Yep, it was our infrastructure alright


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
The NTSB is currently determining whether the engineer of the doomed Amtrak train #188 was on his phone during the night of the crash. But all I've heard thus far is that our sagging infrastructure is to blame, most of that coming from the left side of the aisle. Tell me liberals and Democrats, how does a sagging infrastructure cause an engineer to whip his phone out, while running a passenger train, and endanger the safety and welfare of the passengers? What role did the infrastructure play in his stupidity? Can you answer me honestly? I'm sure you can't. But you'll simply use this disaster, and those who died, to great lengths to effectuate the need for more infrastructure anyway.


PHILADELPHIA - Investigators are combing through phone records, locomotive data, radio transmissions and surveillance video to determine if the engineer in last week's deadly Amtrak derailment was using his cellphone while at the controls, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Brandon Bostian's phone records show calls were made, text messages were sent and data was used the day of the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said, but it remains unclear if the phone was used while the train was in motion.

Investigators won't be able make that determination until after a time-consuming analysis comparing time stamps from Bostian's subpoenaed phone records with those from an on-board data recorder, video and other sources, the NTSB said.

The May 12 derailment killed 8 people and injured more than 200. Investigators are looking into why the train from Washington to New York City was going double the 50 mph limit around a sharp curve.

Bostian's lawyer, Robert Goggin, has said he kept his cellphone in a bag and used it only to call 911 afterward. Bostian, who was injured, told investigators he had no recollection of the crash, the NTSB said.

"The next thing he recalls is being thrown around, coming to, finding his bag, getting his cellphone and dialing 911," Goggin told ABC News the day after the crash.

Goggin has not returned repeated messages from The Associated Press.

The NTSB also said Wednesday that the engineer of a different commuter train struck by a projectile minutes before the derailment told investigators he did not notice anything unusual when the Amtrak train passed by on a parallel track.
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The NTSB is currently determining whether the engineer of the doomed Amtrak train #188 was on his phone during the night of the crash. But all I've heard thus far is that our sagging infrastructure is to blame, most of that coming from the left side of the aisle. Tell me liberals and Democrats, how does a sagging infrastructure cause an engineer to whip his phone out, while running a passenger train, and endanger the safety and welfare of the passengers? What role did the infrastructure play in his stupidity? Can you answer me honestly? I'm sure you can't. But you'll simply use this disaster, and those who died, to great lengths to effectuate the need for more infrastructure anyway.


PHILADELPHIA - Investigators are combing through phone records, locomotive data, radio transmissions and surveillance video to determine if the engineer in last week's deadly Amtrak derailment was using his cellphone while at the controls, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Brandon Bostian's phone records show calls were made, text messages were sent and data was used the day of the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said, but it remains unclear if the phone was used while the train was in motion.

Investigators won't be able make that determination until after a time-consuming analysis comparing time stamps from Bostian's subpoenaed phone records with those from an on-board data recorder, video and other sources, the NTSB said.

The May 12 derailment killed 8 people and injured more than 200. Investigators are looking into why the train from Washington to New York City was going double the 50 mph limit around a sharp curve.

Bostian's lawyer, Robert Goggin, has said he kept his cellphone in a bag and used it only to call 911 afterward. Bostian, who was injured, told investigators he had no recollection of the crash, the NTSB said.

"The next thing he recalls is being thrown around, coming to, finding his bag, getting his cellphone and dialing 911," Goggin told ABC News the day after the crash.

Goggin has not returned repeated messages from The Associated Press.

The NTSB also said Wednesday that the engineer of a different commuter train struck by a projectile minutes before the derailment told investigators he did not notice anything unusual when the Amtrak train passed by on a parallel track.

There is a device called a PTC - Positive Train Control - that has already been legislated to be installed in trains and on tracks. It uses GPS as well as intertrain communication to be able to detect things like going too fast for a section of track or warning that another train is also on the same track. This device is both passive and assertive - it first warns the engineer of something he should take action on and, in the case the idiot was streaming porn on his phone or had a heart attack or a stroke or otherwise failed to take prudent action, would assume control and stop the train. It's not like all the other warning devices on a train which can be manually suppressed (which is what happens when engineers get really comfortable with their section of track). Anyway, the PTC has been installed in a few short sections of rail along the NE run but Amtrak has lacked the funding to fully comply with the law and some of the railway belongs to private companies and they don't have the authority to install it there (yeah - your Congress at work). That funding comes under the heading of infrastructure and had the railway been fitted with the available (and mandatory) equipment, this is a disaster that could have been avoided whether Bostian was on the phone or not.

And BTW - NTSB does an incredible job of investigating crashes. Examining Bostian's phone is one of those stones they wouldn't leave unturned. So just because they're looking at it doesn't imply anything.
It amazes Me the lengths that you people will go to demonize your political enemies.

"Based on what we know right now, we feel that had such a system been installed in this section of track, this accident would not have occurred," said Robert Sumwalt, a board member of the National Transportation Safety Board.

Amtrak has begun installing components of a PTC system but the network is not yet functioning, federal officials said.

Amtrak officials did not respond to calls for comment.

Federal rules require the national rail network to have an operating PTC system by the end of the year, though many lawmakers have endorsed rail industry appeals for more time to comply.

In March, the Senate Commerce Committee voted to extend the deadline for implementing PTC until at least 2020. Both Republicans and Democrats supported the measure which will now go to the Senate floor.

"This accident is exhibit A for ending the delays and getting positive train control in place," said Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat.

The Association of American Railroads has said it wants PTC in place but blames logistical challenges like acquiring radio frequencies and placing transmitter towers for the delay.

"This is not off-the-shelf technology; it has had to be developed from scratch," said Ed Greenberg, spokesman for the trade group.

So, the funding is already in place. The equipment is already purchased and the requirement to install the safety device (BTW, it is not considered infrastructure) is already set. The deadline was too aggressive, and so both parties agree to extend the deadline.
The NTSB is currently determining whether the engineer of the doomed Amtrak train #188 was on his phone during the night of the crash. But all I've heard thus far is that our sagging infrastructure is to blame, most of that coming from the left side of the aisle. Tell me liberals and Democrats, how does a sagging infrastructure cause an engineer to whip his phone out, while running a passenger train, and endanger the safety and welfare of the passengers? What role did the infrastructure play in his stupidity? Can you answer me honestly? I'm sure you can't. But you'll simply use this disaster, and those who died, to great lengths to effectuate the need for more infrastructure anyway.


PHILADELPHIA - Investigators are combing through phone records, locomotive data, radio transmissions and surveillance video to determine if the engineer in last week's deadly Amtrak derailment was using his cellphone while at the controls, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Brandon Bostian's phone records show calls were made, text messages were sent and data was used the day of the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said, but it remains unclear if the phone was used while the train was in motion.

Investigators won't be able make that determination until after a time-consuming analysis comparing time stamps from Bostian's subpoenaed phone records with those from an on-board data recorder, video and other sources, the NTSB said.

The May 12 derailment killed 8 people and injured more than 200. Investigators are looking into why the train from Washington to New York City was going double the 50 mph limit around a sharp curve.

Bostian's lawyer, Robert Goggin, has said he kept his cellphone in a bag and used it only to call 911 afterward. Bostian, who was injured, told investigators he had no recollection of the crash, the NTSB said.

"The next thing he recalls is being thrown around, coming to, finding his bag, getting his cellphone and dialing 911," Goggin told ABC News the day after the crash.

Goggin has not returned repeated messages from The Associated Press.

The NTSB also said Wednesday that the engineer of a different commuter train struck by a projectile minutes before the derailment told investigators he did not notice anything unusual when the Amtrak train passed by on a parallel track.

There is a device called a PTC - Positive Train Control - that has already been legislated to be installed in trains and on tracks. It uses GPS as well as intertrain communication to be able to detect things like going too fast for a section of track or warning that another train is also on the same track. This device is both passive and assertive - it first warns the engineer of something he should take action on and, in the case the idiot was streaming porn on his phone or had a heart attack or a stroke or otherwise failed to take prudent action, would assume control and stop the train. It's not like all the other warning devices on a train which can be manually suppressed (which is what happens when engineers get really comfortable with their section of track). Anyway, the PTC has been installed in a few short sections of rail along the NE run but Amtrak has lacked the funding to fully comply with the law and some of the railway belongs to private companies and they don't have the authority to install it there (yeah - your Congress at work). That funding comes under the heading of infrastructure and had the railway been fitted with the available (and mandatory) equipment, this is a disaster that could have been avoided whether Bostian was on the phone or not.

And BTW - NTSB does an incredible job of investigating crashes. Examining Bostian's phone is one of those stones they wouldn't leave unturned. So just because they're looking at it doesn't imply anything.

It's already installed. It wasn't turned on because of FTC red tape.
The NTSB is currently determining whether the engineer of the doomed Amtrak train #188 was on his phone during the night of the crash. But all I've heard thus far is that our sagging infrastructure is to blame, most of that coming from the left side of the aisle. Tell me liberals and Democrats, how does a sagging infrastructure cause an engineer to whip his phone out, while running a passenger train, and endanger the safety and welfare of the passengers? What role did the infrastructure play in his stupidity? Can you answer me honestly? I'm sure you can't. But you'll simply use this disaster, and those who died, to great lengths to effectuate the need for more infrastructure anyway.


PHILADELPHIA - Investigators are combing through phone records, locomotive data, radio transmissions and surveillance video to determine if the engineer in last week's deadly Amtrak derailment was using his cellphone while at the controls, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Brandon Bostian's phone records show calls were made, text messages were sent and data was used the day of the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said, but it remains unclear if the phone was used while the train was in motion.

Investigators won't be able make that determination until after a time-consuming analysis comparing time stamps from Bostian's subpoenaed phone records with those from an on-board data recorder, video and other sources, the NTSB said.

The May 12 derailment killed 8 people and injured more than 200. Investigators are looking into why the train from Washington to New York City was going double the 50 mph limit around a sharp curve.

Bostian's lawyer, Robert Goggin, has said he kept his cellphone in a bag and used it only to call 911 afterward. Bostian, who was injured, told investigators he had no recollection of the crash, the NTSB said.

"The next thing he recalls is being thrown around, coming to, finding his bag, getting his cellphone and dialing 911," Goggin told ABC News the day after the crash.

Goggin has not returned repeated messages from The Associated Press.

The NTSB also said Wednesday that the engineer of a different commuter train struck by a projectile minutes before the derailment told investigators he did not notice anything unusual when the Amtrak train passed by on a parallel track.

There is a device called a PTC - Positive Train Control - that has already been legislated to be installed in trains and on tracks. It uses GPS as well as intertrain communication to be able to detect things like going too fast for a section of track or warning that another train is also on the same track. This device is both passive and assertive - it first warns the engineer of something he should take action on and, in the case the idiot was streaming porn on his phone or had a heart attack or a stroke or otherwise failed to take prudent action, would assume control and stop the train. It's not like all the other warning devices on a train which can be manually suppressed (which is what happens when engineers get really comfortable with their section of track). Anyway, the PTC has been installed in a few short sections of rail along the NE run but Amtrak has lacked the funding to fully comply with the law and some of the railway belongs to private companies and they don't have the authority to install it there (yeah - your Congress at work). That funding comes under the heading of infrastructure and had the railway been fitted with the available (and mandatory) equipment, this is a disaster that could have been avoided whether Bostian was on the phone or not.

And BTW - NTSB does an incredible job of investigating crashes. Examining Bostian's phone is one of those stones they wouldn't leave unturned. So just because they're looking at it doesn't imply anything.

Investigating Bostian's phone is something any 2nd grader would have thought of.
Moreover, along with being installed on that specific train, it wasn't even turned on. Once again, negligence, not infrastructure:

A computer system that allows speeding trains to be slowed remotely – potentially averting deadly derailments – was installed in the section of track in Philadelphia where Tuesday’s fatal Amtrak crash occurred but had not been turned on, congressional sources tell U.S. News.

“The PTC was installed in the section of track where the Philadelphia accident occurred, but for whatever reason had not been turned on, the PTC in that section,” Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., tells U.S. News, referring to "positive train control."

His account was corroborated by Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.

“The tracks had PTC, the train had PTC,” Harris says.

Speed Control Was Installed Not On at Time of Amtrak Crash - US News
That funding comes under the heading of infrastructure and had the railway been fitted with the available (and mandatory) equipment, this is a disaster that could have been avoided whether Bostian was on the phone or not.

The only way the PTC wouldn't have worked is if wasn't even turned on. It's that simple. It was already on the train and the tracks. Looks like the infrastructure was working just fine before the disaster.
The NTSB is currently determining whether the engineer of the doomed Amtrak train #188 was on his phone during the night of the crash. But all I've heard thus far is that our sagging infrastructure is to blame, most of that coming from the left side of the aisle. Tell me liberals and Democrats, how does a sagging infrastructure cause an engineer to whip his phone out, while running a passenger train, and endanger the safety and welfare of the passengers? What role did the infrastructure play in his stupidity? Can you answer me honestly? I'm sure you can't. But you'll simply use this disaster, and those who died, to great lengths to effectuate the need for more infrastructure anyway.

First, even the article you cite doesn't say he was on his phone when the crash happened.

Second, there is an active speed system that should have been on that corner that wasn't.

Now, if you got off the couch once in a while and looked around at the crumbling roads and bridges, you're realize the infrastructure is in pretty bad shape.
So we shouldn't spend money on our own country...We spend a shit ton on the rest of the world but hey, lets it al fall apart here.

Our government will fund studies to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars to study the effect of transgender hummingbirds on the eco system.
It's how the money is spent not that we aren't taxed enough.So a choice has been made not to spend on infrastructure.
there are no bounds to the view of the world from grandma's basement......looks great from there....

unfortunately those of us who venture out realize what is going on with the roads etc
Our government will fund studies to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars to study the effect of transgender hummingbirds on the eco system.

do you have a link to that? Or are you just making shit up?

It's how the money is spent not that we aren't taxed enough.So a choice has been made not to spend on infrastructure.

No, the problem is that we don't tax enough and we don't spend the money we do spend smartly.

We have 3.6 TRILLION infrastructure that needs to be repaired.

But transportation spending is only 2.8% of the budget.

The NTSB is currently determining whether the engineer of the doomed Amtrak train #188 was on his phone during the night of the crash. But all I've heard thus far is that our sagging infrastructure is to blame, most of that coming from the left side of the aisle. Tell me liberals and Democrats, how does a sagging infrastructure cause an engineer to whip his phone out, while running a passenger train, and endanger the safety and welfare of the passengers? What role did the infrastructure play in his stupidity? Can you answer me honestly? I'm sure you can't. But you'll simply use this disaster, and those who died, to great lengths to effectuate the need for more infrastructure anyway.


PHILADELPHIA - Investigators are combing through phone records, locomotive data, radio transmissions and surveillance video to determine if the engineer in last week's deadly Amtrak derailment was using his cellphone while at the controls, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Brandon Bostian's phone records show calls were made, text messages were sent and data was used the day of the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said, but it remains unclear if the phone was used while the train was in motion.

Investigators won't be able make that determination until after a time-consuming analysis comparing time stamps from Bostian's subpoenaed phone records with those from an on-board data recorder, video and other sources, the NTSB said.

The May 12 derailment killed 8 people and injured more than 200. Investigators are looking into why the train from Washington to New York City was going double the 50 mph limit around a sharp curve.

Bostian's lawyer, Robert Goggin, has said he kept his cellphone in a bag and used it only to call 911 afterward. Bostian, who was injured, told investigators he had no recollection of the crash, the NTSB said.

"The next thing he recalls is being thrown around, coming to, finding his bag, getting his cellphone and dialing 911," Goggin told ABC News the day after the crash.

Goggin has not returned repeated messages from The Associated Press.

The NTSB also said Wednesday that the engineer of a different commuter train struck by a projectile minutes before the derailment told investigators he did not notice anything unusual when the Amtrak train passed by on a parallel track.

Our deteriorating infrastructure was a FACT before the the train crash.
The NTSB is currently determining whether the engineer of the doomed Amtrak train #188 was on his phone during the night of the crash. But all I've heard thus far is that our sagging infrastructure is to blame, most of that coming from the left side of the aisle. Tell me liberals and Democrats, how does a sagging infrastructure cause an engineer to whip his phone out, while running a passenger train, and endanger the safety and welfare of the passengers? What role did the infrastructure play in his stupidity? Can you answer me honestly? I'm sure you can't. But you'll simply use this disaster, and those who died, to great lengths to effectuate the need for more infrastructure anyway.


PHILADELPHIA - Investigators are combing through phone records, locomotive data, radio transmissions and surveillance video to determine if the engineer in last week's deadly Amtrak derailment was using his cellphone while at the controls, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Brandon Bostian's phone records show calls were made, text messages were sent and data was used the day of the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said, but it remains unclear if the phone was used while the train was in motion.

Investigators won't be able make that determination until after a time-consuming analysis comparing time stamps from Bostian's subpoenaed phone records with those from an on-board data recorder, video and other sources, the NTSB said.

The May 12 derailment killed 8 people and injured more than 200. Investigators are looking into why the train from Washington to New York City was going double the 50 mph limit around a sharp curve.

Bostian's lawyer, Robert Goggin, has said he kept his cellphone in a bag and used it only to call 911 afterward. Bostian, who was injured, told investigators he had no recollection of the crash, the NTSB said.

"The next thing he recalls is being thrown around, coming to, finding his bag, getting his cellphone and dialing 911," Goggin told ABC News the day after the crash.

Goggin has not returned repeated messages from The Associated Press.

The NTSB also said Wednesday that the engineer of a different commuter train struck by a projectile minutes before the derailment told investigators he did not notice anything unusual when the Amtrak train passed by on a parallel track.

You're joking, right?
The NTSB is currently determining whether the engineer of the doomed Amtrak train #188 was on his phone during the night of the crash. But all I've heard thus far is that our sagging infrastructure is to blame, most of that coming from the left side of the aisle. Tell me liberals and Democrats, how does a sagging infrastructure cause an engineer to whip his phone out, while running a passenger train, and endanger the safety and welfare of the passengers? What role did the infrastructure play in his stupidity? Can you answer me honestly? I'm sure you can't. But you'll simply use this disaster, and those who died, to great lengths to effectuate the need for more infrastructure anyway.


PHILADELPHIA - Investigators are combing through phone records, locomotive data, radio transmissions and surveillance video to determine if the engineer in last week's deadly Amtrak derailment was using his cellphone while at the controls, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Brandon Bostian's phone records show calls were made, text messages were sent and data was used the day of the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said, but it remains unclear if the phone was used while the train was in motion.

Investigators won't be able make that determination until after a time-consuming analysis comparing time stamps from Bostian's subpoenaed phone records with those from an on-board data recorder, video and other sources, the NTSB said.

The May 12 derailment killed 8 people and injured more than 200. Investigators are looking into why the train from Washington to New York City was going double the 50 mph limit around a sharp curve.

Bostian's lawyer, Robert Goggin, has said he kept his cellphone in a bag and used it only to call 911 afterward. Bostian, who was injured, told investigators he had no recollection of the crash, the NTSB said.

"The next thing he recalls is being thrown around, coming to, finding his bag, getting his cellphone and dialing 911," Goggin told ABC News the day after the crash.

Goggin has not returned repeated messages from The Associated Press.

The NTSB also said Wednesday that the engineer of a different commuter train struck by a projectile minutes before the derailment told investigators he did not notice anything unusual when the Amtrak train passed by on a parallel track.
does this mean that all of those Apollo accidents were also caused by the astronauts talking or texting during take off?
The NTSB is currently determining whether the engineer of the doomed Amtrak train #188 was on his phone during the night of the crash. But all I've heard thus far is that our sagging infrastructure is to blame, most of that coming from the left side of the aisle. Tell me liberals and Democrats, how does a sagging infrastructure cause an engineer to whip his phone out, while running a passenger train, and endanger the safety and welfare of the passengers? What role did the infrastructure play in his stupidity? Can you answer me honestly? I'm sure you can't. But you'll simply use this disaster, and those who died, to great lengths to effectuate the need for more infrastructure anyway.


PHILADELPHIA - Investigators are combing through phone records, locomotive data, radio transmissions and surveillance video to determine if the engineer in last week's deadly Amtrak derailment was using his cellphone while at the controls, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Brandon Bostian's phone records show calls were made, text messages were sent and data was used the day of the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said, but it remains unclear if the phone was used while the train was in motion.

Investigators won't be able make that determination until after a time-consuming analysis comparing time stamps from Bostian's subpoenaed phone records with those from an on-board data recorder, video and other sources, the NTSB said.

The May 12 derailment killed 8 people and injured more than 200. Investigators are looking into why the train from Washington to New York City was going double the 50 mph limit around a sharp curve.

Bostian's lawyer, Robert Goggin, has said he kept his cellphone in a bag and used it only to call 911 afterward. Bostian, who was injured, told investigators he had no recollection of the crash, the NTSB said.

"The next thing he recalls is being thrown around, coming to, finding his bag, getting his cellphone and dialing 911," Goggin told ABC News the day after the crash.

Goggin has not returned repeated messages from The Associated Press.

The NTSB also said Wednesday that the engineer of a different commuter train struck by a projectile minutes before the derailment told investigators he did not notice anything unusual when the Amtrak train passed by on a parallel track.

There is a device called a PTC - Positive Train Control - that has already been legislated to be installed in trains and on tracks. It uses GPS as well as intertrain communication to be able to detect things like going too fast for a section of track or warning that another train is also on the same track. This device is both passive and assertive - it first warns the engineer of something he should take action on and, in the case the idiot was streaming porn on his phone or had a heart attack or a stroke or otherwise failed to take prudent action, would assume control and stop the train. It's not like all the other warning devices on a train which can be manually suppressed (which is what happens when engineers get really comfortable with their section of track). Anyway, the PTC has been installed in a few short sections of rail along the NE run but Amtrak has lacked the funding to fully comply with the law and some of the railway belongs to private companies and they don't have the authority to install it there (yeah - your Congress at work). That funding comes under the heading of infrastructure and had the railway been fitted with the available (and mandatory) equipment, this is a disaster that could have been avoided whether Bostian was on the phone or not.

And BTW - NTSB does an incredible job of investigating crashes. Examining Bostian's phone is one of those stones they wouldn't leave unturned. So just because they're looking at it doesn't imply anything.

Investigating Bostian's phone is something any 2nd grader would have thought of.
Moreover, along with being installed on that specific train, it wasn't even turned on. Once again, negligence, not infrastructure:

A computer system that allows speeding trains to be slowed remotely – potentially averting deadly derailments – was installed in the section of track in Philadelphia where Tuesday’s fatal Amtrak crash occurred but had not been turned on, congressional sources tell U.S. News.

“The PTC was installed in the section of track where the Philadelphia accident occurred, but for whatever reason had not been turned on, the PTC in that section,” Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., tells U.S. News, referring to "positive train control."

His account was corroborated by Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.

“The tracks had PTC, the train had PTC,” Harris says.

Speed Control Was Installed Not On at Time of Amtrak Crash - US News
This is why it's good to hold your outrage until you know all the details.
That funding comes under the heading of infrastructure and had the railway been fitted with the available (and mandatory) equipment, this is a disaster that could have been avoided whether Bostian was on the phone or not.

The only way the PTC wouldn't have worked is if wasn't even turned on. It's that simple. It was already on the train and the tracks. Looks like the infrastructure was working just fine before the disaster.
Well - was there a reason it wasn't on? Get the details before you misinterpret the facts.

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