YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

Silly Sue is ranting. Gas prices and inflation is a worldwide problem due to the pandemic. All the rest is right wing bullshit. The border is a inherited problem. COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates are public safety issues, and your boy trump is demented but you want him back.

That's why your name is Silly Sue.

See you at the midterms

You won't be able to steal this time.
Wow!, my mistake, I didn't know Bannon was sentenced already. :smoke:

soooooooooooooooo................ he was subpoenaed to appear b4 the select committee.

he refused.

he was compelled to provide certain documents in his possession.

he refused.

there's a logical deduction, watson.

anyhoo, if he is allowed out b4 his trial - most likely he'll hafta give up his passport & have restricted movement imposed. maybe even an ankle bracelet. lol ... bannon 'innocent' !!!!

I was actually referring to your rather clumsy deflection from Frau Pelosi's unprecedented change to House protocols, which you lied about. First time in the 230 year history of Congress she refused to seat the members of the minority party on a select committee. Good German for backing her up.


there's no deflection. you show me where it's written that the speaker HAS to accept any & all minority members. in case you didn't realize it - there's TWO republicans seated... chosen by HER, ( cue the THEY ARE RINOs cop out ) because mcspineless wasn't taking it seriously & was gonna seat 2 performance artists bent on turning it into a circus.

sucks to actually know the truth, 'eh?
Yep. An argument might be made about running the sentences concurrently if there’s a conviction. So it could be a grand total of $100 and one month all rolled into one. Not sure how that argument would fly though.

i'm doubting it would be concurrent, nor should be.
I have no idea if he even knows about it.

So, do you have an actual quote or not?

lol... but you don't seem to realise ( being poorly educated will do that to ya ) is that i don't have to have one - but the select committee does.

& apparently they did - cause a grand jury agreed there's enough evidence to indict .

neener neener

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there's no deflection. you show me where it's written that the speaker HAS to accept any & all minority members. in case you didn't realize it - there's TWO republicans seated... chosen by HER, ( cue the THEY ARE RINOs cop out ) because mcspineless wasn't taking it seriously & was gonna seat 2 performance artists bent on turning it into a circus.

sucks to actually know the truth, 'eh?
It's written in 230 years of history. But Good Germans such as yourself don't care about that as long as your leaders tell you it's good the party. Party Uber Alles. kudos Playtime. Good German.
lol... but you don't seem to realise ( being poorly educated will do that to ya ) is that i don't have to have one - but the select committee does.

& apparently they did - cause a grand jury agreed there's enough evidence to indict .

neener neener

I accept your admission you are a lying sack of shit.

Run along….
This will be discussed. It's trump and his crew who don't want this discussed publicly. That is why we see the usual trump evasive tactics.

The person you replied to doesn't understand or know how our legal system works.

The only way for this to not go to trial is for bannon to comply with the subpoena.

If he doesn't, he goes to jail.


End of story.
The person you replied to doesn't understand or know how our legal system works.

The only way for this to not go to trial is for bannon to comply with the subpoena.

If he doesn't, he goes to jail.


End of story.
Funny shit. You claim he doesn’t know how are legal system works, then completely ignore the “innocent until proven guilty” part of our legal system.

What a clown.

Virginia school board members call for books to be burned amid GOP's campaign against schools teaching about race and sexuality

John Haltiwanger
Nov 10, 2021, 3:52 PM

  • Two VA school board members called for burning books that have been deemed worthy of removal.
  • The Spotsylvania County School Board directed staff to begin removing "sexually explicit" books from library shelves.
  • The GOP has been pushing against teaching students about race and sexuality.
The board has plans to review how certain books or materials are defined as "objectionable," the paper said, which opens the door for other content to be removed.

Courtland representative Rabih Abuismail and Livingston representative Kirk Twigg both championed burning the books that have been removed.

"I think we should throw those books in a fire," Abuismail said. Meanwhile, Twigg said he wanted to "see the books before we burn them so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff."

Book burnings have a dark history linked to censorship and repressive regimes, and are often associated with Nazi Germany. Infamous Nazi book burnings in 1933 targeted thousands of books deemed "un-German," including the works of Jewish authors like like Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, as well as banned American writers like Ernest Hemingway.

A Nazi book burning

May 1933: German soldiers and civilians give the Nazi salute as thousands of books smoulder during one of the mass book-burnings implemented throughout the country to destroy non-Aryan publications. Getty Images

The directive to remove "sexually explicit" books was seemingly prompted by a school board meeting on Monday during which parents expressed concerns about literature students can access via the Riverbend High School's digital library app.

One parent was apparently alarmed by the availability of "LGBTQIA" fiction, the Lance-Star said, and found a book called "33 Snowfish" by Adam Rapp especially troubling. The American Library Association named the book a Best Book for Young Adults in 2004. According to a Publishers Weekly review, the book is "dark tale about three runaways who understand hatred and violence better than love."
Virginia school board members call for books to be burned amid GOP's campaign against schools teaching about race and sexuality

so stfu & sit down.

This right wing crazy person in Florida actually called the police because there is a biography about a black gay man in 3 of the school libraries.

The police are going to investigate a book in 3 school libraries in Florida.

Seriously here, the republicans are headed down the full fascist road.

She has the right to be christian and allow it to govern everything she does.

She doesn't have the right to force everyone to be christian and to allow the christian bible to govern everyone.

The person you replied to doesn't understand or know how our legal system works.

The only way for this to not go to trial is for bannon to comply with the subpoena.

If he doesn't, he goes to jail.


End of story.

Both of these are victories.

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