Yellow Vest claims movement has paramilitaries ready to take back France

Despite the interview being over, the cameras kept recording and published the remarks of Chalençon who said, “I know I’m risking a lot, I can get shot in the head anytime, but I’ll be at the end of my convictions, because if they put a bullet in my head, Macron will be placed in the guillotine.”

This is a quote that will go down in history! Love it!
What do these Yellow Wests want? I previously thought that their demands are purely related to the economy.
What do these Yellow Wests want? I previously thought that their demands are purely related to the economy.
Originally the demands were economic. But then every moonbat in the universe noticed the popularity of the symbolic vest and joined in for their own causes.
What do these Yellow Wests want? I previously thought that their demands are purely related to the economy.
Originally the demands were economic. But then every moonbat in the universe noticed the popularity of the symbolic vest and joined in for their own causes.
I believe it sprung up from Macron’s crazy taxation on fuel. An absurd tyranny to fund the hoax that is global warming.

We need Americans to raise up too, against the criminal acts and omissions of our criminal government.
Looks like now they want Macron gone and France returned to the French people.

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