Yale University: "If Ukrainians give up, or if we give up on Ukraine, then... we're in 1939. We're in 1938 now.

Do you agree with the leading expert on this subject on Moscow empire, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe?

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Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
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And it feels like we're choosing to pretend 1938 will last forever rather than using the time to prepare ourselves & of course, help Ukraine win to prevent wider war.
still, Do you agree with the leading expert on this subject on Moscow empire, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe?
Timothy Snyder is one of the world's leading historians, and a prominent public intellectual in the United States and Europe.

I'd say we are closer to 1923 than 1938. By 1938 Hitler had absoluter power. 23 saw his first attempt to overthrow the elected government and when it failed he was sent to prison. In 38 he was able to Kowtow the Allies into agreeing to the annexation of the Sudetenland.
Point being that an independent and democratic Ukraine is better for the world than under Putin.

Draining Putin's resources is a good thing. Ending the fighting would be better. To end the fighting Putin needs to realize that his war is hurting him not helping him.

That said, the EU countries need to step up with funding. The US will not pay their freight.
I'd say we are closer to 1923 than 1938. By 1938 Hitler had absoluter power. 23 saw his first attempt to overthrow the elected government and when it failed he was sent to prison. In 38 he was able to Kowtow the Allies into agreeing to the annexation of the Sudetenland.

"Annexing Sudetenland" means the allies murdered and/or displaced after world war 2 the Baltic Germans, many or most Pommeranians, the Silesians, the Sudetes (who lived in another area than your picture shows), the Bohemians, the Moravians and others. Another expression for "to murder and/or to displace" is "genocide". And it also meant to sell a big part of Europe to Stalin and to give Russia directly with the Oblast Kaliningrad (=Prussia with the capital Königsberg) Russian territory and harbors to the Baltic sea.

In case Russia will win the war in the Ukraine we calculate currently about 10-12 million refugees from the Ukraine. I think the rest of the people of the Ukraine will lose then own language and roots (Soviet "reeducation") and many of them will also lose their life and/or will be replaced.
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i wonder what party that professor voted for

Ukraine is fighting the fight that everyone else doesn't want to fight... NATO essentially formed to protect democratic countries from Muscovite 🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 oriental despotism ... all NATO, EU and democratic countries need Ukraine to hold the line... or else, we'll have to line up against Muscovite hordes ourselves...

Point being that an independent and democratic Ukraine is better for the world than under Putin.

Draining Putin's resources is a good thing. Ending the fighting would be better. To end the fighting Putin needs to realize that his war is hurting him not helping him.

That said, the EU countries need to step up with funding. The US will not pay their freight.
We failed Finland, Baltics and Poland in 1939, I'm afraid that too many Americans have no idea of the implications of the years 1938 and 1939.

More like 1984......
"We've always been at war with Eastasia."
you have a point here, thats why this book is a taboo in 🇷🇺Moscow empire
Soviet citizens reading George Orwell’s 1984 were amazed that the British author never set foot in the USSR yet described the country so well. A timely book by Masha Karp, a former Russian Features editor for the BBC World Service, shines a light on an unexplored topic—George Orwell and Russia. Government oppression, official gaslighting and fabricating history did not die with Orwell’s model for 1984, the Soviet Union. Russian leader Vladimir Putin retooled these practices for the 21st century.

"Annexing Sudetenland" means the allies murdered and/or displaced after world war 2 the Baltic Germans, many or most Pommeranians, the Silesians, the Sudetes, the Bohemians, the Moravians and others. Another expression for "to murder and/or to displace" is "genocide". And it also meant to sell a big part of Europe to Stalin.
I think Benedict Donald's attempted rise to authoritarian power is more like Mussolini's anyway.
Id stay in sweden. Lol.

i wonder what party that professor voted for
Gotta keep the dems in power so the spice flows to the college campuses

I'd say we are closer to 1923 than 1938. By 1938 Hitler had absoluter power. 23 saw his first attempt to overthrow the elected government and when it failed he was sent to prison. In 38 he was able to Kowtow the Allies into agreeing to the annexation of the Sudetenland.

Point being that an independent and democratic Ukraine is better for the world than under Putin.

Draining Putin's resources is a good thing. Ending the fighting would be better. To end the fighting Putin needs to realize that his war is hurting him not helping him.

That said, the EU countries need to step up with funding. The US will not pay their freight.

More like 1984......
"We've always been at war with Eastasia."

"Annexing Sudetenland" means the allies murdered and/or displaced after world war 2 the Baltic Germans, many or most Pommeranians, the Silesians, the Sudetes, the Bohemians, the Moravians and others. Another expression for "to murder and/or to displace" is "genocide". And it also meant to sell a big part of Europe to Stalin.

Moscow 🇷🇺🇸🇦imperialists have used the illegals, drug cartels , etc. for ages , dont you think that its time to show 🇷🇺🐷🇸🇦them who is in charge ?

I think Benedict Donald's attempted rise to authoritarian power is more like Mussolini's anyway.

US institutes are too strong , " BD " has no chance. still, do you agree with this thesis ?
WAAAY back when I was a democrat, we used to try to get this country to stop policing the world. Now the democrats and half the republicans are all about it.

We have enough problems of our own.
WAAAY back when I was a democrat, we used to try to get this country to stop policing the world. Now the democrats and half the republicans are all about it.

We have enough problems of our own.
"Annexing Sudetenland" means the allies murdered and/or displaced after world war 2 the Baltic Germans, many or most Pommeranians, the Silesians, the Sudetes (who lived in another area than your picture shows), the Bohemians, the Moravians and others. Another expression for "to murder and/or to displace" is "genocide". And it also meant to sell a big part of Europe to Stalin and to give Russia directly with the Oblast Kaliningrad (=Prussia with the capital Königsberg) Russian territory and harbors on the Baltic sea.

In case Russia will win the war in the Ukraine we calculate currently about 10-12 million refugees from the Ukraine. The rest of the people from the Ukraine will lose then own language and roots (Soviet "reeducation") and many of them will also lose their life or will be replaced.
That's probably the worst case scenario if Putin wants to be sure there are no more "Maidan Revolutions".
Do you think that the EU countries are giving enough financial support to Ukraine? I don't.

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