YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

Steve Bannon is the exact opposite of Rush Limbaugh.
Rush Limbaugh was a selfish, piece of shit, globalist.

bannon - POS.... being the racist that he is

bannon - selfish... by defrauding donny's deplorable base & keeping the cash for himself


bannon - globalist.... by being arrested for said fraud on a bigley yacht owned by a chinese billionare

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& were actively hunting down congress critters, including the speaker of the house - the 3rd in line for the presidency.

pence sought out avenues to do exactly that - including speaking with dan quale. when pence realised there was nothing he could do for his president, THEN he went along with the rule set forth in the constitution. but he tried.

a failed coup is still an attempted coup. if a bank robber failed at getting the cash - is he still criminally culpable?

of course it can.

& the ones that were 'peaceful' weren't arrested, & are not on the FBI wanted list.
It is difficult to break it all down. But it wasn’t an attempted coup. That term has no applicability to that protest or the smallish component of the protest that behaved as a criminal mob.

it is indeed possible that some set of the smallish criminal mob were “hunting down” legislators. I don’t know anyone who supports that. Indeed, as I said, the actions of the relative few was criminal in nature and an affront to our system of republican government.

I don’t think you were arguing with me about Pence. But I’ll rephrase what my contention has been — and remains: The Vice President had a specific Constitutional role concerning the outcome of the election that day. What he was asked to do would have constituted a violation of his Oath od Office, as I see it. He was (in my view) completely correct to proceed AS he did. And I vehemently disagree with everyone who says he should be hanged. If that’s not clear enough, I flatly commend Vice President Prince’s official actions that day.
He accepted the pardon. That is considered an admission of guilt. I suppose the thinking there is an innocent man cannot be pardoned for something he didn't do.

Some people claim that accepting a pardon is somehow an admission of guilt. It isn’t. But I can understand how it looks that way.
Your reliance on the leftist-media orchestrated claim that what happened was an “insurrection” only serves to prove that you are one of the easily-misled gullible tools upon whom they rely.

now now ... let's keep this civil, shall we? i'm gonna give you a pass - cause, for all intents & purposes - you are a 'newbie' to me.

but let's make one thing clear - i am an indie. going by what i've read of yer posts so far, it's crystal clear that i have voted for more (R)s than you would ever vote for someone across the aisle.

i never go by reports by ANY media ... until i research them myself. i don't even have cable.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..................... i also know wtf i saw on jan 6 .... i know what was said weeks to days leading up to jan 6....................................

& i know who said what from the (R) side of that there aisle, before donny got ahold of them.

but it's crystal clear where you stand.
that 'act of defiance' is criminal.
Some of the acts of defiance were indeed criminal. Like trespass. Like destruction of property. Like physical assaults against any of the Capitol Police. Of course, I don’t believe I ever contended that such things were anything but criminal.
Some people claim that accepting a pardon is somehow an admission of guilt. It isn’t. But I can understand how it looks that way.

not just 'some people' but also the SC.

U.S. Supreme Court​

Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)
Burdick v. United States

No. 471

Argued December 16, 1914

Decided January 25, 1915

236 U.S. 79


Acceptance, as well as delivery, of a pardon is essential to its validity; if rejected by the person to whom it is tendered, the court has no power to force it on him. United States v. Wilson, 7 Pet. 150.

There are substantial differences between legislative immunity and a pardon; the latter carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it, while the former is noncommittal, and tantamount to silence of the witness.

There is a distinction between amnesty and pardon
; the former overlooks the offense, and is usually addressed to crimes against the sovereignty of the state and political offenses, the latter remits punishment and condones infractions of the peace of the state.

Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)
not just 'some people' but also the SC.

U.S. Supreme Court​

Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)
Burdick v. United States

No. 471

Argued December 16, 1914

Decided January 25, 1915

236 U.S. 79


Acceptance, as well as delivery, of a pardon is essential to its validity; if rejected by the person to whom it is tendered, the court has no power to force it on him. United States v. Wilson, 7 Pet. 150.

There are substantial differences between legislative immunity and a pardon; the latter carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it, while the former is noncommittal, and tantamount to silence of the witness.

There is a distinction between amnesty and pardon
; the former overlooks the offense, and is usually addressed to crimes against the sovereignty of the state and political offenses, the latter remits punishment and condones infractions of the peace of the state.

Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)
Some of the acts of defiance were indeed criminal. Like trespass. Like destruction of property. Like physical assaults against any of the Capitol Police. Of course, I don’t believe I ever contended that such things were anything but criminal.

describing that as an 'act of defiance' sugar coats it.
now now ... let's keep this civil, shall we? i'm gonna give you a pass - cause, for all intents & purposes - you are a 'newbie' to me.

but let's make one thing clear - i am an indie. going by what i've read of yer posts so far, it's crystal clear that i have voted for more (R)s than you would ever vote for someone across the aisle.

i never go by reports by ANY media ... until i research them myself. i don't even have cable.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..................... i also know wtf i saw on jan 6 .... i know what was said weeks to days leading up to jan 6....................................

& i know who said what from the (R) side of that there aisle, before donny got ahold of them.

but it's crystal clear where you stand.
I am not a newbie. I’ll take your pass. I don’t care all that much about the labels of “progressive” or “conservative” or “independent” in many cases. I’m not arguing for the most part with labels. I’m arguing with individual positions.

I do find that liberals or progressives and those with similar mindsets are prone to accepting the effort of the media to couch things in a particular way. The media does this as the unofficial apparatchiks OF the left-wing and the Dim Party. It often makes meaningful discussion much more difficult. Opponents get saddled with language that starts them off at a disadvantage. That’s it’s purpose.

As a consequence, I make an effort to identify their loaded misuse of terminology. And when it occurs to me, I take pains to throw the flag on it. One of my long time mantras is that “words have meaning.” They are SUPPOSED to anyway.
LOL!!!! nice try grouchooooooooooooooo....

it's a standing opinion of the court. know what that means? that means it hasn't changed. so when the sausage casing accepted the pardon - he also admitted guilt.

learn to think critically.
No. It means that you place stock in One longtime espoused view that accepting a pardon somehow constitutes an admission of guilt. It doesn’t. In point of fact, accepting a pardon means you are allowing the system to return you to your pre conviction legal status — which includes a presumption of innocence.

gee. I wonder why a person who is innocent might want that? It’s a real poser, isn’t it? Such a tough question.
' deconstruct the administrative state ' ~ steve bannon
The administrative state is an abomination. It should be rooted out.

just because one may dislike Bannon doesn’t mean that he is wrong. And if he’s wrong about some things, that doesn’t mean he is wrong about all things.

under our form of government (a limited authority Constitutional Republic), people could suggest that the administrative state is itself an aberration. I know I am one of those people.
I am not a newbie.

i said TO ME.

I’ll take your pass.

do or don't.... i'm not really caring.

I don’t care all that much about the labels of “progressive” or “conservative” or “independent” in many cases. I’m not arguing for the most part with labels. I’m arguing with individual positions.

you have seen ONE position that i am taking & have CONcluded where i stand on issues & what media i watch.

lol ...

I do find that liberals or progressives and those with similar mindsets are prone to accepting the effort of the media to couch things in a particular way.

uh-huh ... & rw TV & rw radio..................

The media does this as the unofficial apparatchiks OF the left-wing and the Dim Party.

& the rw & what is still being refered to as the ' GOP' although it hasn't really been that for several years.

It often makes meaningful discussion much more difficult. Opponents get saddled with language that starts them off at a disadvantage. That’s it’s purpose.

hmmmmmm ..... like YOU calling me a 'tool' , unprovoked?

like that?

As a consequence, I make an effort to identify their loaded misuse of terminology.

uh-huh... like 'tool'?

And when it occurs to me, I take pains to throw the flag on it.

uh-huh. you go boy.

One of my long time mantras is that “words have meaning.” They are SUPPOSED to anyway.

oh you are right about that.
No. It means that you place stock in One longtime espoused view that accepting a pardon somehow constitutes an admission of guilt. It doesn’t.

tell that to the SC. that is exactly why they have also stated that one who is offered a pardon - is not compelled to accept it. for the obvious reason.

In point of fact, accepting a pardon means you are allowing the system to return you to your pre conviction legal status — which includes a presumption of innocence.

oh now i see .... your opinion trumps ( pun is SO intended ) that of the SC.

lol.... good for you!

gee. I wonder why a person who is innocent might want that? It’s a real poser, isn’t it? Such a tough question.

it would best serve you to go find yer critical thinking cap too.
LOL!!!! nice try grouchooooooooooooooo....

it's a standing opinion of the court. know what that means? that means it hasn't changed. so when the sausage casing accepted the pardon - he also admitted guilt.

learn to think critically.
If it didn’t delight you, you would denigrate the decision as outdated.
LOL!!!! nice try grouchooooooooooooooo....

it's a standing opinion of the court. know what that means? that means it hasn't changed. so when the sausage casing accepted the pardon - he also admitted guilt.

learn to think critically.
No one has bothered to challenge it and the USSC doesn’t care?

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