YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

another political opposition has to go to jail bit.
his Latin America-style jail-your-opponents crap hasn't been done in the U.S. since 1983. It's effectively unprecedented. Not to Eric Holder. Not to Lois Lerner, to take but two examples of power abusers who clammed up and truly showed contempt for Congress as well as ordinary citizens. Bannon, though, is special.

MSNBC is brimming with coverage of it on YouTube as is CNN. NBC has a digitally altered image of Bannon on their news video of it, making Bannon look like a drunk. Put 'Bannon' in the YouTube search bar and that's what you get.

It goes to show how far gone the Biden administration is in terms of respecting the political balance, precedent, and process. He's got Bannon now. Hain't he got the power?

Why might this be happening? Why is the Jan. 6 commission so desperate to get Bannon to testify in the first place, and why are they so crazed that he hasn't?


Well, start at the root of it: That Biden was never legitimately elected president. He's in office by fraud. The fact that the fracas at the Capitol, which was never more than a crowd control issue, was all about Biden's fraudulent election. The Bidenites want to jail anyone involved in it in a draconian way, including Bannon who wasn't even at the Capitol when it happened, as a means of sending a message to everyone that questioning Joe Biden's legitimacy is a jailable offense. It's not enough to have control of the media "narrative." Nope, the actual incarceration of critics is the only thing left for an illegitimate president aside from death squads.
Determing whether or not Trump incited it is only one of the purposes. They are also looking into where or not some of the people or groups that took part preplanned their actions, and if members of congress conspired with them.
While they the PM/DSA Dem Commies cover their tracks regarding their false flag operation conducted by the FBI.
Frankly, I will be surprised if things don't go sideways before then.

PM/DSA Democrats will not relinguish their power back to the people. If we are lucky enough to have a 2021 midterm election and oust the Democrat majority from Congress terrorism will erupt throughout the U.S with Antifa and BLM leading the charge once again as they did throughout the Trump administration and there won't be a peep coming from Joey Xi Bai Dung and is sycophants which includes the bought and paid for DOJ, FBI and complicit 14 other agencies.

another political opposition has to go to jail bit.

Bannon is a scummy guy so I really don't care what happens to him.
Right...Barr had a chance to do something about the BS allegations that Batcat is asserting. He did nothing...so it seems Batcat is as full of shit as a just plucked Christmas turkey.
Either that or the DOJ and FBI are corrupt at the top if not all the way through and through.

Of course I could be wrong and when it becomes obvious the Joe Biden MUST be removed from office because of his increasing dementia he will be given a choice — resign or face impeachment for influence peddling.

Trying again. Apparently just posting the link to the indictment now being discussed doesn’t fly without some original commentary. Initially, my plan wasn’t to comment so much as to inform. Folks should know more precisely the nature of the criminal charges under discussion before discussing it.

My commentary is dull and basic, here. Bannon got the subpoena. He defied it. Congress made a referral. The DOJ chose to seek an indictment. They got it. I suspect the case isn’t going to hard for any Assistant US Attorney to prove. My hunch? Mr. Bannon is in trouble here. I also believe this is a partisan political bogus move, but that doesn’t help this particular defendant.
maybe so, hardly a big deal…and frankly being held in contempt of this demafascist congress is a badge of honor

another political opposition has to go to jail bit.

Bannon is headed for jail - which will probably be a step up for him.

He may well have his own flaws, but anyone questioning the 2020 results and related matters are targeted by Biden's thugs at the DOJ.

Perhaps but eventually even Trump fans will acknowledge that he was a liability who clowned Trump.
every report states it's on his podcast.

so it's there & it can't be disputed. but you go ahead & defend a cretin who literally stole from yer fellow trump humpers.

& yer chosen one pardoned him! LOL!!!!!

Bring the podcast.
Nah, just another self soothing cult talking point. Not sure who you think you are fooling. McCarthy knew some of the picks would be rejected. That's why he chose them. To maintain the con. Anyone else who doesn't say so is gullible moron or a shameless liar.
So now you can read minds?
Really? Antifa attached to republicans???
Have you taken leave of your sense or is that a poor attempt to associate the left with the riots?
I'd do some research if I were you.
yea, here is their "research"


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