Yemen warns of more attacks

Bullshit. What they did was grow like a cancer in Iraq. They didn't "concentrate" anything. Again, this is not a conventional force with a "main effort" and "supporting effort".

Furthermore, most of the evidence is that AQ in Iraq had few if any ties to Bin Laden, especially when it was operational.

Taking out AQ in Iraq has had little, if any, effect on Al Queda.

If you buy into that whole line of bullshit: "Fight them there so we don't fight them here." then you clearly have missed the bus.

The current AQ, world wide, has little to no ties with to Bin Laden other than as a "motivational speaker"and hasn't for quite a while. He has been effectively neutralized but AQ has moved on. Even though they are a relatively loose organization they still have logistics channels that are limited in their ability to finance everything they want to do and the "concentration of efforts" in specific areas 'limits" their ability overall. Again DUH.


so their hiding under your bed
Why not just bar anyone from Yemen or who has visited Yemen from entering the US?

Simple really.

BTW this can be applied to any other country as well.

because we are allies and they are working with us to take out their extremist issue and AQ harboring

Iraq was an allay :eusa_whistle: we only have 1. Isreal

how many times did iraq attack us before the war? what about israel?
Bullshit. What they did was grow like a cancer in Iraq. They didn't "concentrate" anything. Again, this is not a conventional force with a "main effort" and "supporting effort".

Furthermore, most of the evidence is that AQ in Iraq had few if any ties to Bin Laden, especially when it was operational.

Taking out AQ in Iraq has had little, if any, effect on Al Queda.

If you buy into that whole line of bullshit: "Fight them there so we don't fight them here." then you clearly have missed the bus.

The current AQ, world wide, has little to no ties with to Bin Laden other than as a "motivational speaker"and hasn't for quite a while. He has been effectively neutralized but AQ has moved on. Even though they are a relatively loose organization they still have logistics channels that are limited in their ability to finance everything they want to do and the "concentration of efforts" in specific areas 'limits" their ability overall. Again DUH.


The server I'm using right now will not allow streaming video. (I'm at work on a computer they gave use for passing the time and there is NOTHING happening). So I can't view what you posted.
this is just halarious. the liberal cheese is sliding off its cracker. not one of you dip shits know when Al-Qaeda was formed or by who???? :clap2::razz::lol:

It sure as shit wasn't Iraq if that's what you're getting at. You could take a stab at either Saudi Arabia or Pakistan where mujahideen militants were gathering strength to fight off the Soviets in Afghanistan, using the bin Laden family money. So that would be somewhere around 1988.
I stated this terrorist was one of many. now the warnings are issued. will Osama sit up and take notice here or is it back to the golf course and extravagant dinners???

What are you talking about?

I'm pretty sure that Osama had a hand in issuing these warnings.

OBL or one of his minions always has puffed up statements to make after one of their ill-conceived plots implodes.
I stated this terrorist was one of many. now the warnings are issued. will Osama sit up and take notice here or is it back to the golf course and extravagant dinners???

What are you talking about?

I'm pretty sure that Osama had a hand in issuing these warnings.

OBL or one of his minions always has puffed up statements to make after one of their ill-conceived plots implodes.

but they never quit. that's why they'll win.

I stated this terrorist was one of many. now the warnings are issued. will Osama sit up and take notice here or is it back to the golf course and extravagant dinners???


You mean Obama neglected to send you a copy of the memo detailing the latest strategy?

how to play a better game of golf ??? duh no


I stated this terrorist was one of many. now the warnings are issued. will Osama sit up and take notice here or is it back to the golf course and extravagant dinners???


You mean Obama neglected to send you a copy of the memo detailing the latest strategy?

Strategy clearly defined in bold print MaggieMae. Although in fairness, sometimes it is breakfast then golf.

Sigh....yes yes, I know, the president should never, ever take a vacation. I agree, what he SHOULD have done, before any real facts were in hand other than the guy had been nailed on an airplane with a homemade bomb in his pants, was to go before the American people on national television and say "This is horrible. We are in the process of fully investigating how this incident could have occurred. Thank you."

Would that have made you feel better? Puleeze... I can hear the shrieks now:
No shit Sherlock. But they did concentrate their primary efforts (money, personnel, material, etc.) in Iraq for a period of time and are now doing the same in Afghanistan and Pakistan in conjunction with the Taliban. By doing so it limits their strike potential in other areas of the world - DUH!

Bullshit. What they did was grow like a cancer in Iraq. They didn't "concentrate" anything. Again, this is not a conventional force with a "main effort" and "supporting effort".

Furthermore, most of the evidence is that AQ in Iraq had few if any ties to Bin Laden, especially when it was operational.

Taking out AQ in Iraq has had little, if any, effect on Al Queda.

If you buy into that whole line of bullshit: "Fight them there so we don't fight them here." then you clearly have missed the bus.

Wow, you sure did lie a ton there. Most of AL Queda in Iraq was made up of foreign fighters. Clearly that indicates moving assets into Iraq. Note, none of those people came to the US during that time, which also means your "Fight them there so we don't fight them here .", rant was trashed too.

You mean you don't realize that was part of their strategy? Get huge battalions of US forces all in one place, deplete our military complement (including heavy equipment and, of course a shitload of money to keep it going, thus affecting the US economy). Even Egypt's president Mubarak said on the eve of the invasion "You will invite a hundred bin Ladens."
What a pile of fresh steaming shit. Viet Nam head case, Pakshitstick, Willow, Dumbdog, cloggeddett and skullfucked pilot. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You people are funny!

It WOULD be funny except these morons actually believe what they're saying. I'm so reminded of the way "government" is run in the hilarious movie "Idiocracy."

look down. your tampon's leaking

I think I heard that in eighth grade.
What are you talking about?

I'm pretty sure that Osama had a hand in issuing these warnings.

OBL or one of his minions always has puffed up statements to make after one of their ill-conceived plots implodes.

but they never quit. that's why they'll win.

It's why they are treated as criminals in every other country but here. The cells are broken up, the principals are captured, tried, convicted and jailed. Whack-a-mole. It's the only way, and someday they'll start failing to recruit new members and it will be all over (at least for Islamic militants).
OBL or one of his minions always has puffed up statements to make after one of their ill-conceived plots implodes.

but they never quit. that's why they'll win.

It's why they are treated as criminals in every other country but here. The cells are broken up, the principals are captured, tried, convicted and jailed. Whack-a-mole. It's the only way, and someday they'll start failing to recruit new members and it will be all over (at least for Islamic militants).

Wouldn't they get pissed off if American Courts put them in jail ?
who said we have 57 states ?????

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Are we going to start adding up gaffes too? Because we all know that George never made a gaffe........

At any rate, I find it hilarious that anyone thinks Bush is the paradox of a rational and intelligent approach to addressing terror.

Al Queda didn't exist in Iraq until we were nice enough to get rid of Saddam Hussein for them.


Al Qaeda DID exist in Iraq prior to our removal of that fucking murderous prick, Hussein.

Did ol' Saddam have a trusting relationship with al qaeda? Clearly, no.

But that is not the same thing as al qaeda not existing in Iraq before we got Saddam the fuck out.

Right ...
A perfect example of them being AFRAID of Saddam and not of the US because we will spank them and put them up in hotels rather than give them what they deserve.
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication
by Mr. Charrington on January 7, 2008

BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. This video documentary is off the hook…

C.I.A. no al-qaeda ever existed - BBC documentary "the power of nightmares" |
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Are we going to start adding up gaffes too? Because we all know that George never made a gaffe........

At any rate, I find it hilarious that anyone thinks Bush is the paradox of a rational and intelligent approach to addressing terror.

Al Queda didn't exist in Iraq until we were nice enough to get rid of Saddam Hussein for them.


Al Qaeda DID exist in Iraq prior to our removal of that fucking murderous prick, Hussein.

Did ol' Saddam have a trusting relationship with al qaeda? Clearly, no.

But that is not the same thing as al qaeda not existing in Iraq before we got Saddam the fuck out.

Right ...
A perfect example of them being AFRAID of Saddam and not of the US because we will spank them and put them up in hotels rather than give them what they deserve.

al-Qaeda had a minor presence in Iraq before the war, became much larger during the war as they exploited the chaos wrought by the American invasion, then became almost irrelevant after the population became sickened by their terrorizing and killing the civilian population and the American commanders convinced local militias to turn on them.

Al Qaeda DID exist in Iraq prior to our removal of that fucking murderous prick, Hussein.

Did ol' Saddam have a trusting relationship with al qaeda? Clearly, no.

But that is not the same thing as al qaeda not existing in Iraq before we got Saddam the fuck out.

Right ...
A perfect example of them being AFRAID of Saddam and not of the US because we will spank them and put them up in hotels rather than give them what they deserve.

al-Qaeda had a minor presence in Iraq before the war, became much larger during the war as they exploited the chaos wrought by the American invasion, then became almost irrelevant after the population became sickened by their terrorizing and killing the civilian population and the American commanders convinced local militias to turn on them.


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