dragon-like creature (a 'Xenomorph').

As the Xenomorph proceeded to kill all the members of the Cosmonaut Four, God wondered how the universe could give birth to such malice and predatory fury. The Xenomorph was very intelligent and found the imaginative black-and-white drawings of Shelbye and decided to leave one of its own as a 'souvenir' for others to find (and perhaps confuse with those of Shelbye!). The Xenomorph drew a portrait of a snake-headed woman but one that looked like a sinister drug-addict (rather than a intuitive 'muse'). The Xenomorph then disappeared. When cosmonauts found the Nostromo wandering in space they investigated and found no survivors but all the black and white sketches (including the one made by the Xenomorph).

The Federation of Space Explorers delivered the following report:

"It is the conclusion of the Federation the drawings left by the cosmonauts of the Nostromo suggest that the space-explorers were happily and peacefully travelling in space without any cause for alarm or reason to stop daydreaming about space. However, at some point, one of the cosmonauts sketched a rather insidious-looking drawing of a snake-woman avatar who appeared to be some kind of insidious drug-addict, which leads us to believe that the cosmonauts were only 'intimating' that the Nostromo was being occupied by some kind of predatory creature (or alien) which was apparently invisible. Either the cosmonauts disappeared somewhere with the alien-creature or were killed by it. Since it is ambiguous, we are enthusiastic about creating a political protocol to honor the 'cryptic mysticism' behind this disappearance and therefore have assigned our toy-makers to develop video-games about the Nostromo for youngsters to play and ruminate about the daring aspects of space-travel and safety hypotheses!"



Nature vs. Machine


GOD: Life should be luscious and organic...
SATAN: The use of Silicon has revolutionized 'mass commerce.'
GOD: Do you think eBay culture is suffocating?
SATAN: There's nothing wrong with mercantilism.
GOD: I like Swatch watches and alfredo piizza (homemade).
SATAN: Christianity can be coordinated with consumerism revelry.
GOD: Do you think Facebook is inspiring?
SATAN: I like streamlined social dialogue conducive to computing-culture metaphysics.
GOD: Are you talking about films such as Tron?
SATAN: Yes! And the Transformers (Hasbro) giant robot-city warrior Metroplex (a modernism-urbanization 'avatar').
GOD: You prefer Metroplex to Tarzan/Jane and the Cabbage Patch Kids?
SATAN: I need to analyze urbanization-relevant 'modern imagination.'
GOD: You might like the film The Abyss.
SATAN: Maybe consumerism-Hollywood 'culture' creates solid club activity engineers (e.g., Starbucks, TrumpUSA, etc.)....



My Blue Heaven


HYDRO-MAN: Do you like Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom?
ELECTRO: I prefer video-arcades and the Epcot Center.
HYDRO-MAN: Do you appreciate transparent-tech designs (e.g., neon-phones, Swatch watches, iMacs, etc.)?
ELECTRO: I prefer the elemental warrior avatars Sub-Zero and Raiden from the Mortal Kombat video-game franchise.
HYDRO-MAN: You think mascots are more metaphysical than manufacturing?
ELECTRO: I think the bureaucracy of our Burger King World and 'TrumpUSA' makes for motivational art (e.g., graffiti).
HYDRO-MAN: You seem like the 'Devil's Advocate' of intellectual property designs.
ELECTRO: It's an electronic world...
HYDRO-MAN: Do you plan to make a film?
ELECTRO: Yes, I'm working on the scientification of Boston, Massachusetts as a basework for a dystopian modernism film.
HYDRO-MAN: What are your favorite amusement parks and cities?
ELECTRO: Tokyo, Frankfurt, SeaWorld, Quebec, Chicago, Sesame Place, Washington.
HYDRO-MAN: I like when kids purchase toy water-pistols for summer water fights under the gracious hot American sun.
ELECTRO: Economics-related political complacency is inquired in the George Clooney film Syriana.
HYDRO-MAN: Don't wreak havoc on computerized video-game arcade machines planted in shopping malls for youngsters!
ELECTRO: Alright (that's a promise). I'd rather challenge society's preconceptions about 'neon safe-spaces'!
HYDRO-MAN: We might be inviting an alien invasion.
ELECTRO: We'd never stop being curious about both survivalism and competitive behavior (e.g., Wall Street)!


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The Dianetics Camp Introduction


"Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake,

My name is Samuel, and I'll be your camp counselor and primary guide in this virtual-reality metaphysics civilization simulation experience. This experience we offer is not unlike the Alien theme ride at Disney World and is meant to immerse you in the visceral Gestalt psychological experience of the mysticism associated with the wizardry and elemental alchemy of the machine-intricate modern world. The sponsor of this 'new consciousness camp' is, of course, our 'pedestrianism-chiropractor' U.S. President (Donald Trump), a terrific diplomat of 'commerce kinetics' (e.g., Las Vegas)!

The camp has many counselors and surprise visitors (as you will discover). You might encounter a space-oddity, a cryptic time-travelling phantom (perhaps a pure fabrication of your own imagination regarding 'ghosts in machines' or A.I. viruses in your computer. You might encounter a crusader or 'crossing-guard' who will present you with the atmospherics or pitfalls of commercial and residential life in the modern world, and this type of 'counselor' may simply be a movie-actor presenting a theme for modernism living (e.g., --- Ex-Machina, I, Robot, etc.). We want you to understand casual connections between sociology and Scientology, which is why our primary 'Minister of Anthropology' is the pro-Dianetics American celebrity Tom Cruise (star of modernism-medicinal films such as Minority Report and Edge of Tomorrow).

The primary purpose of this modernism lifestyle camp is to acquaint you with the logic and logistics of the pursuit of the precious rock-mineral Obsidian, a beautiful shiny pure-black rock that represents all of the modern-world fascination with element use and synthetic organics analytics (i.e., Silicon Valley, NASDAQ, etc.). The understanding of the symbolic value of Obsidian reveals the esteem for pilgrimages towards purism amidst the modern mass use of non-organic building materials and urbanization claustrophobia (i.e., journeys towards Mecca or Nirvana).

In this camp, you will learn that new age sophisticated networking labyrinths or 'grids' facilitate the human evaluation of efficient traffic and transit and how vast arrays of connected computing networks create a 'virtual psychic network,' brining us closer to the metaphysical appreciation of the complete loss of self-control, predictability, and order in the encountering of enigmatic A.I. beings, time-warping black hole consciousness, and agriculture/industrialization 'evangelism' (e.g., Tron). Once you familiarize yourself with the 'accessibility of the modern telekinetic experience' (i.e., Cyber-Intelligence), you will be exposed to the mystical analysis of 'network destabilizers' and the apparent logic of 'grid interference' (e.g., terrorism, hacker-warlocks, and urban crime underworlds).

Finally, you will understand the meaning of new age storytelling and storytellers and how juxtapositions of 'old world naturalism muses' (i.e., Snow White) with 'new age environmental anarchy gargoyles' (i.e., Jason Voorhees) reveal a revolutionary landscape ripe for 'telekinesis fantasy-worlds' (i.e., protective robots, paternal governance gods, etc.). You will understand the social symbolism behind 'grid-hieroglyph' films such as Jaxon X and Ghost in the Shell. Then, you will discriminate between 'natives' (e.g., Jesus Christ) and 'aliens' (e.g., Xenomorphs).



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