YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

Of course it might also be true that some people like you stick their head in the sand like an ostrich and refuse to see reality.
Yes, the reality that you have zero evidence of any of your lalaland claims and that nobody has been charged with anything. There's reality for you. that's why you are once again frustrated by your fantasies colliding with reality. Will you ever learn? I had no power over this course of events. You stand there with an empty bag... and blame me? Okay.
You joined in November 2021 and we are supposed to take you seriously?
Your stupidity is still boundless. Like I give a shit about who you do or don’t take seriously. You idiot. 😂.

By the way, you mindless drone, i RE-joined in November 2021. As I noted that very day, I am back again from some years ago. Try to follow along, ya pin head.
Bannon left the white house in 2017. He does not know anything about Jan 6.
maybe not. But he did speak on his show on 1/5 about all hell breaking loose “tomorrow.”
Yes, the reality that you have zero evidence of any of your lalaland claims and that nobody has been charged with anything. There's reality for you. that's why you are once again frustrated by your fantasies colliding with reality. Will you ever learn? I had no power over this course of events. You stand there with an empty bag... and blame me? Okay.
There is plenty of evidence that you simple chose to ignore because your head is buried in the sand. Typical liberal.
If Steve Bannon's court appearance tomorrow occurs at 1pm (the timeslot often assigned for new cases).... he'll appear at the same time as three defendants from the US Capitol riot. Including an Illinois man accused of fighting against National Guard at Capitol.

Let's Go Bannon!
Who has it? Apparently not you.
You need to listen to conservative outlets like OAN and Fox News rather than the liberal propaganda outlets that have been lying to you for at least the last four years. You might learn something.

But of course you will argue that Trump DID collude with Putin to defeat Hillary and firmly believe it. You will likely insist Rachael Maddow would never lie to you because she is as honest as the day is long.

Here are some examples of how you have been lied to.

What abut the entire Trump colluded with Putin to deafest Hillary bnullshit?

Yahoo News is not a right wing source. …

Your stupidity is still boundless. Like I give a shit about who you do or don’t take seriously. You idiot. 😂.

By the way, you mindless drone, i RE-joined in November 2021. As I noted that very day, I am back again from some years ago. Try to follow along, ya pin head.

maybe not. But he did speak on his show on 1/5 about all hell breaking loose “tomorrow.”
That could mean 1000 things. In any event, he will never admit he knew anything. How dumb can the Dumbocrats be?
It's written in 230 years of history. But Good Germans such as yourself don't care about that as long as your leaders tell you it's good the party. Party Uber Alles. kudos Playtime. Good German.

lol ... i don't have a party. i am not a (D). but in reality ( something that is foreign to you) ... doesn't mean anything anyhow.

that's not what i asked - i asked where is it WRITTEN & CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED, 'eh?

& don't give me some lame hypocritical bullshit about 'history' when most of the so called (R)s are all bending over & grabbing their ankles for yer chosen one - either by playing a role in the attempted bloody coup, or are complacent little pussies & keepingtheir mouths shut about what really went down that day.

you wanna a little slice of history? NEVER in the history of this here little experiment of self governance has a LOSING president attempted to overthrow the will of the people by having his flying monkeys try to seize the capital & stop the peaceful transfer of power to the WINNING PRESIDENT.
Why are the highly politicized Dims so intent on pretending to (implicitly) claim that rummaging around White House communications about the 1/6 non-insurrection will lead to any “needed” legislative actions?

'dims'? 'non' insurrection?


you think the select committee( who are not all democrats, but i guess you think the 2 (R)s are RINOS ) is doing all this just for publicity?
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C. For the sake of clarity, I stand opposed to the violence that day; but that a small portion of the protestors did things like vandalizing the Capitol and physically assaulting the police does not make it a coup attempt.

& were actively hunting down congress critters, including the speaker of the house - the 3rd in line for the presidency.

D. I also support former Vice President Pence’s official decision not to REFUSE to do his Constitutional duties based on the still unproved claims that the vote had gotten altered.

pence sought out avenues to do exactly that - including speaking with dan quale. when pence realised there was nothing he could do for his president, THEN he went along with the rule set forth in the constitution. but he tried.

F. I’m not sure if false flags were involved. I suspect they were to some extent. But the violence at the 1/6 non-insurrection

a failed coup is still an attempted coup. if a bank robber failed at getting the cash - is he still criminally culpable?

can’t be laid at their feet even if they were involved.

of course it can.

But that behavior shouldn’t be ascribed to all Republicans or conservatives either. It wasn’t even by a majority of the protestors.

& the ones that were 'peaceful' weren't arrested, & are not on the FBI wanted list.
'dims'? 'non' insurrection?


you think the select committee( who are not all democrats, but i guess you thing the 2 (R)s are RINOS ) is doing all this just for publicity?
No. Not just for publicity. But publicity for specific agendas. That this committee is “bi-partisan” is irrelevant. The has a token Republicans. But the House is a Democrap politicized quagmire. And we both know that nobody in Congress thinks that the “answer” to such behavior at the Capitol requires any new laws.

Your reliance on the leftist-media orchestrated claim that what happened was an “insurrection” only serves to prove that you are one of the easily-misled gullible tools upon whom they rely.

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