YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

This right wing crazy person in Florida actually called the police because there is a biography about a black gay man in 3 of the school libraries.

The police are going to investigate a book in 3 school libraries in Florida.

Seriously here, the republicans are headed down the full fascist road.

She has the right to be christian and allow it to govern everything she does.

She doesn't have the right to force everyone to be christian and to allow the christian bible to govern everyone.

Exactly. Republicans are going full fascist trying to establish their evangelical theocracy. Banning books about gay people does not stop gay people from existing. And forcing people to learn only the version of history that makes one group to be heroes and everybody else subservient to them is what people do in Russia, China and North Korea.
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Either that or the DOJ and FBI are corrupt at the top if not all the way through and through.

Of course I could be wrong and when it becomes obvious the Joe Biden MUST be removed from office because of his increasing dementia he will be given a choice — resign or face impeachment for influence peddling.

Either that or the DOJ and FBI are corrupt at the top if not all the way through and through.

Of course I could be wrong and when it becomes obvious the Joe Biden MUST be removed from office because of his increasing dementia he will be given a choice — resign or face impeachment for influence peddling.

After the years of the trump- Barr show....you have the nerve to talk about Influence Peddling? trump used the DOJ as his personal law firm. Hypocrisy does not adorn you well....
soooooooooooooooo................ he was subpoenaed to appear b4 the select committee.

he refused.

he was compelled to provide certain documents in his possession.

he refused.

there's a logical deduction, watson.

anyhoo, if he is allowed out b4 his trial - most likely he'll hafta give up his passport & have restricted movement imposed. maybe even an ankle bracelet. lol ... bannon 'innocent' !!!!

Maybe the FBI needs to get a search warrant and. Go get the documents?

Why is the repub party fighting so hard to stop an inquiry into an attempted coup?
i'm doubting it would be concurrent, nor should be.
I don’t pretend to know. But the allegedly contemptible acts were really essentially just one ongoing act of defiance. Granted: it is charged as two acts. It is also fair to charge it that way, in an objective sense, I guess. And I suspect that some judges wouldn’t even consider a concurrent sentence as an option.
Maybe the FBI needs to get a search warrant and. Go get the documents?

Why is the repub party fighting so hard to stop an inquiry into an attempted coup?
Why are the highly politicized Dims so intent on pretending to (implicitly) claim that rummaging around White House communications about the 1/6 non-insurrection will lead to any “needed” legislative actions?
yea, here is their "research"

Rubbish. False flag my foot. It was a attempted coup to over throw democracy by republicans and that's why you're attempting to share the blame on democrats. Grow up and own it.
Rubbish. False flag my foot. It was a attempted coup to over throw democracy by republicans and that's why you're attempting to share the blame on democrats. Grow up and own it.
A. We aren’t a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic.
B. It wasn’t an attempted coup. It was an effort to prevent what was perceived as a successful effort to subvert the electoral process.
C. For the sake of clarity, I stand opposed to the violence that day; but that a small portion of the protestors did things like vandalizing the Capitol and physically assaulting the police does not make it a coup attempt.
D. I also support former Vice President Pence’s official decision not to REFUSE to do his Constitutional duties based on the still unproved claims that the vote had gotten altered.
E. I still do maintain that the Constitution says the various States’ LEGISLATURES were supposed to be the sole proper say in the voting process in each State. And I don’t believe that’s what happened in several states. Therefore, this would have been a significant legal fight. But our courts ducked it all — and in doing so, they did harm to our Republic.
F. I’m not sure if false flags were involved. I suspect they were to some extent. But the violence at the 1/6 non-insurrection can’t be laid at their feet even if they were involved. But that behavior shouldn’t be ascribed to all Republicans or conservatives either. It wasn’t even by a majority of the protestors.
So does he turn himself in tomorrow? Or does he flee the country?
Your fondness for sub-moronic questions highlights what a worthless hack you are. Nobody facing a mere misdemeanor trial is going to feel a need to flee the country. Even a drooling complete imbecile like you wouldn’t be that stupid.
A. We aren’t a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic.

The country is a democracy by any other name. When people vote politicians in or out, it's a democracy. Get some facts.

B. It wasn’t an attempted coup. It was an effort to prevent what was perceived as a successful effort to subvert the electoral process.

Bullshit. If they had succeeded in stopping democracy, what would you have called it then? There was no perception of anything. You were certain the election was stolen but wouldn't accept it so you supported the riots.

C. For the sake of clarity, I stand opposed to the violence that day; but that a small portion of the protestors did things like vandalizing the Capitol and physically assaulting the police does not make it a coup attempt.

Every democracy in the world called it that but obviously they haven't heard your wisdom.

D. I also support former Vice President Pence’s official decision not to REFUSE to do his Constitutional duties based on the still unproved claims that the vote had gotten altered.

Would you have declared that if pence had been assaulted and killed?

E. I still do maintain that the Constitution says the various States’ LEGISLATURES were supposed to be the sole proper say in the voting process in each State. And I don’t believe that’s what happened in several states. Therefore, this would have been a significant legal fight. But our courts ducked it all — and in doing so, they did harm to our Republic.

Rubbish. That's a long winded passage of saying the state's did their job but you still don't believe it. Grow up.

F. I’m not sure if false flags were involved. I suspect they were to some extent. But the violence at the 1/6 non-insurrection can’t be laid at their feet even if they were involved. But that behavior shouldn’t be ascribed to all Republicans or conservatives either. It wasn’t even by a majority of the protestors.

Well who can the blame be laid at? They were all republicans and you know it. Trump orchestrated and supported it and watched it happen yet they weren't involved???, have you taken leave of your sense?

Spin it all you like but the fact remains,
They were republicans trying to stop democracy. You know, they same democracy as the constitutional Republic you so treasure dearly.
Bannon will be a right-wing hero no matter what happens

he's the new Rush Limbaugh, the new Roger Stone
One would think. But remember, little Stevie is playing a game of theater for the benefit of dumbfucks like you. So maybe he is thinking about a dramatic flourish.
Hm. Maybe you think you just offered a meaningful reply. You would be wrong. You merely reconfirmed that you are so tragically stupid that you consider your baseless speculation as the equivalent of a fact.

damn, but you’re pathetic.
Since you lack even the rudimentary intellect needed to quote and THEN respond, it was difficult to see that you had said anything at all. But I then saw the mistake you had made.

YOU, being a freaking hose-head loser, inserted your responses within your quotation of my prior post. You dope.

your responses all lack any hint of merit. You’re an imbecile.
Maybe you think you just offered a meaningful reply.
Of course I did. I wondered aloud if Little Stevie, the Pickled Traitor, in order to keep morons like you enthralled and excited, might go visit another country. I could see it. yes it is stupid. But so are you. And he makes a living pandering to and stealing from stupid people like you. Your stupidity butters his bread.

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