YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

I'm not privy to the inside info as you are. :eusa_whistle:

which translates into you not bothering to educate yerself.


google is yer friend...
& yet that article is 100% fact.... the antithesis of propaganda. go ahead & try to spin it all you want... it ain't gonna fly.

sieg heil baby!

I was actually referring to your rather clumsy deflection from Frau Pelosi's unprecedented change to House protocols, which you lied about. First time in the 230 year history of Congress she refused to seat the members of the minority party on a select committee. Good German for backing her up.
Conversation was between myself and Doc, you stick your Pinocchio nose into everything, huh?
Life must suck for you.
As far as Bannon? He knows a shenanigans when he sees it. It's what your "ethical" ilk reeks with.
You do realize that Bannon is out to destroy the country...right?

Nah, just another self soothing cult talking point. Not sure who you think you were fooling. McCarthy knew some of the picks would be rejected. That's why he chose them. To maintain the con. Anyone else who doesn't say so is gullible moron or a shameless liar.
Yeah, because she would have to answer for her culpability to the issue.
She's not stupid.
The only gullible moron and shameless liar is Fort Fun Indiana. Make no mistake about that
Sorry to have made you wet your panties, there Fart Fun. But I even posted the indictment. It references the precise US Code section charged for the two counts. It is a misdemeanor. It is simply not a felony, you mindless drooling troll.

Actual facts just bug the snot out of you liberal mindless clowns.
I didn't say it was a felony. You confused yourself, due to rabid stupidity and cultism.
not only peaceful, but instigated by ANTIFA as well

Really? Antifa attached to republicans???
Have you taken leave of your sense or is that a poor attempt to associate the left with the riots?
I'd do some research if I were you.
They will get nothing from Bannon. Even if he testifies, he can take the 5th amendment or say he does not know for every question those idiots ask him. It is useless to force someone to testify. Bannon left the white house 4 years ago. He will just tell them that over and over and they will look stupid.
If they give him immnity he has to respond. If he lies...tack that on to the sentence
NEW YORK — A federal judge on Monday formally dismissed the fraud case against Stephen K. Bannon, the conservative provocateur and ex-adviser to President Donald Trump, ending months of litigation over how the court system should handle his pardon while related criminal cases remain unresolved.

U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres, citing examples of other cases being dismissed following a presidential reprieve, granted Bannon’s application — saying in a seven-page ruling that Trump’s pardon was valid and that “dismissal of the Indictment is the proper course.”
Bannon was charged with fraud last year alongside three others in what prosecutors described as a massive fundraising scam targeting the donors of a private campaign to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Bannon was accused of pocketing more than $1 million from his involvement with “We Build the Wall” while representing to the organization’s backers that all of the money was being used for construction.
They will get nothing from Bannon. Even if he testifies, he can take the 5th amendment or say he does not know for every question those idiots ask him. It is useless to force someone to testify. Bannon left the white house 4 years ago. He will just tell them that over and over and they will look stupid.
Bannon knows plenty. If he didn't Trump wouldn't have told him to keep his mouth shut, now would he? And that goes for Meadows & the rest of them. Anyone who thinks that Trump gives a damn about EP is delusional.
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Then if they convict Bannon, I suggest the DOJ get on their horse and go after Eric Holder, every Democrat and Leftie that has refused to answer, appear and/or committed perjury in Congressional subpoenaed presentations.
But we do understan that under the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist ideology, the Law is for thee and not for me...
Considering the DNC lockstep as one movement in the past 20 years, if the truth be known, we wouldn't have anyone left in both houses of Congress who is a practicing Democrat along with a few RINOs who wrongfully pity Democrats.
you are correct.

for each offense.

so it's $2k & 2 years. he's charged with 2 offenses.
Yep. An argument might be made about running the sentences concurrently if there’s a conviction. So it could be a grand total of $100 and one month all rolled into one. Not sure how that argument would fly though.

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