Yazidis on Mountaintop for 11 Days Now.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013

The Yazidi Kurdish-speaking refugees on the Sinjar Mountains, have been there for 11 days now, fleeing from ISIS militants. That's a long time to be up there, struggling against dehydration, 120 degree blazing heat, hunger, and surrounded by the ISIS lunatics threatening to kill them.

Some reports say about 500 of them have been killed and their bodies are just lying on the ground. Others have been shown on the TV news wounded including children with bleeding face wounds. Many of these poor people have been rescued by Syrian Kurds, who battled ISIS troops, to carve an escape route. Thank goodness for THEM.

Does this seem like too little is being done by the US to help ? And only now, Obama is sending 100 military advisers to help the Yazidis, according to a CNN report. This still hasn't happened, and when it does this would be the first time, if approved, that U.S. forces would be in direct conflict with the Islamic State, other than the airstrikes that many politicians and military experts have called "pinpricks".

Seems to me that Obama should have been doing more on this, and should have done it a week AGO, not some time later to this date. This dude has a habit of doing thing slowly, when speed is critically necessary.


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There is never a bearded messiah with five loaves and two fishes around when needed.

Ps manna from heaven anybody?
If there is difficulty in getting all the Yasidis off the mountain and to somewhere safe, because of the presence of ISIS troops, why don't Obama and other country's presidents send in ground troops and obliterate ISIS 100% ? Isn't that what should be happening ? It's what is going to be needed to be done anyway. Sooner or later. Might as well do it now, before the lunatics get any stronger, and while we can AND MUST liberate the Yazidis.
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It's all good. Barry is kicking ass at the Golf Course, Biden is on his 3rd vacation this month, and Hillary, she bitch, is kicking it in the Hamptons while giving the monarch a tongue lashing and then apologizing for it. Bitch should be careful what she says!

The Yazidi Kurdish-speaking refugees on the Sinjar Mountains, have been there for 11 days now, fleeing from ISIS militants. That's a long time to be up there, struggling against dehydration, 120 degree blazing heat, hunger, and surrounded by the ISIS lunatics threatening to kill them.

Some reports say about 500 of them have been killed and their bodies are just lying on the ground. Others have been shown on the TV news wounded including children with bleeding face wounds. Many of these poor people have been rescued by Syrian Kurds, who battled ISIS troops, to carve an escape route. Thank goodness for THEM.

Does this seem like too little is being done by the US to help ? And only now, Obama is sending 100 military advisers to help the Yazidis, according to a CNN report. This still hasn't happened, and when it does this would be the first time, if approved, that U.S. forces would be in direct conflict with the Islamic State, other than the airstrikes that many politicians and military experts have called "pinpricks".

Seems to me that Obama should have been doing more on this, and should have done it a week AGO, not some time later to this date. This dude has a habit of doing thing slowly, when speed is critically necessary.

Report: U.S. to Send 100 More Military Advisers Help Iraq's Yazidis - The Wire

Syrian Kurdish fighters rescuing stranded Yazidis | Fox News

The Special Forces report the water and food drops have eased the dehydration and starvation; that noted, no disputing US relief should have begun earlier.

Pentagon: Mass evacuation of Yazidis in Iraq unlikely - CNN.com

As part of that effort, a group of about 20 U.S. State Department and military personnel spent 24 hours in the mountains to assess the numbers and conditions, Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said. "The Yazidis who remain are in better condition than previously believed and continue to have access to the food and water that we have dropped," he said, citing the success of humanitarian airdrops and airstrikes against ISIS
Let Britain save them. How about France ? Russia ? Japan ? Germany ?

Why is it our job ? Let another country be the hero/scourge for once. Let their taxpayers foot the bill.
Let Britain save them. How about France ? Russia ? Japan ? Germany ?

Why is it our job ? Let another country be the hero/scourge for once. Let their taxpayers foot the bill.

I'd say it ought to be a TEAM effort. With all of them AND us. And it especially ought to include some of the middle eastern countries who are close by, and in most immediate danger of ISIS attacking THEM. And a lot of those countries have plenty of money to finance military operations.
There are conflicting reports. Despite the declarations of the US administration, the United Nations on Wednesday said it considered Iraq in general to be at the highest level of humanitarian crisis. The special representative Nickolay Mladenov said a level-three emergency was in effect triggering additional aid for Iraq.

I have learned to take any reports from the Obama administration (that includes all US military), with a grain of salt.

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Last I heard there are still thousands of Yasidis up on the Sinjar Mountains. 120 degree heat. Little food and water. No sanitation facilities. People are sick.

Now Obama says all is OK up there. Will he go up there and meet with them ? Maybe play a few holes of golf up there ?
The benevolent hand of God intervened evidently. Or, my hypothesis, President Obama saw the polling not supporting another invasion or other military involvement in Iraq and suddenly chose to let however many are still up there die. Which he should of course, but after making it sound like WW2's actual genocide he's making himself look indecisive and subject to which ever way the wind's blowing.
The benevolent hand of God intervened evidently. Or, my hypothesis, President Obama saw the polling not supporting another invasion or other military involvement in Iraq and suddenly chose to let however many are still up there die. Which he should of course, but after making it sound like WW2's actual genocide he's making himself look indecisive and subject to which ever way the wind's blowing.

Just once, I'd like to see the military take action in a major way (combat or humanitarian or both) WITHOUT ORDERS from Obama. Just to do the right thing. It probably wouldn't make him look any more pathetic than he does already.
The benevolent hand of God intervened evidently. Or, my hypothesis, President Obama saw the polling not supporting another invasion or other military involvement in Iraq and suddenly chose to let however many are still up there die. Which he should of course, but after making it sound like WW2's actual genocide he's making himself look indecisive and subject to which ever way the wind's blowing.

Just once, I'd like to see the military take action in a major way (combat or humanitarian or both) WITHOUT ORDERS from Obama. Just to do the right thing. It probably wouldn't make him look any more pathetic than he does already.

How bout a coup! That works for me.
The benevolent hand of God intervened evidently. Or, my hypothesis, President Obama saw the polling not supporting another invasion or other military involvement in Iraq and suddenly chose to let however many are still up there die. Which he should of course, but after making it sound like WW2's actual genocide he's making himself look indecisive and subject to which ever way the wind's blowing.

Just once, I'd like to see the military take action in a major way (combat or humanitarian or both) WITHOUT ORDERS from Obama. Just to do the right thing. It probably wouldn't make him look any more pathetic than he does already.

So you have no idea how the chain of command works???
The benevolent hand of God intervened evidently. Or, my hypothesis, President Obama saw the polling not supporting another invasion or other military involvement in Iraq and suddenly chose to let however many are still up there die. Which he should of course, but after making it sound like WW2's actual genocide he's making himself look indecisive and subject to which ever way the wind's blowing.

Just once, I'd like to see the military take action in a major way (combat or humanitarian or both) WITHOUT ORDERS from Obama. Just to do the right thing. It probably wouldn't make him look any more pathetic than he does already.

How bout a coup! That works for me.

Me too. I'm in,
The benevolent hand of God intervened evidently. Or, my hypothesis, President Obama saw the polling not supporting another invasion or other military involvement in Iraq and suddenly chose to let however many are still up there die. Which he should of course, but after making it sound like WW2's actual genocide he's making himself look indecisive and subject to which ever way the wind's blowing.

Just once, I'd like to see the military take action in a major way (combat or humanitarian or both) WITHOUT ORDERS from Obama. Just to do the right thing. It probably wouldn't make him look any more pathetic than he does already.

So you have no idea how the chain of command works???

Sure I do. I'd just like to see them break it. Coup Baby! Coup! :D
Let Britain save them. How about France ? Russia ? Japan ? Germany ?


Because YOU have built up this thugs in Syria, not WE. O.k., take the Brits and Frogs
on board, too.
Russia has actually stopped you from starting the next big idiocy of bombing the Assad military, which would have resulted in handing over Syria to thie sand people as a whole.
What you are bombing now, you have breast-fed at your own tits before.
Like the Taliban or Al-Quaida.
Let Britain save them. How about France ? Russia ? Japan ? Germany ?


Because YOU have built up this thugs in Syria, not WE. O.k., take the Brits and Frogs
on board, too.
Russia has actually stopped you from starting the next big idiocy of bombing the Assad military, which would have resulted in handing over Syria to thie sand people as a whole.
What you are bombing now, you have breast-fed at your own tits before.
Like the Taliban or Al-Quaida.

Oh Bullshit. These idiots have been doing this crap since 622 AD, and they haven't stopped since. What they breast feed from is the Koran, and the lunatics who promote its hate and war.

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