Yahoo news story admits most children infected with measles outbreak were already vaccinated against


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
In announcing a trumped up “state of emergency” that was recently declared by Washington Governor Jay Inslee in response to a measles outbreak in Clark County, Yahoo News accidentally let it slip that most of the children affected had actually been previously vaccinated against the disease – once again proving that vaccines don’t work.

Even right-leaning news outlets like The Daily Caller are guilty of spreading vaccine industry lies that try to scare parents into getting their children jabbed, which puts these little ones at risk of serious complications and even death.

Yahoo News Story Admits Most Children Infected With Measles Outbreak Were Already Vaccinated Against the Measles

Oh yes hide the truth, we get it that's why we stand strong on pushing real information to the sheeple morons who just can't do it because being lazy is easiest to do.

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