Yemen Shiite rebels, tribes agree on a truce

By the way, instead of being such a troll on this Middle East forum, how about informing the readers of at least one thing which has happened in the Middle East in the past few days.
Here ya go.......

10 Day Weather Forecast for Cairo -

Happy now?? . :cool:

Silly Mr. Cuckoo!!! Anyone can use the Internet and look up weather forecasts around the world, even dimwitted fellows like you. How about telling us about Yemen to become a six-region federation as reported in Al Arabiya News, or do you think the weather report in Cairo is more important news?
Why Sally?? Why do you bother responding to his responses of your posts?? Just ignore him and stop taking his bait.
Why Sally?? Why do you bother responding to his responses of your posts?? Just ignore him and stop taking his bait.

He would love that nobody responds to his cuckoo, trolling posts and that the readers take all his ridiculous responses as the end word. Let the readers see what a cuckoo this troll really is.
Everyone knows that poor demented Silly-Sally is the boards middle east forum troll.

Truth......... :cool:
Everyone knows that poor demented Silly-Sally is the boards middle east forum troll.

Truth......... :cool:

There is a kid's song called Here's Comes Mr, Cottontail. Someone should make a song up entitled Here Comes Mr. Sunni Troll. Meanwhile, Mr. Cuckoo Troll, can you give us at least one piece of news which doesn't have to do with the weather in the Middle East? If the readers had to hold their breaths waiting for Mr. Cuckoo Troll to give them any news in the Middle East, they would pass out. And that is the Truth!!!
Everyone knows that poor demented Silly-Sally is the boards middle east forum troll.

Truth......... :cool:

There is a kid's song called Here's Comes Mr, Cottontail. Someone should make a song up entitled Here Comes Mr. Sunni Troll. Meanwhile, Mr. Cuckoo Troll, can you give us at least one piece of news which doesn't have to do with the weather in the Middle East? If the readers had to hold their breaths waiting for Mr. Cuckoo Troll to give them any news in the Middle East, they would pass out. And that is the Truth!!!

Here comes Peter Cottontail...........
Yes, thank you. It is Peter Cottontail. It's been a long time since I have sung that to a child while watching the rabbits in my own backyard. Perhaps you can be the one to make up a song about Mr. Sunni Troll.
Everyone knows that poor demented Silly-Sally is the boards middle east forum troll.

Truth......... :cool:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Stop making me laugh Sunni.

It's a well known fact that you are the official Middle East forum Troll.
Anyone who dares to try and take that title from you has a lot of work ahead of them :cool:
Yes, thank you. It is Peter Cottontail. It's been a long time since I have sung that to a child while watching the rabbits in my own backyard. Perhaps you can be the one to make up a song about Mr. Sunni Troll.

It hasn't been so long for me since I sang that song to a grandchild.. and I don't make up insulting songs... That's where we are different.
Yes, thank you. It is Peter Cottontail. It's been a long time since I have sung that to a child while watching the rabbits in my own backyard. Perhaps you can be the one to make up a song about Mr. Sunni Troll.

It hasn't been so long for me since I sang that song to a grandchild.. and I don't make up insulting songs... That's where we are different.

But you have no problem with disgusting trolls like Sunni Man posting his ridiculous responses.
Everyone knows that poor demented Silly-Sally is the boards middle east forum troll.

Truth......... :cool:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Stop making me laugh Sunni.

It's a well known fact that you are the official Middle East forum Troll.
Anyone who dares to try and take that title from you has a lot of work ahead of them :cool: and Silly-Sally are the top ME thread trolls.

I am but a rank amateur compared to you two. . :cool:
ATTENTION; ATTENTION: Sunni Man, the Cuckoo Troll is back. Run for cover!!!
ATTENTION; ATTENTION: Sunni Man, the Cuckoo Troll is back. Run for cover!!!

Hahahahaha.........Silly-Sally has gone full loon!!......... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

As the readers can see, Sunni Man, the Cuckoo Troll is back once again. He thinks he is fooling the readers into thinking he is not a troll, but the readers are intelligent enough to realize just what he is. Keep on showing us what a Cuckoo Troll you are, Sunni Man, so that the readers can see it over and over and over.
I have several silver scimitars from Yemen.. What's your point? I also have Kuwaiti chests, texiles from Asir and all sorts of treasures.

Gun ownership in Yemen has increased exponentially since the 1950s.

chances are the silver decorations on your scimitars were crafted by jews .....
gun ownership increased in Yemen because they became available and yemeni muslims
carry weapons as a matter of their "culture" There are plenty of guns in the USA--
but I do not carry one. I know lots of jews from yemen----none of them carry a gun or
even a scimitar or a dagger ------even if their own fathers were fine silver craftsmen.....
of course some of them still have a few items of jewelry that their parents managed to
hide on their way out. -------very few.

Thanks so much for that propaganda piece Shaar it took quite a bit of
reading before one gets to even a glimmer----a hint-----of REALITY----that
reality is that silver work in yemen is a JEWISH ART -----sorry shaar---
my very own hubby is an artist and was born in that shariah cesspit

An interesting story for you-----I had the honor of meeting and having as houseguest---
one of the men who rescued the jews from the shariah cesspit Yemen circa
1949. It took HARD BARGAINING one of the details being that several
jewish silver smiths were held back ----for the purpose of teaching the art
to yemeni arabs. Quite a joke ---LOL@--"ARAB SILVER" hubby laughed quite
a bit at an exposition of "ARAB ART" we attended together. Most of that which
could come close to being called 'art" was actually jewish made silver----sorry shaar----
he could not only recognize the stuff-----he could say from what area it emerged and
details about its history. He even entertained himself by picking out (or imagining a bit)
hebrew words embedded in the intricate filagree handles of the scimitars and daggers---
(not complimentary to the potential owners)
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As the readers can see, Sunni Man is back once again.
I never left the forum Silly-Sally.

True story......... :cool:

I think the owner of this forum plus the moderators realize that if everyone just trolled like Sunni Man, they might as well close this forum because no news of the Middle East would be posted, just idiotic comments like Mr. Cuckoo Troll.

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