YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

Oh, for sure. Look at these two manbabies WEATHER53 and BackAgain throwing themselves at his feet to be human shields for him. I doubt they would get this excited and weepy if I punched their grandmothers. Cultism has really turned their brains to mush. They probably keep a checkbook and pen in the car, just in case he comes on the radio and asks for money.
They will probably mortgage their homes so they can send money to the "Bannon Defense Fund.":auiqs.jpg:
Lol. Indeed. That image has more substance than the OP.
Oh, for sure. Look at these two manbabies WEATHER53 and BackAgain throwing themselves at his feet to be human shields for him. I doubt they would get this excited and weepy if I punched their grandmothers. Cultism has really turned their brains to mush. They probably keep a checkbook and pen in the car, just in case he comes on the radio and asks for money.
Fart Fun is not honest nor objective, but he remains a liar and a liberal cultist propagandist. Not one thing I have said makes me in any way a shield for Bannon.

I have even acknowledged that he faces the likelihood of being convicted. But shitload liars like the ever-lame hack, Fart Fun, are just wetting themselves that anyone can recognize that Bannon’s prosecution is a partisan political action all the same.
They will probably mortgage their homes so they can send money to the "Bannon Defense Fund.":auiqs.jpg:

Fart Fun farts another meaningless bit of crap and his butt-boy, JimH(IQ)52, assumes that Farty must know what he’s pootin’ about. 🙄

I remember JimH. He was a worthless hack before and apparently the interceding years haven’t changed that.
The entire “progressive” narrative on so many “issues” boils down to one or another version of their paranoid fantasy: “orange man bad.”

they generally lack enough integrity as a group (or on an individual basis) to even consider criticizing the monumental failure the current infestation of the Oval Office is.

Since Bannon was a Trump man, they jump for joy at anything negative that befalls Bannon. But he is still just a stand-in for their hatred of Trump. TDS is like their Holy Of Holies. They can’t function without it.
Right, it's your reflexive, childish outbursts. Everyone can see them for themselves.
Again with your babbling bullshit. “It’s” the outbursts. What exactly is the “it” you started that weak ass “thought” with?

One thing is obvious: clear communication ain’t on your list of accomplishments.
Now that storytime is over, back to reality....

Bannon was in the President's ear and broadcast to the entire world that "All hell would break loose" on January 6th. And then it did. So this issue is a pretty easy litmus test to separate lobotomized cultists from normal people. They cannot even help themselves. Reflexive little tantrums, whataboutism, trying to change the subject.... poor little guys. I wonder if they remember when they used to be in control of their own behavior?
Now that storytime is over, back to reality....

Bannon was in the President's ear and broadcast to the entire world that "All hell would break loose" on January 6th. And then it did. So this issue is a pretty easy litmus test to separate lobotomized cultists from normal people. They cannot even help themselves. Reflexive little tantrums, whataboutism, trying to change the subject.... poor little guys. I wonder if they remember when they used to be in control of their own behavior?
Bannon and trump are just two of the criminal insurrectionist that are fighting to keep the truth from coming out. January 6th was an insurrection attempt. trump realized it was doomed to fail, so he told his cult to go home...."we love you." The DOJ cannot let the planners and funders of the attack go unpunished. If they do, it will happen again...and may even be successful. If trump is ever in power again, he will seek revenge on anyone that did not support his attempt to overturn the 2020 Presidential election results.

What trump and Bannon wanted to do was completely destroy our electoral system. They say they are against elites, but they are trying to establish a system where the "elites" decide who wins elections. That is the seed to Authoritarianism.

And you idiotic repubs think that trump and Bannon have the future of this Country at heart. They have their pocket books and the power they can steal as their number one concern. Screw the Country! Even Carlson is on FOX wondering, out loud, why we want to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression. The story is is simple one. These people are cancers on this country. Is Putin paying all of these people?

Now that storytime is over, back to reality....

Bannon was in the President's ear and broadcast to the entire world that "All hell would break loose" on January 6th. And then it did. So this issue is a pretty easy litmus test to separate lobotomized cultists from normal people. They cannot even help themselves. Reflexive little tantrums, whataboutism, trying to change the subject.... poor little guys. I wonder if they remember when they used to be in control of their own behavior?
And after Farty shares his skewed representation of the facts as “reality,” let us truly get back to reality.

Fact: Farty does not know what Bannon meant when he predicted on 1/5 that all helll would break lose the next day. I recognize that low intellect propagandists like the always laughable Fart Fun will always ASSUME that they “know” such things. Why be bothered to wait to find out?

in any event, truly rational folks wouldn’t pretend to “know” what Bannon meant when he made that statement. We can speculate. We might be right. But we don’t actually yet know.

All that said, whatever he meant, Bannon’s statement is odd. It does lend itself to interpretations especially in light of what did happen the next day. So, I can give Farty a pass on the conclusion he comes to. I’m just saying that despite his self assurance, Farty’s conclusion MAY not be the same thing as what Bannon was actually attempting to say.
Got to hope they put Stevie in a sepa.rate jail cell away from the main prison population. He's so damn ugly, he would frighten the rest of the inmates! Bigly!!!
An indictment is not a conviction. He is not guilty of anything.
The entire “progressive” narrative on so many “issues” boils down to one or another version of their paranoid fantasy: “orange man bad.”

they generally lack enough integrity as a group (or on an individual basis) to even consider criticizing the monumental failure the current infestation of the Oval Office is.

Since Bannon was a Trump man, they jump for joy at anything negative that befalls Bannon. But he is still just a stand-in for their hatred of Trump. TDS is like their Holy Of Holies. They can’t function without it.
Bannon left the white house in 2017. He does not know anything about Jan 6.
Which would tell a rational person that there is nothing there. But a cultist cannot EVER accept that his fantasies are not true. Not ever. So you just make shit up.
Of course it might also be true that some people like you stick their head in the sand like an ostrich and refuse to see reality.


After the years of the trump- Barr show....you have the nerve to talk about Influence Peddling? trump used the DOJ as his personal law firm. Hypocrisy does not adorn you well....
After Hillary Clinton and her Clinton Foundation and the entire corrupt Biden family living for decades by peddling Joe’s influence you accuse me of hypocrisy.

Bannon and trump are just two of the criminal insurrectionist that are fighting to keep the truth from coming out. January 6th was an insurrection attempt. trump realized it was doomed to fail, so he told his cult to go home...."we love you." The DOJ cannot let the planners and funders of the attack go unpunished. If they do, it will happen again...and may even be successful. If trump is ever in power again, he will seek revenge on anyone that did not support his attempt to overturn the 2020 Presidential election results.

What trump and Bannon wanted to do was completely destroy our electoral system. They say they are against elites, but they are trying to establish a system where the "elites" decide who wins elections. That is the seed to Authoritarianism.

And you idiotic repubs think that trump and Bannon have the future of this Country at heart. They have their pocket books and the power they can steal as their number one concern. Screw the Country! Even Carlson is on FOX wondering, out loud, why we want to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression. The story is is simple one. These people are cancers on this country. Is Putin paying all of these people?

. If they do, it will happen again...and may even be successful.
Yeah they might bring a gun. The drama is truly sickening. You people need to grow up, our system of government was never in danger. You are making fools out of yourselves and turn more people against you every day.

Keep up the good work. :ahole-1:

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