Yemen warns of more attacks


I stated this terrorist was one of many. now the warnings are issued. will Osama sit up and take notice here or is it back to the golf course and extravagant dinners???


Dont want to pee on your flake Islam promises more attacks ans says when they will end.


And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allâh) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allâh Alone [in the whole of the world[]]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allâh), then certainly, Allâh is All-Seer of what they do
And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allâh) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allâh (Alone).[] But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zâlimûn (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc193 Tafsir Ibn Kathir Tafsir Ibn Kathir Tafsir Ibn Kathir

"403 forbidden"
I dont know what to tell you other than to study on your own I cN GIVE YOU THE NAMES OF THE DOCUMENTS THAT make up Islam and its legal process.
pointless??? where do you think Saddam Hussein got the intell to set up his defense's against us??? in both wars???? and where did CNN get it ??? from liberal traitors inside the Bush admin. jez

What the fuck are you talking about? :lol:

The Gulf War lasted less than two months and Saddam was out of power in Iraq in 2003 within a few months. You need to stop hitting the bottle or stop taking whatever is making you delusional.
And why did AQ leadership order their "soldiers" there to fight us? Why didn't they fight us in A-stan since we were there first?

Could it be that AQ leadership wanted to establish a caliphate in Iraq? Why yes, it could very well be.

We killed more AQ in iraq than in any place else on the planet. And got rid of a big terrorist supporter and brutal murderer in the process.

Sure, no doubt that AQ wanted to establish a caliphate. Iraq would have been a good place to start. But they weren't a threat to Saddam. They were more of a threat in Saudi Arabia. Most of AQ in Iraq were not Iraqis. They came into the country during the war.
pointless??? where do you think Saddam Hussein got the intell to set up his defense's against us??? in both wars???? and where did CNN get it ??? from liberal traitors inside the Bush admin. jez

What the fuck are you talking about? :lol:

The Gulf War lasted less than two months and Saddam was out of power in Iraq in 2003 within a few months. You need to stop hitting the bottle or stop taking whatever is making you delusional.

no kiddin' dog shit. its on the net and posted. but i don't expect YOU to read
Attacking Yemen with a real military force is going to cost money and troops. Wanna permanently activate every guard unit, double military pay so we get enough fresh recruits w/o implementing the draft and raise the debt by 5% so your kids can pay for our war or raise federal taxes by 5% so we can?
No shit Sherlock. But they did concentrate their primary efforts (money, personnel, material, etc.) in Iraq for a period of time and are now doing the same in Afghanistan and Pakistan in conjunction with the Taliban. By doing so it limits their strike potential in other areas of the world - DUH!

Bullshit. What they did was grow like a cancer in Iraq. They didn't "concentrate" anything. Again, this is not a conventional force with a "main effort" and "supporting effort".

Furthermore, most of the evidence is that AQ in Iraq had few if any ties to Bin Laden, especially when it was operational.

Taking out AQ in Iraq has had little, if any, effect on Al Queda.

If you buy into that whole line of bullshit: "Fight them there so we don't fight them here." then you clearly have missed the bus.

The current AQ, world wide, has little to no ties with to Bin Laden other than as a "motivational speaker"and hasn't for quite a while. He has been effectively neutralized but AQ has moved on. Even though they are a relatively loose organization they still have logistics channels that are limited in their ability to finance everything they want to do and the "concentration of efforts" in specific areas 'limits" their ability overall. Again DUH.

Oh right. I forgot the GOP mantra that "Bin Laden is not that important".

Thanks for reminding me. Instead, it's more efficient to invade other countries, destabilize their governments, and allow new leaders and movements to grow.

All of this begs the question, if they are going to just go where we are anyways, why the diversion into Iraq?

Of course it doesn't matter. You still choose to deem an unconventional force through a conventional lens.
Attacking Yemen with a real military force is going to cost money and troops. Wanna permanently activate every guard unit, double military pay so we get enough fresh recruits w/o implementing the draft and raise the debt by 5% so your kids can pay for our war or raise federal taxes by 5% so we can?

What a military genius.

So, who the fuck has suggested that we attack Yemen with a "real military force?"

It's not Yemen we would actually be attacking, anyway.

It is the fucking lunatic scumbags hiding there and training there whom we would be going after. And this does NOT necessarily require the sending-in of our forces.

Granted not all wars can be fought "from above." But some can.

Look, the White House even admitted today that we knew BEFORE Christmas that the al qaeda fuckers were talking about sending in the "Nigerian." So you know what? What they fucking do and say over there is not exactly an unknown quantity.

It's time to play fucking hardball with cruise missles, drones, etc.

They urgently need to be very very fucked over!

I stated this terrorist was one of many. now the warnings are issued. will Osama sit up and take notice here or is it back to the golf course and extravagant dinners???


Dumbass. President Obama has done far more attacks on the Al Qaeda than Bush ever did. He just doesn't trumpet them and create feeling that these miscreants are martyrs. There have been 'Yemani' Air Force attacks now on Al Qaeda camps, something Bush never accomplished, even though those camps were there in his last term.

Now THAT would literally leave a carbon footprint

One I wholly approve of:lol:
Attacking Yemen with a real military force is going to cost money and troops. Wanna permanently activate every guard unit, double military pay so we get enough fresh recruits w/o implementing the draft and raise the debt by 5% so your kids can pay for our war or raise federal taxes by 5% so we can?

What a military genius.

So, who the fuck has suggested that we attack Yemen with a "real military force?"

It's not Yemen we would actually be attacking, anyway.

It is the fucking lunatic scumbags hiding there and training there whom we would be going after. And this does NOT necessarily require the sending-in of our forces.

Granted not all wars can be fought "from above." But some can.

Look, the White House even admitted today that we knew BEFORE Christmas that the al qaeda fuckers were talking about sending in the "Nigerian." So you know what? What they fucking do and say over there is not exactly an unknown quantity.

It's time to play fucking hardball with cruise missles, drones, etc.

They urgently need to be very very fucked over!

Where have you been lately?
Attacking Yemen with a real military force is going to cost money and troops. Wanna permanently activate every guard unit, double military pay so we get enough fresh recruits w/o implementing the draft and raise the debt by 5% so your kids can pay for our war or raise federal taxes by 5% so we can?

What a military genius.

So, who the fuck has suggested that we attack Yemen with a "real military force?"

It's not Yemen we would actually be attacking, anyway.

It is the fucking lunatic scumbags hiding there and training there whom we would be going after. And this does NOT necessarily require the sending-in of our forces.

Granted not all wars can be fought "from above." But some can.

Look, the White House even admitted today that we knew BEFORE Christmas that the al qaeda fuckers were talking about sending in the "Nigerian." So you know what? What they fucking do and say over there is not exactly an unknown quantity.

It's time to play fucking hardball with cruise missles, drones, etc.

They urgently need to be very very fucked over!

Where have you been lately?

Olde Fossil, out of a somewhat idle curiosity, here, is there ANY chance you had something coherent to say?

'cause, so far, you've failed miserably.
Hundreds of Al Qaeda militants are planning terror attacks from Yemen, the country's foreign minister said Tuesday.

Abu Bakr al-Qirbi appealed for more help from the international community to help train and equip counter-terrorist forces.

His plea came after an Al Qaeda group based in Yemen claimed responsibility for the failed Christmas Day airliner bomb plot.


I stated this terrorist was one of many. now the warnings are issued. will Osama sit up and take notice here or is it back to the golf course and extravagant dinners???


Dumbass. President Obama has done far more attacks on the Al Qaeda than Bush ever did. He just doesn't trumpet them and create feeling that these miscreants are martyrs. There have been 'Yemani' Air Force attacks now on Al Qaeda camps, something Bush never accomplished, even though those camps were there in his last term.

Wow... :cuckoo:

We've killed thousands of AQ and captured more. We disrupted their financing and decimated their leadership. They operated in the open in Iraq and now they don't dare show their faces there.

But you are such a massive Obama apologist you can't even admit that.

And why did AQ leadership order their "soldiers" there to fight us? Why didn't they fight us in A-stan since we were there first?

Could it be that AQ leadership wanted to establish a caliphate in Iraq? Why yes, it could very well be.

We killed more AQ in iraq than in any place else on the planet. And got rid of a big terrorist supporter and brutal murderer in the process.

Sure, no doubt that AQ wanted to establish a caliphate. Iraq would have been a good place to start. But they weren't a threat to Saddam. They were more of a threat in Saudi Arabia. Most of AQ in Iraq were not Iraqis. They came into the country during the war.


AQ is made up of radical islamists. They are not from any one country.
Attacking Yemen with a real military force is going to cost money and troops. Wanna permanently activate every guard unit, double military pay so we get enough fresh recruits w/o implementing the draft and raise the debt by 5% so your kids can pay for our war or raise federal taxes by 5% so we can?

I would prefer to see the entire US military go AWOL first.

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