Yeah..Canada gun crime going up, funny obama didn't mention this,they have more gun control than us.

What's Canada's murder rate?

Yeah....doesn't is going up because.....gun control doesn't shouldn't be going up at all since Canada has strict gun control laws...right? and yet it is....why...because some of their criminals have decided they need guns because they want to shoot they got guns and they shot people.......even with all of Canada's gun control laws.....

Yes it does matter because canadian thugs are buying them from US. And you have to drag Obama with your racist bullshit. It's good for you because you can sell more guns.

No....obama drags you guys into it with his anti gun speeches...tell him to stop and then the fantasies about how effective your gun laws are can continue.....

Race has nothing to do with it asshole....obama being an asshole has everything to do with it....
Hmmmm...interesting stat from the Washington post....

Gun violence in Canada is a lot more common than you think

There were 1,092 violent crimes committed per 100,000 Canadians last year, according to the agency. About half of those crimes were threats or assaults involving little or no physical harm. By comparison, the U.S. violent crime rate reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation was 387 per 100,000 people, a figure that excludes threats and simple assaults.

Canada....1,092 violent crimes per 100,000 people

U.S...........387 violent crimes per 100,000 people

Now they say that half of Canada's rate was just threats with little physical the Canadians just gave up the goods.....


Canada....546 actual violent crimes per 100,000 people

U.S. .........387 actual violent crimes per 100,000 people
Hmmmm...and more on gun crime in Canada that you just don't hear about in the U.S.......

The Daily — Firearms and violent crime in Canada, 2012

Saskatchewan and Manitoba have the highest provincial rates of firearm-related violent crime
Similar to trends in violent crime in general, Saskatchewan (34 per 100,000 population) and Manitoba (32 per 100,000) recorded the highest rates of firearm-related violence in 2012.

Despite recording the highest provincial rates of firearm-related violent crime, the rate of handgun-related violent crimes in both Saskatchewan and Manitoba was below the national average. The highest rate of handgun-related violence among reporting provinces was in Nova Scotia (16 per 100,000 population), followed by British Columbia (15 per 100,000).
And here we have some more stats on Halifax....

StatsCan: Halifax worst Canadian city for gun-related violent crime

Halifax had the highest rate of gun-related violent crime of all major Canadian cities in 2012, according to a Statistics Canada report released Wednesday.

In that year, there were 56 shootings and 12 murders. Eight of those homicides involved guns, said Halifax Police Chief Jean-Michel Blais.


In 2013, there were 53 shootings and two gun killings in the province’s capital. So far this year, Blais said, there have been eight shootings and one gun-related homicide.

He said there were 12 attempted murders in the municipality in 2012. There have been four so far in 2014.

Gun violence is one of the top priorities for Halifax police, Blais said. Cops aim to target those involved in the region’s gun culture, particularly males between the ages of 14 and 28 who feel the need to carry guns for intimidation.

“We are actively going after these individuals to get them and their guns off the streets.”

The Statistics Canada report said people between the ages of 18 and 24 were more likely to be accused of gun-related crime than any other group.

The majority of gun violence takes place between people who know each other through gang and other related criminal activities, such as drugs and human trafficking, Blais said. But he acknowledged there are instances when innocent bystanders become victims.

Again...this should not be happening at all.....Canada has very strict gun control laws and it is a first world country with real law enforcement..........

And more on the Toronto spike...which shouldn't be happening because Canada has strict gun control laws....

Firearms: Making sense of Toronto’s cycle of violence

The number of people killed or injured by guns in Toronto so far this year is already higher than 2014, reversing a recent downward trend. But while gun violence appears to be going up in Ontario’s capital, criminologists say this apparent increase in gun violence doesn’t necessarily mean the city is becoming more dangerous.
This week alone, there have been seven shootings over a span of four days, two of them fatal, Toronto Police spokeswoman Caroline de Kloet said Friday.


Mr. Pugash said the number of shooting events this year – 162, as of Aug. 20 – is now on par with the number on the same date in 2012, the year police previously noted a spike in gun violence.

Police don’t know the reasons behind this year’s increase, Mr. Pugash said, and it’s an issue that could be impacted by an “infinite number of factors.”
How`s Canada doing with mass shootings? Is a movie goer or a second grader or a mall shopper safer in Canada than they are here? Of course they are because criminals don`t have their own lobbying organization working for them as they do here nor do they allow the mentally ill to stockpile weapons.
A look at other Canadian Cities....

Saskatoon third among Canadian cities for violent gun crime in 2012

OTTAWA – A new report out Wednesday put Saskatoon near the top of the list in Canada when it came to police-reported violent gun crime in 2012.

Statistics Canada says there were 38 victims in the city per 100,000 population for firearm-related violent crimes.

Halifax was listed first and Moncton, N.B. second. Regina was listed in 11th with a 19.7 victims per 100,000.


Saskatchewan also had the highest rate of youth accused of violent firearm crime at 82 per 100,000 youth. StatsCan classifies youth as those between the ages of 12 and 17.
Last edited:
How`s Canada doing with mass shootings? Is a movie goer or a second grader or a mall shopper safer in Canada than they are here? Of course they are because criminals don`t have their own lobbying organization working for them as they do here nor do they allow the mentally ill to stockpile weapons.

No. They obviously have guns in Canada and the only thing that stops one of their nuts from doing the same thing as happens here is the desire to do it.......if they have guns moron, they can shoot up a theater or a school.....

Why are you anti gunners so dumb.......

You do realize that the shooter last year at the Canadian parliament could have just as easily gone to a school or a movie theater..right...and that those people shooting each other in Toronto, Monckton, and other Canadian cities could walk into schools..right?

try again moron.
Yes...funny that obama didn't mention that Canada...that paradise of gun control laws....has seen a spike in gun crime and gun murder......even though they have strict gun control...funny how our democrat controlled media failed to point this out....

Toronto's gun crime stats have spiked

TORONTO - Welcome to Toronto’s Summer of the Gun 2015.

It’s a headline neither Toronto Police nor city hall want to see.

There is no question statistics can be made to look a lot of different ways, but some statistics are just plain ugly.

Scary, actually.

For example, 36 more people have been shot so far this year in Toronto than at this point last year.

Toronto Police statistics show a 90% increase in people wounded by gunfire and a 48% increase in shootings (135 compared to 91).

And there have been 106 more shooting victims (those hit by gunfire, as well as those victimized by it).

In fact, the 227 shooting victims so far this year is 31 more than the total for all of 2014.

It’s true not all shooting victims have been hit by gunfire, but as Deputy Chief Peter Sloly points out, every gun shot, whether into the air or a tree, is one that could ricochet and strike an innocent victim like we saw in 2012 when a two-year-old was hit.

If you add the death and injury statistics, Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015 compared to 53 at this time last year. That’s a 66% increase.

It’s a big spike.

Shocking, horrifying numbers that seem to have just snuck up on us.

Many seem worried about the controversial carding issue, but these scary stats aren’t getting the same media attention. It doesn’t feel like a particularly violent summer, but the stats indicate otherwise.

You are pathetic. Grasping at straws. That's about one city chump, not the whole country. We're doing pretty good thank you.



Canada also introduced tougher gun control measures, following the École Polytechnique Massacre in 1989. Tougher screening processes were introduced for all gun purchases including risk assessments, background checks and firearms registration. Later, further classes of firearms “not reasonably used in hunting” (prohibiting semi-automatic assault weapons) became restricted.
The new measures appeared to accelerate a downward trend in gun violence involving long weapons (rifles and shotguns) but also revealed a shift to handguns as criminal weapons of choice, as Canada also experienced an upsurge in street-gang problems. Tighter controls on handguns have also followed, having some positive impact over the past five years although, in this regard, Canada’s efforts are rather undermined by the lax gun laws of its neighbour to the south. An overwhelming number of criminal handguns intercepted by the police in Canada are illegally sourced from the US.

Yeah.....the article is from 2015...dipstick...

Posted: Aug 04, 2015 8:34 PM ETLast Updated: Aug 04, 2015 8:34 PM ET

And the other article....

JULY 15, 2015 08:35 PM EDT | UPDATED: WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2015 08:38 PM EDT

You didn't comment on my main criticism of your OP-you use one year spike in one city to categorize a whole country. By the way Toronto is the largest city in Canada. Your article states "If you add the death and injury statistics, "Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015." Your article calls that number "horrifying". What would a newspaper call that Stat in your biggest city? And I assume you're criticizing my use of a three year old graph. If you've ever searched for similar data you know it's hard to find up to date (current) aggregates of statistics of this type. For instance google "FBI gun homicide rates 2015" and you get something like these;


Your point in the OP seemed to be that Canada's gun regulations have not had a positive effect. There is evidence to the contrary but like I said you really misrepresented one story about one city to push your NRA narrative. Grasping at straws. And pulling Obama into the conversation just represents a microcosm of the Republican agenda since he was elected. Say no to everything in case he might succeed at something and blame him for everything even if he's 12 steps removed from the event. Way more concern for anti-Obama memes than what is actually good for America. That's been typical of everything, not just gun control. I truly believe that 100 yrs. from now future Americans will look back at the whole bunch of you as in the same hated category as Benedict Arnold.
Drive by shootings in Saskatoon Canada 2015

Saskatoon police creating guns and gangs unit

Watch above: The number of shooting incidents and gang-related activities in the city is on the rise and the Saskatoon Police Service is firing back. Amber Rockliffe tells us though it could come at a considerable cost to taxpayers.

SASKATOON – After a surge in drive-by shootings, police chases, and drug activity, the Saskatoon Police Service is creating a new guns and gangs unit.

“I never ever thought in my career as a police officer in Saskatchewan that we’d ever be forming such a unit,” said police Chief Clive Weighill.

“We’re going to redeploy some other members within our criminal investigation division to augment the gangs and the guns so we have a substantial amount of officers to work on this,” he explained.

Weighill is not revealing how many officers will be a part of the new unit.

Weighill said the unit will tackle the unprecedented level of gang crime the city is experiencing, which he said is fueled by turf wars.

“We’re seeing people coming in from Vancouver, Toronto, with guns, who try to intimidate their way into the market here,” the chief explained.

READ MORE: Police chief worried Saskatoon crime rates may go up

He said Saskatoon has seen a steady increase in weapons and firearm charges over the past few years. According to police records, there were 323 charges in 2011.

That jumped up to 435 last year.
Yes...funny that obama didn't mention that Canada...that paradise of gun control laws....has seen a spike in gun crime and gun murder......even though they have strict gun control...funny how our democrat controlled media failed to point this out....

Toronto's gun crime stats have spiked

TORONTO - Welcome to Toronto’s Summer of the Gun 2015.

It’s a headline neither Toronto Police nor city hall want to see.

There is no question statistics can be made to look a lot of different ways, but some statistics are just plain ugly.

Scary, actually.

For example, 36 more people have been shot so far this year in Toronto than at this point last year.

Toronto Police statistics show a 90% increase in people wounded by gunfire and a 48% increase in shootings (135 compared to 91).

And there have been 106 more shooting victims (those hit by gunfire, as well as those victimized by it).

In fact, the 227 shooting victims so far this year is 31 more than the total for all of 2014.

It’s true not all shooting victims have been hit by gunfire, but as Deputy Chief Peter Sloly points out, every gun shot, whether into the air or a tree, is one that could ricochet and strike an innocent victim like we saw in 2012 when a two-year-old was hit.

If you add the death and injury statistics, Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015 compared to 53 at this time last year. That’s a 66% increase.

It’s a big spike.

Shocking, horrifying numbers that seem to have just snuck up on us.

Many seem worried about the controversial carding issue, but these scary stats aren’t getting the same media attention. It doesn’t feel like a particularly violent summer, but the stats indicate otherwise.

You are pathetic. Grasping at straws. That's about one city chump, not the whole country. We're doing pretty good thank you.



Canada also introduced tougher gun control measures, following the École Polytechnique Massacre in 1989. Tougher screening processes were introduced for all gun purchases including risk assessments, background checks and firearms registration. Later, further classes of firearms “not reasonably used in hunting” (prohibiting semi-automatic assault weapons) became restricted.
The new measures appeared to accelerate a downward trend in gun violence involving long weapons (rifles and shotguns) but also revealed a shift to handguns as criminal weapons of choice, as Canada also experienced an upsurge in street-gang problems. Tighter controls on handguns have also followed, having some positive impact over the past five years although, in this regard, Canada’s efforts are rather undermined by the lax gun laws of its neighbour to the south. An overwhelming number of criminal handguns intercepted by the police in Canada are illegally sourced from the US.

Yeah.....the article is from 2015...dipstick...

Posted: Aug 04, 2015 8:34 PM ETLast Updated: Aug 04, 2015 8:34 PM ET

And the other article....

JULY 15, 2015 08:35 PM EDT | UPDATED: WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2015 08:38 PM EDT

You didn't comment on my main criticism of your OP-you use one year spike in one city to categorize a whole country. By the way Toronto is the largest city in Canada. Your article states "If you add the death and injury statistics, "Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015." Your article calls that number "horrifying". What would a newspaper call that Stat in your biggest city? And I assume you're criticizing my use of a three year old graph. If you've ever searched for similar data you know it's hard to find up to date (current) aggregates of statistics of this type. For instance google "FBI gun homicide rates 2015" and you get something like these;


Your point in the OP seemed to be that Canada's gun regulations have not had a positive effect. There is evidence to the contrary but like I said you really misrepresented one story about one city to push your NRA narrative. Grasping at straws. And pulling Obama into the conversation just represents a microcosm of the Republican agenda since he was elected. Say no to everything in case he might succeed at something and blame him for everything even if he's 12 steps removed from the event. Way more concern for anti-Obama memes than what is actually good for America. That's been typical of everything, not just gun control. I truly believe that 100 yrs. from now future Americans will look back at the whole bunch of you as in the same hated category as Benedict Arnold.

Not using an NRA narrative I am using Canadian sources showing that in 2015 gun crime in Canada is on the rise...just as I predicted it would be......

No...obama pulled you into our constantly comparing us to you guys and Europe and Australia...and your gun control laws work no better than your criminals deciding to obey them....and when they decide they need guns to murder people..they get them, easily......
Yes...funny that obama didn't mention that Canada...that paradise of gun control laws....has seen a spike in gun crime and gun murder......even though they have strict gun control...funny how our democrat controlled media failed to point this out....

Toronto's gun crime stats have spiked

TORONTO - Welcome to Toronto’s Summer of the Gun 2015.

It’s a headline neither Toronto Police nor city hall want to see.

There is no question statistics can be made to look a lot of different ways, but some statistics are just plain ugly.

Scary, actually.

For example, 36 more people have been shot so far this year in Toronto than at this point last year.

Toronto Police statistics show a 90% increase in people wounded by gunfire and a 48% increase in shootings (135 compared to 91).

And there have been 106 more shooting victims (those hit by gunfire, as well as those victimized by it).

In fact, the 227 shooting victims so far this year is 31 more than the total for all of 2014.

It’s true not all shooting victims have been hit by gunfire, but as Deputy Chief Peter Sloly points out, every gun shot, whether into the air or a tree, is one that could ricochet and strike an innocent victim like we saw in 2012 when a two-year-old was hit.

If you add the death and injury statistics, Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015 compared to 53 at this time last year. That’s a 66% increase.

It’s a big spike.

Shocking, horrifying numbers that seem to have just snuck up on us.

Many seem worried about the controversial carding issue, but these scary stats aren’t getting the same media attention. It doesn’t feel like a particularly violent summer, but the stats indicate otherwise.

You are pathetic. Grasping at straws. That's about one city chump, not the whole country. We're doing pretty good thank you.



Canada also introduced tougher gun control measures, following the École Polytechnique Massacre in 1989. Tougher screening processes were introduced for all gun purchases including risk assessments, background checks and firearms registration. Later, further classes of firearms “not reasonably used in hunting” (prohibiting semi-automatic assault weapons) became restricted.
The new measures appeared to accelerate a downward trend in gun violence involving long weapons (rifles and shotguns) but also revealed a shift to handguns as criminal weapons of choice, as Canada also experienced an upsurge in street-gang problems. Tighter controls on handguns have also followed, having some positive impact over the past five years although, in this regard, Canada’s efforts are rather undermined by the lax gun laws of its neighbour to the south. An overwhelming number of criminal handguns intercepted by the police in Canada are illegally sourced from the US.

Yeah.....the article is from 2015...dipstick...

Posted: Aug 04, 2015 8:34 PM ETLast Updated: Aug 04, 2015 8:34 PM ET

And the other article....

JULY 15, 2015 08:35 PM EDT | UPDATED: WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2015 08:38 PM EDT

You didn't comment on my main criticism of your OP-you use one year spike in one city to categorize a whole country. By the way Toronto is the largest city in Canada. Your article states "If you add the death and injury statistics, "Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015." Your article calls that number "horrifying". What would a newspaper call that Stat in your biggest city? And I assume you're criticizing my use of a three year old graph. If you've ever searched for similar data you know it's hard to find up to date (current) aggregates of statistics of this type. For instance google "FBI gun homicide rates 2015" and you get something like these;


Your point in the OP seemed to be that Canada's gun regulations have not had a positive effect. There is evidence to the contrary but like I said you really misrepresented one story about one city to push your NRA narrative. Grasping at straws. And pulling Obama into the conversation just represents a microcosm of the Republican agenda since he was elected. Say no to everything in case he might succeed at something and blame him for everything even if he's 12 steps removed from the event. Way more concern for anti-Obama memes than what is actually good for America. That's been typical of everything, not just gun control. I truly believe that 100 yrs. from now future Americans will look back at the whole bunch of you as in the same hated category as Benedict Arnold. are using cars vs. guns.....and don't realize you have been lied to by American anti gun order to say that gun deaths are getting close to car deaths they have to lie....they lie because in 2014...gun murder rates in America went down again...we only had 8,125 gun murders down from 8,454 in 2013......

so how do they lie...they add suicide into the gun death figures to push up their numbers......otherwise car deaths way outnumber gun murder in the United States......
the current story about drive by shootings in the new guns and gang units is from 2015....

April 16, 2015 7:56 pm
Updated: April 17, 2015 7:57 am

Saskatoon police creating guns and gangs unit
Yes...funny that obama didn't mention that Canada...that paradise of gun control laws....has seen a spike in gun crime and gun murder......even though they have strict gun control...funny how our democrat controlled media failed to point this out....

Toronto's gun crime stats have spiked

TORONTO - Welcome to Toronto’s Summer of the Gun 2015.

It’s a headline neither Toronto Police nor city hall want to see.

There is no question statistics can be made to look a lot of different ways, but some statistics are just plain ugly.

Scary, actually.

For example, 36 more people have been shot so far this year in Toronto than at this point last year.

Toronto Police statistics show a 90% increase in people wounded by gunfire and a 48% increase in shootings (135 compared to 91).

And there have been 106 more shooting victims (those hit by gunfire, as well as those victimized by it).

In fact, the 227 shooting victims so far this year is 31 more than the total for all of 2014.

It’s true not all shooting victims have been hit by gunfire, but as Deputy Chief Peter Sloly points out, every gun shot, whether into the air or a tree, is one that could ricochet and strike an innocent victim like we saw in 2012 when a two-year-old was hit.

If you add the death and injury statistics, Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015 compared to 53 at this time last year. That’s a 66% increase.

It’s a big spike.

Shocking, horrifying numbers that seem to have just snuck up on us.

Many seem worried about the controversial carding issue, but these scary stats aren’t getting the same media attention. It doesn’t feel like a particularly violent summer, but the stats indicate otherwise.

You are pathetic. Grasping at straws. That's about one city chump, not the whole country. We're doing pretty good thank you.



Canada also introduced tougher gun control measures, following the École Polytechnique Massacre in 1989. Tougher screening processes were introduced for all gun purchases including risk assessments, background checks and firearms registration. Later, further classes of firearms “not reasonably used in hunting” (prohibiting semi-automatic assault weapons) became restricted.
The new measures appeared to accelerate a downward trend in gun violence involving long weapons (rifles and shotguns) but also revealed a shift to handguns as criminal weapons of choice, as Canada also experienced an upsurge in street-gang problems. Tighter controls on handguns have also followed, having some positive impact over the past five years although, in this regard, Canada’s efforts are rather undermined by the lax gun laws of its neighbour to the south. An overwhelming number of criminal handguns intercepted by the police in Canada are illegally sourced from the US.

Yeah.....the article is from 2015...dipstick...

Posted: Aug 04, 2015 8:34 PM ETLast Updated: Aug 04, 2015 8:34 PM ET

And the other article....

JULY 15, 2015 08:35 PM EDT | UPDATED: WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2015 08:38 PM EDT

You didn't comment on my main criticism of your OP-you use one year spike in one city to categorize a whole country. By the way Toronto is the largest city in Canada. Your article states "If you add the death and injury statistics, "Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015." Your article calls that number "horrifying". What would a newspaper call that Stat in your biggest city? And I assume you're criticizing my use of a three year old graph. If you've ever searched for similar data you know it's hard to find up to date (current) aggregates of statistics of this type. For instance google "FBI gun homicide rates 2015" and you get something like these;


Your point in the OP seemed to be that Canada's gun regulations have not had a positive effect. There is evidence to the contrary but like I said you really misrepresented one story about one city to push your NRA narrative. Grasping at straws. And pulling Obama into the conversation just represents a microcosm of the Republican agenda since he was elected. Say no to everything in case he might succeed at something and blame him for everything even if he's 12 steps removed from the event. Way more concern for anti-Obama memes than what is actually good for America. That's been typical of everything, not just gun control. I truly believe that 100 yrs. from now future Americans will look back at the whole bunch of you as in the same hated category as Benedict Arnold. is the truth and reality......

Gun murder in 2014...8,124

here is the truth about cars and gun murder and other ways to die....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 100.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369
Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 100 deaths by criminals.

How many guns are there in American hands....320 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 12.8 million.
Yes...funny that obama didn't mention that Canada...that paradise of gun control laws....has seen a spike in gun crime and gun murder......even though they have strict gun control...funny how our democrat controlled media failed to point this out....

Toronto's gun crime stats have spiked

TORONTO - Welcome to Toronto’s Summer of the Gun 2015.

It’s a headline neither Toronto Police nor city hall want to see.

There is no question statistics can be made to look a lot of different ways, but some statistics are just plain ugly.

Scary, actually.

For example, 36 more people have been shot so far this year in Toronto than at this point last year.

Toronto Police statistics show a 90% increase in people wounded by gunfire and a 48% increase in shootings (135 compared to 91).

And there have been 106 more shooting victims (those hit by gunfire, as well as those victimized by it).

In fact, the 227 shooting victims so far this year is 31 more than the total for all of 2014.

It’s true not all shooting victims have been hit by gunfire, but as Deputy Chief Peter Sloly points out, every gun shot, whether into the air or a tree, is one that could ricochet and strike an innocent victim like we saw in 2012 when a two-year-old was hit.

If you add the death and injury statistics, Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015 compared to 53 at this time last year. That’s a 66% increase.

It’s a big spike.

Shocking, horrifying numbers that seem to have just snuck up on us.

Many seem worried about the controversial carding issue, but these scary stats aren’t getting the same media attention. It doesn’t feel like a particularly violent summer, but the stats indicate otherwise.

You are pathetic. Grasping at straws. That's about one city chump, not the whole country. We're doing pretty good thank you.



Canada also introduced tougher gun control measures, following the École Polytechnique Massacre in 1989. Tougher screening processes were introduced for all gun purchases including risk assessments, background checks and firearms registration. Later, further classes of firearms “not reasonably used in hunting” (prohibiting semi-automatic assault weapons) became restricted.
The new measures appeared to accelerate a downward trend in gun violence involving long weapons (rifles and shotguns) but also revealed a shift to handguns as criminal weapons of choice, as Canada also experienced an upsurge in street-gang problems. Tighter controls on handguns have also followed, having some positive impact over the past five years although, in this regard, Canada’s efforts are rather undermined by the lax gun laws of its neighbour to the south. An overwhelming number of criminal handguns intercepted by the police in Canada are illegally sourced from the US.

Yeah.....the article is from 2015...dipstick...

Posted: Aug 04, 2015 8:34 PM ETLast Updated: Aug 04, 2015 8:34 PM ET

And the other article....

JULY 15, 2015 08:35 PM EDT | UPDATED: WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2015 08:38 PM EDT

You didn't comment on my main criticism of your OP-you use one year spike in one city to categorize a whole country. By the way Toronto is the largest city in Canada. Your article states "If you add the death and injury statistics, "Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015." Your article calls that number "horrifying". What would a newspaper call that Stat in your biggest city? And I assume you're criticizing my use of a three year old graph. If you've ever searched for similar data you know it's hard to find up to date (current) aggregates of statistics of this type. For instance google "FBI gun homicide rates 2015" and you get something like these;


Your point in the OP seemed to be that Canada's gun regulations have not had a positive effect. There is evidence to the contrary but like I said you really misrepresented one story about one city to push your NRA narrative. Grasping at straws. And pulling Obama into the conversation just represents a microcosm of the Republican agenda since he was elected. Say no to everything in case he might succeed at something and blame him for everything even if he's 12 steps removed from the event. Way more concern for anti-Obama memes than what is actually good for America. That's been typical of everything, not just gun control. I truly believe that 100 yrs. from now future Americans will look back at the whole bunch of you as in the same hated category as Benedict Arnold.

So...the truth with a little less clutter.....try to follow along....

Gun murder per the FBI table 8 2014...


Cars, Accidental deaths 2013.....


Do you see how you have been lied to by the American anti gun extremists......?

And here you have other accidental deaths....

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

And again..we have 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And over 320 million guns in private hands....

And our crime, like Canada's is confined to tiny, multi block areas in our major cities....controlled by the democrat party.......

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