Xenophobic Pelosi Now Says U.S. Should Have Stopped Americans Coming Back From China

She's pointing out the HOLES in Trump's travel ban.

FORTY THOUSAND people returned from China after that ban and almost none were quarantined
She's pointing out the HOLES in Trump's travel ban.

FORTY THOUSAND people returned from China after that ban and almost none were quarantined
Let me see...

Trump announces the ban..

Gives US citizens three days to get their asses out.

Closes incoming flights.

Those who didn't make it travel to Italy and other nations who's flights are not stopped...

I suppose you would have had Trump just shoot every one... Fucking IDIOT!
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Worse still,,,travel from Europe was unrestricted for SIX WEEKS after that
You wouldn't be happy until Trump had us all hide under our tables until dem0crat handouts get to us... Fuck Off.. your ignorant rants are not only irrational but unfounded given the data. Even your masters were saying "come on out the food is great".... But your to partisan to admit it was your own party that cause many of the deaths in NY by telling these people to go out and PARTY!...
She was against xenophobia before she was for xenophobia.

Pelosie is going to get the shit kicked out of her for her rantings... IS she so self absorbed that she thinks no one will remember that she told her people and those in NY to come on out end enjoy the Chinese new year celebrations that have now resulted in about 30,000 deaths? Is she really that tone deaf?

Then to top it off telling US citizens that they should get fucked... WOW... Tells you all you need to know about where us lowly peons rate in her elitist world..
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She's pointing out the HOLES in Trump's travel ban.

FORTY THOUSAND people returned from China after that ban and almost none were quarantined
Those people were US citizens. And this was put in force-

Any U.S. citizens returning from the Hubei Province will be required to do a mandatory quarantine while Americans returning from other parts of mainland China will have to undergo screening and monitored self-quarantine. Self-quarantine requires individuals to stay at home for up to two weeks upon return to the U.S. and monitor any symptoms they may have. The U.S. State Department also issued its highest level do-not-travel advisory for China and has advised those currently in the country to leave, as American citizens could be subject to travel restrictions with little advance notice.

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