Ya Gotta be 21 to Buy a Beer, How about 21 to Buy a Gun?

I have no problem with someone under 21 using a gun under supervision (be it military or civilian) but ownership/purchase absolutely needs to be over 21

This kid was bullied in school and was a scholastic failure who was bitter about that. The minute he turned 18 he began purchasing guns obviously with the intention of "getting even".

Had he had three years to separate himself from that experience things likely would have been different

Or he would have plowed a vehicle into a school playground maybe and kills close to or as many kids. Or he would have made a bomb, or thrown gasoline into a classroom and lit a match.

Speculation is just that, and sometimes guns are chosen just because it's what's available.

Gun ban advocates think if the guns are removed, the killings will stop. They won't the killers will just have to go to plan B, and in this situation and the time the killer had he could have used a bayonetted single shot musket and killed just as many.
Teen drivers are BY FAR the most dangerous drivers on the road. They are responsible for more deaths each year BY FAR than crazed gunmen. Should we raise the minimum driving age to 21?
I've always found 21 to drink a bit priggish. I thought they had standardized drinking age across all states many years ago. None of that has bearing on the notion I put forth . I would feel slightly safer around an armed 21 yo than an 18 yo; less impulsive perhaps.
There is a difference between legal drinking age and legal age to purchase. When I was growing up the legal age to purchase was 18 for beer 21 for the other stuff. And the same going to a bar. Bars that catered young folks would stamp your hand to indicate if you could buy beer only or booze.
No, but like voting, age of adulthood is not mentioned. There is a certain amount of maturation that occurs in most humans in those critical 3 years.
Then no freedom of speech. We dont want their words to be immature.
And quartering of soldiers! Not like they have their own homes anyways. They have to wait for those 3 critical years of maturing. Same with search and seizure.
Who cares if those immature little fuckers get excessive fines, am i right?
They done been tried for that crime? Do it again, fuck those kids.
Lets just say fuck it, and nobody has rights until they reach a certain age!
I love it
I have no problem with someone under 21 using a gun under supervision (be it military or civilian) but ownership/purchase absolutely needs to be over 21

This kid was bullied in school and was a scholastic failure who was bitter about that. The minute he turned 18 he began purchasing guns obviously with the intention of "getting even".

Had he had three years to separate himself from that experience things likely would have been different
Adam Lanza was worried about his age and having to wait to buy guns, so he blew his mothers head off.
Weird huh?
I am pretty conservative, but with guns and abortion I don't tow a hard line. I can see both sides.

If you have to be 21 to buy a beer, should you have to be at least that to buy a gun?
If you have to be 21 to buy a beer, should you have to be at least that to buy a gun?

Should they be at least 21 in order carry one to defend their country?
Age isn't the problem. Guns are the problem. Our society is the problem.

Look at how long America had people buying and owning guns without multiple mass shootings. What has changed? Guns haven't changed really, gun ownership has only gotten stricter, and ages to buy guns haven't changed. But what's the one thing that has changed? Our society.

Anytime you see a problem you have to look at what's causing the problem.
Raising the drinking age to 21 invariably reduces traffic deaths.

Maturity matters
There is no uniform drinking age across the USA and no evidence to support your claim. There has been a slow gradual decrease in traffic deaths for decades largely due to safer automobiles, overall auto safety (people wearing seatbelts), The MADD campaign don't drink and drive, etc. Younger folks still drink like they did decades ago but drinking and driving has lessened. The teenage pregnancy rate has plummeted, not because teens don't fuck, but because of use of contraception.
I've always found 21 to drink a bit priggish. I thought they had standardized drinking age across all states many years ago. None of that has bearing on the notion I put forth . I would feel slightly safer around an armed 21 yo than an 18 yo; less impulsive perhaps.
why not just not be around them then? why take away another persons freedoms because you want to feel “safer”
Meh, in '74 I was carrying two revolvers and a shotgun on a convict road gang every day when I just turned 19 but if I wanted to purchase a .22 handgun I had to get my dad to buy it for me.....How fucked-up is that?

Blame yourselves for the immature spawn you have half-raised.
This is an English-language site and I have to assume members understand the language fluently. Given that, your question is superfluous and no response is needed.
ah, i’ll take that as simply, you’re selfish want want to oppress others…tyrant
I am pretty conservative, but with guns and abortion I don't tow a hard line. I can see both sides.

If you have to be 21 to buy a beer, should you have to be at least that to buy a gun?

How effective are the beer laws?
I am pretty conservative, but with guns and abortion I don't tow a hard line. I can see both sides.

If you have to be 21 to buy a beer, should you have to be at least that to buy a gun?
You can join the military at 17 and kill people.

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