Yahoo! Time traveler story


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
(on the main page of yahoo! but I can't link it right now)

I have 2 very common sense questions:

Who do they think she'd be calling?
How do they suppose the phone works with no towers or satellites?

I saw Elvis in the background of "Titanic." He was dressed as a purser, and was running down the deck chasing a man who looked a LOT like Idi Amin.
Time Traveler on Film????

There's some footage here of it. The gist is that a woman was caught on tape in 1928 with what appears at first to be a cell phone. Wild.

Seems other possible explanations are coming out now. It'll be fun to see where this goes.
I saw that a few days ago when the filmmaker first posted the video. A woman walking along and shading her eyes from the sun is not a cell phone, even in 1927. If it was a time traveler, she could not use a cell phone without towers, and would not need a cell phone because they have universal implants that operate off of biorhythms to communicate.

(Please do not ask me how something can operate off biorhythms, I stole it from a lame idea in an episode of Smallville.)
WOW, a new caster actually said something like that. News =/= news anymore.
If a time traveler was smart enough to invent a time machine, wouldn't they be smart enough to not use or be seen using a cell phone?
The picture was very fuzzy and it was not, I repeat, not a cellphone. Time travel is a very stimulating idea but far from the realm of possibility. What has happened is over, yet the future is not set. Look at the original picture.

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