Yemen - US Embassy ready to evacuate

And all of it, 100%, is America's fault right? How many dead troops, how many trillions of dollars spent, would satisfy you over our involvement in the middle east clusterfuck? It hearkens back to Vietnam. There were politicians then who would have us at war with Vietnam to this day. And yet the world didn't end.
You wait for your enemies to get stronger you spend more
Yep. We spent trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan.That is money that could have been spent on:
1) Education (could pay off all student debt with a few trillion)
2) Healthcare (we could fix multiple holes with a few trillion)
3) Paying off debt (a few trillion less debt wouldn't hurt)
4) NATO (having money to support Ukraine now would have been nice)
5) Funding anti-terror efforts globally (rather than just in two countries)

The goal of Al Qaeda and other terror groups was to wear down America, as they did the Soviet Union.

Have to say unfortunately that they succeeded, thanks to a bit of naivety and American arrogance.

So much for learning from history.
Yeah i think we should just eliminate the defense budget all together. Give the money to NATO and pay off college loans:eusa_doh:
Never said that. But it should would help to knock out debt, and boost funding to NATO. Neither of which America is able to do now, as according to the deficit forecasts the deficit will increase significantly in 2016.
Obama increased the debt over 10 trillion dollars!! Iraq was won and over. We should have kept a residual force there and an airbase. Obama picked up and pulled out for no good reason, but to satisfy his leftist base. Now we have isis and Iran taking over what an idiot he is
Well, once Iraq was destabilized the US couldn't leave. The Iraqi failure to defend Mosul, and the cut and run proved how weak and ineffective they really were against determined terrorist groups. Ultimately though, if the argument was 'we shouldn't be there', then we should have left in 2009.
Another of Obama's handiwork in foreign policy. We will be paying for this after he leaves office probably. Just like with Bill Clinton we got, 9/11 after he left office
^ eXtreme rw hack logic. :thup: Two Months Before 9 11 an Urgent Warning to Rice

Tenet is just covering his own ass. That article admits that they had NO hard evidence of a direct imminent attack, yet they wanted Rice and Bush to act. What exactly are they supposed to act on? Can you imagine if Bush launched an attack in the Middle East how much you liberals would of started howling? You idiots scream that his war against AQ in Afgahnistan is "unjust" even after we were attacked.
yoar link didn't post through chickenhawk theHawk . Quelle surprise..... NOT!!!
The GOP is hoping with bated breath for just that to happen. It's their only chance to find a 2016 strategy.
as opposed to the rest of Obama's great success in foreign policy :uhh:
The only foreign policy you'd approve of is a black hole for U.S. money and U.S. military lives. So I'd say compared to that Obama's foreign policy has been a resounding success.
Obama and foreign policy should never be allowed to be used together
that would explain why he's vaporized more terrists than his predecessor. :eusa_eh: Turn the partisan dial down a notch Scooter. :eusa_hand:
Is that counting American teenagers?
if you go abroad and wage war on this great nation? You betcha' Scooter (Paylin-speak)

rw sticking up for terrists just to score cheap political points :eusa_doh: . Color me surprised :doubt: Maybe you should take your own advice and not frequent the forum so much :thup:
^Sometimes I wonder what these progs are smoking. My guess is this one is on crack.
as opposed to the rest of Obama's great success in foreign policy :uhh:
The only foreign policy you'd approve of is a black hole for U.S. money and U.S. military lives. So I'd say compared to that Obama's foreign policy has been a resounding success.
Obama and foreign policy should never be allowed to be used together
that would explain why he's vaporized more terrists than his predecessor. :eusa_eh: Turn the partisan dial down a notch Scooter. :eusa_hand:
Is that counting American teenagers?
if you go abroad and wage war on this great nation? You betcha' Scooter (Paylin-speak)

rw sticking up for terrists just to score cheap political points :eusa_doh: . Color me surprised :doubt: Maybe you should take your own advice and not frequent the forum so much :thup:
We can put foreign terrorists on trial but summarily execute Americans? Who knew?
And the teenager I speak of was merely looking for his dad (alluded to in above question)
Another Obama success story...Hopefully he wont leave those people to be slaughtered like he did before

Considering that the north-south dynamic within Yemeni politics far out dates any recent US presidential administration I'm not sure why one would be inclined to blame our current administration for the civil conflict in Yemen. Our drone program there is focused on AQAP, not the Houthis.
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Why were we in Yemen, apparently another attempt to stop 'al qaeda', with the major risk of handing it to Iran by playing favorites. Wait, hasn't this happened before, Iraq or Syria anyone?

The houthi uprising doesn't have to do with US efforts against Al Qaeda. Us fighting them hasn't empowered Houthi rebels. If anything us helping to strengthen the Yemeni military and fight their enemies to the east has kept a rather decentralized and crippled government in power longer than it might otherwise have been.
Yemen along with Somalia one of obumble's success stories.

Indeed. Blaming the US presidency for the likes of Yemen and Somalia (the latter of which is doing much better than than it really has at any point since 1992), would be like praising the presidency for Ghana's economic growth due to its new found oil wealth. Not very related to the US.
Yemen along with Somalia one of obumble's success stories.

So that leaves Somilia. What happened there to make it a success story? Is it because Obama moved about half of them to Minnesota?

So that leaves Somilia. What happened there to make it a success story? Is it because Obama moved about half of them to Minnesota?

They have a workable central government for one of the first times in the past two decades, and more control over the south than they have in the past two decades as well.
Another Obama success story...Hopefully he wont leave those people to be slaughtered like he did before

Considering that the north-south dynamic within Yemeni politics far out dates any recent US presidential administration I'm not sure why one would be inclined to blame our current administration for the civil conflict in Yemen. Our drone program there is focused on AQAP, not the Houthis.

Iran supports the rebels in Yemen. Iran's influence in the region is increasing because of. Obama who is lifting sanctions and releasing tens of billions of dollars to the Iranian government. Iran is on the move and Obama kind of likes it that way. Soon he'll proclaim a phony deal with Iran in an attempt to lift more of the sanctions try to look at the big picture
Iran supports the rebels in Yemen. Iran's influence in the region is increasing because of. Obama who is lifting sanctions and releasing tens of billions of dollars to the Iranian government. Iran is on the move and Obama kind of likes it that way. Soon he'll proclaim a phony deal with Iran in an attempt to lift more of the sanctions try to look at the big picture

The Zaidis have existed as a significant political force in Yemen for hundreds of years without Iranian help. Nor does Iranian financial support make them "bad guys". Also, once again, this doesn't really have anything to do with US policy in Yemen. We concentrate on AQAP, not on the Zaidis.
Iran supports the rebels in Yemen. Iran's influence in the region is increasing because of. Obama who is lifting sanctions and releasing tens of billions of dollars to the Iranian government. Iran is on the move and Obama kind of likes it that way. Soon he'll proclaim a phony deal with Iran in an attempt to lift more of the sanctions try to look at the big picture

The Zaidis have existed as a significant political force in Yemen for hundreds of years without Iranian help. Nor does Iranian financial support make them "bad guys". Also, once again, this doesn't really have anything to do with US policy in Yemen. We concentrate on AQAP, not on the Zaidis.

they are now being partially trained and funded by Iran and we don't concentrate on only one islamic terrorist organization. that's very short sighted, this is how we got isis...Obama is in direct negotiations with Iran, as they are working against our interests. Obama capitulates as Iran plays him for the fool that he is

Russia and Iran Sign Military Cooperation Deal Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
they are now being partially trained and funded by Iran and we don't concentrate on only one islamic terrorist organization. that's very short sighted, this is how we got isis...Obama is in direct negotiations with Iran, as they are working against our interests. Obama capitulates as Iran plays him for the fool that he is

Our anti-terror focus in Yemen is absolutely focused on AQAP, and not on the Houthi movement. They aren't a radical religious movement, Zaidi Islam isn't even the same denomination of Islam that Iran follows and it has a large political heritage from within Yemen. It was out of Zaidi rule that Yemen developed large parts of its national state identity. Being too intrusive within the north-south dispute in Yemen is a bad idea and we have largely stayed out of it as we should. This is for Yemen to sort out.
they are now being partially trained and funded by Iran and we don't concentrate on only one islamic terrorist organization. that's very short sighted, this is how we got isis...Obama is in direct negotiations with Iran, as they are working against our interests. Obama capitulates as Iran plays him for the fool that he is

Our anti-terror focus in Yemen is absolutely focused on AQAP, and not on the Houthi movement. They aren't a radical religious movement, Zaidi Islam isn't even the same denomination of Islam that Iran follows and it has a large political heritage from within Yemen. It was out of Zaidi rule that Yemen developed large parts of its national state identity. Being too intrusive within the north-south dispute in Yemen is a bad idea and we have largely stayed out of it as we should. This is for Yemen to sort out.

Iran hasn't "stayed out of it"
Senator Diane Feinstein said we need be be getting our people out of there--and she said that before the Yemeni government collapsed.

But, Obama leaves our Embassy conspicuously un-evacuated, in a country now in control of lunatic Muslims.

He does this--puts our people unnecessarily in harm's way--because to remove them would be an embarrassment to him--Yemen is one is his success story's---one of his only success stories--and it will take some dead Americans in Yemen before his ego lets him see the Truth.
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Yeah Iran getting nukes controlling Arab countries so what?:cuckoo:

Indeed. So what? Iran has no power to control Yemen. Funding the Zaidis doesn't make the Zaidis Iranian. they aren't even the same denomination of Islam.

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