Ya gotta love it! Rioting terrorist thugs attack and loot CNN headquarters.

The neanderthals just want to steal and burn down everything in site, including Leftie propaganda network CNN. If they could they'd even take the women as rape slaves, just like the old days. This is a prime example of the old saying..."the revolution often devours itself", in this case the thugs are trying to take down their own plantation masters. Ya gotta love it!

You gotta love it?? Is that a fucking joke? What’s wrong with you?
What's wrong with you? The thugs don't even know that they're attacking their own master's house - the CNN headquarters, and the Leftist elitist fascists are sitting in their ivory towers watching the criminals they enabled burning down their propaganda centers. What's there not to love. Do the rioters know where the MSNBC headquarters are? Oh the joy.
Did you ever consider the possibility that the people rioting and destroying buildings aren’t into politics and don’t know or care about the difference between news outlets?! Jesus, you partisan hacks try so hard to demonize your political opposition you can’t see straight.
But hey they're your "activist heroes". What's the matter, this is the Frankenstein baby that the Left has been creating for decades. We are a few steps away from the civil war that your hero Obama's and AOC have been fermenting.
You know nothing about me yet you ramble on like you do. Just like you know nothing about the people committing these crimes yet you associate them with political actors... the only thing you are displaying is your ignorance. What a joke

You leftists socialists are all the same. If you know one, you know them all.

I'd say he knows a lot about you. :D
Wow, brilliant observation... thanks for sharing :cuckoo:
The neanderthals just want to steal and burn down everything in site, including Leftie propaganda network CNN. If they could they'd even take the women as rape slaves, just like the old days. This is a prime example of the old saying..."the revolution often devours itself", in this case the thugs are trying to take down their own plantation masters. Ya gotta love it!

You gotta love it?? Is that a fucking joke? What’s wrong with you?
What's wrong with you? The thugs don't even know that they're attacking their own master's house - the CNN headquarters, and the Leftist elitist fascists are sitting in their ivory towers watching the criminals they enabled burning down their propaganda centers. What's there not to love. Do the rioters know where the MSNBC headquarters are? Oh the joy.
Did you ever consider the possibility that the people rioting and destroying buildings aren’t into politics and don’t know or care about the difference between news outlets?! Jesus, you partisan hacks try so hard to demonize your political opposition you can’t see straight.
But hey they're your "activist heroes". What's the matter, this is the Frankenstein baby that the Left has been creating for decades. We are a few steps away from the civil war that your hero Obama's and AOC have been fermenting.
You know nothing about me yet you ramble on like you do. Just like you know nothing about the people committing these crimes yet you associate them with political actors... the only thing you are displaying is your ignorance. What a joke
Would ya believe a bunch of thugs using social justice as an excuse to loot what doesn't belong to them and burn down and destroy cities? What's there to know about them, Mr. armchair psychologist?

View attachment 342797
So why does that make them on the Left? Does the Right not care about social justice? If anything the Right has been at war with CNN following the lead of Captain Trump. So wouldn’t these thugs be acting on their behalf?

See this is how stupid you’re claims sound. Logic. Try it

"Does the Right not care about social justice?"

"social justice"


No. Not at all.

By the way, can you define what the "social justice" is?
I gladly would explain if I thought youd give it a serious response but I know by now who the trolls are and who’s opinions I have no respect for. Unfortunately that’s you so I’m not going to waste my time with a detailed answer.
The neanderthals just want to steal and burn down everything in site, including Leftie propaganda network CNN. If they could they'd even take the women as rape slaves, just like the old days. This is a prime example of the old saying..."the revolution often devours itself", in this case the thugs are trying to take down their own plantation masters. Ya gotta love it!

You gotta love it?? Is that a fucking joke? What’s wrong with you?
What's wrong with you? The thugs don't even know that they're attacking their own master's house - the CNN headquarters, and the Leftist elitist fascists are sitting in their ivory towers watching the criminals they enabled burning down their propaganda centers. What's there not to love. Do the rioters know where the MSNBC headquarters are? Oh the joy.
Did you ever consider the possibility that the people rioting and destroying buildings aren’t into politics and don’t know or care about the difference between news outlets?! Jesus, you partisan hacks try so hard to demonize your political opposition you can’t see straight.
But hey they're your "activist heroes". What's the matter, this is the Frankenstein baby that the Left has been creating for decades. We are a few steps away from the civil war that your hero Obama's and AOC have been fermenting.
You know nothing about me yet you ramble on like you do. Just like you know nothing about the people committing these crimes yet you associate them with political actors... the only thing you are displaying is your ignorance. What a joke
Would ya believe a bunch of thugs using social justice as an excuse to loot what doesn't belong to them and burn down and destroy cities? What's there to know about them, Mr. armchair psychologist?

View attachment 342797
So why does that make them on the Left? Does the Right not care about social justice? If anything the Right has been at war with CNN following the lead of Captain Trump. So wouldn’t these thugs be acting on their behalf?

See this is how stupid you’re claims sound. Logic. Try it

"Does the Right not care about social justice?"

"social justice"


No. Not at all.

By the way, can you define what the "social justice" is?
I gladly would explain if I thought youd give it a serious response but I know by now who the trolls are and who’s opinions I have no respect for. Unfortunately that’s you so I’m not going to waste my time with a detailed answer.

I doubt you can explain it. I also doubt that five leftists would give the same answer, since "social justice" to every one of you is something different. That's why "social justice" is leftist bullcrap, that no sane person could give a shit about. Let me ask you, do you care about equal justice?
What we have now is the soulless “let them vent” movement accompanied by the Covid “lock them down” movement
America has become a land of spineless imbeciles.
The neanderthals just want to steal and burn down everything in site, including Leftie propaganda network CNN. If they could they'd even take the women as rape slaves, just like the old days. This is a prime example of the old saying..."the revolution often devours itself", in this case the thugs are trying to take down their own plantation masters. Ya gotta love it!

You gotta love it?? Is that a fucking joke? What’s wrong with you?
What's wrong with you? The thugs don't even know that they're attacking their own master's house - the CNN headquarters, and the Leftist elitist fascists are sitting in their ivory towers watching the criminals they enabled burning down their propaganda centers. What's there not to love. Do the rioters know where the MSNBC headquarters are? Oh the joy.
Did you ever consider the possibility that the people rioting and destroying buildings aren’t into politics and don’t know or care about the difference between news outlets?! Jesus, you partisan hacks try so hard to demonize your political opposition you can’t see straight.
But hey they're your "activist heroes". What's the matter, this is the Frankenstein baby that the Left has been creating for decades. We are a few steps away from the civil war that your hero Obama's and AOC have been fermenting.
You know nothing about me yet you ramble on like you do. Just like you know nothing about the people committing these crimes yet you associate them with political actors... the only thing you are displaying is your ignorance. What a joke
Would ya believe a bunch of thugs using social justice as an excuse to loot what doesn't belong to them and burn down and destroy cities? What's there to know about them, Mr. armchair psychologist?

View attachment 342797
So why does that make them on the Left? Does the Right not care about social justice? If anything the Right has been at war with CNN following the lead of Captain Trump. So wouldn’t these thugs be acting on their behalf?

See this is how stupid you’re claims sound. Logic. Try it

"Does the Right not care about social justice?"

"social justice"


No. Not at all.

By the way, can you define what the "social justice" is?
I gladly would explain if I thought youd give it a serious response but I know by now who the trolls are and who’s opinions I have no respect for. Unfortunately that’s you so I’m not going to waste my time with a detailed answer.

I doubt you can explain it. I also doubt that five leftists would give the same answer, since "social justice" to every one of you is something different. That's why "social justice" is leftist bullcrap, that no sane person could give a shit about. Let me ask you, do you care about equal justice?
racism is white peoples fault.
Nah, racial hatred goes back a long ways; and is recorded in scripture. You have on one side the Book of Enoch, which expresses Nubian hatred for the offspring of Neanderthal (Nephilim = Them Born of Love in Greek) humans; and the Greek response is written in Hesiod's Works and the Days where he writes about the iron (black) people. Haiti's declaration declares an 'eternal hatred' for the French. So, Sub-Saharan Africans have a lot of fault in the hatred category. And as someone living in a place that has a sizeable African population, I can tell you personally that hatred and threats of violence comes from their race, and these sort of things, such as the loud yelling and threats specific to "nativists" "fioe graser" "Austrians" "Vikings" and "Toaists" from their young children and older parents is what causes non-black flight. By Africans, I've been assaulted before for speaking Austrian in a traditionally PA Dutch city of Reading (I was making a point to the Spanish population, he was a self described black Domincan; guess there's a bit of hypocrisy there in terms of speaking ancestral languages and shows they're forcing Spanish on you); when telling a black drug dealer to turn himself in after trying to sell Me drugs in New Orleans; and by a mob of black children as I sat on My bike and watched a concert... just came at Me as though they were a bowling ball as I sat there quietly and watched the concert.
What we have now is the soulless “let them vent” movement accompanied by the Covid “lock them down” movement
America has become a land of spineless imbeciles.
People who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones. Especially stone thrones.

Isn't it ironic, just a bit, that Trump designated anti-fascists as terrorists, but balked on designating Mexican cartels that are targeting children for organs? As in, they are killing young people and harvesting their organs. I'm not an organ donor, by the way. Grow genetically engineered organs so peeps don't have to die to save other peeps lives.
It's not just CNN democrats are getting enriched everywhere.

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