yep no controlled demolition of bld 7 or lost libertys since 9/11 alright


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I hate it that I am making another thread about 9/11 since I keep saying it is like the kennedy assassination,done and over with and just like with it,no justice will ever come about to where the real terrorists are put behind bars where they belong.

But after seeing this latest video by Richard Gage,i could not resist making this thread.Yep,according to the official conspiracy theory apologists in denial here, we havent lost libertys and freedoms since 9/11 and bld 7 wasnt a controlled demolition.:lol: The loyal Bush dupes in denial here of course wont watch this video.they will never do something like that.:D they will only listen to the paid shills listed in my sig here.

[ame=]Richard Gage New 10-minute Showcase Video - YouTube[/ame]
Normally when a Plane crashes, the area is cordoned off and an investigation is done which can take months or years. Not so with the twin towers after 9/11.

The steel was hauled off to China and India within a month. The Chinese firm Baosteel purchased 50,000 tons at a rate of $120 per ton, compared to an average price of $160 paid by local mills in the previous year.

By September 29, 130,000 tons of debris, most of it steel, had been removed.

Mayor Bloomberg, a former engineering major, was not concerned about the destruction of the evidence:
"If you want to take a look at the construction methods and the design, that's in this day and age what computers do. Just looking at a piece of metal generally doesn't tell you anything."
the frady cat deniars here that are not paid shills here and just afraid and in denial,will of course not watch this video here either.I made a thread a long time ago how Alex Jones exposed 9/11 before it happened but it was Bill Cooper who originally did and Jones has even given Cooper credit for waking him up about 9/11.

For the sheople who ask why did they kill Cooper and not Jones as well then thats because Jones was far more well known back then then Cooper was.and If they killed Jones as well after killing Cooper,there would be a mass awakening so its best fro them to leave him alone since if they kill him,that just reinforces everything Jones has been saying.

When they cant kill you like they cant with Jones,they try to discredit you in the process.Cooper here correctly calls it out.Funny how a LAMESTREAM media reporter here just happens to interview Bin Laden in the summer and tells the whole world he will pull off this attack and yet the LAMESTREAM media and the pentagon are allegedly so incompetent,they cant stop some cave dweller from pulling off.Great fairy tale if you were making up a fantasy.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Normally when a Plane crashes, the area is cordoned off and an investigation is done which can take months or years. Not so with the twin towers after 9/11.

The steel was hauled off to China and India within a month. The Chinese firm Baosteel purchased 50,000 tons at a rate of $120 per ton, compared to an average price of $160 paid by local mills in the previous year.

By September 29, 130,000 tons of debris, most of it steel, had been removed.

Mayor Bloomberg, a former engineering major, was not concerned about the destruction of the evidence:
"If you want to take a look at the construction methods and the design, that's in this day and age what computers do. Just looking at a piece of metal generally doesn't tell you anything."

excellent post.well said,thanks for pointing that out.:clap2:

I asume you watched the video?
I love it.I see the trolls are aoviding this thread because they know they cant counter these facts.hee hee.
I love it.I see the trolls are aoviding this thread because they know they cant counter these facts.hee hee.

Woo. You're crying because you are desperate for some human contact and nobody, not even your loony tunes buds talk to you, forcing you to respond to yourself. Get out of your mommy's basement and do some living, Princess. Oh, and leave the foil hat at home. :D
We have lost a lot of our rights since 9/11. I don't like the fact that if someone doesn't like me, all they have to do is tell the cops I'm a terrorist and I can disappear forever....scary, isn't it?
I like how you have connected a controlled demolition to loss of rights; trying to make it seem that if you believe in one the other must be true? :tongue:

Actually, you don't have to believe in the controlled demolition of building 7 to realize that the patriot act took away our rights.

Are you saying you don't believe any of the towers were downed by controlled demo? :D
I like how you have connected a controlled demolition to loss of rights; trying to make it seem that if you believe in one the other must be true? :tongue:

Actually, you don't have to believe in the controlled demolition of building 7 to realize that the patriot act took away our rights.

Are you saying you don't believe any of the towers were downed by controlled demo? :D

What I think about the buildings in relation to 9/11 is irrelevant to the FACT that the government used them as an excuse to take away our rights. Don't you think that's the more important factor in this discussion?
Quote: Originally Posted by Montrovant
I like how you have connected a controlled demolition to loss of rights; trying to make it seem that if you believe in one the other must be true?

Actually, you don't have to believe in the controlled demolition of building 7 to realize that the patriot act took away our rights.

Are you saying you don't believe any of the towers were downed by controlled demo? :D

What I think about the buildings in relation to 9/11 is irrelevant to the FACT that the government used them as an excuse to take away our rights. Don't you think that's the more important factor in this discussion?

Maybe, maybe not.
It seems those who scream longest and loudest about our "lost freedoms" - and I know no one who has lost any - are the same peeps who subscribe to all manner of CTs about nefarious forces running and ruining our lives ... none of whom find America so bad they are willing to leave it. :D
I like how you have connected a controlled demolition to loss of rights; trying to make it seem that if you believe in one the other must be true? :tongue:

Actually, you don't have to believe in the controlled demolition of building 7 to realize that the patriot act took away our rights.

That is, actually, my point. I should have used a quote of the OP, since I was speaking to that.

9/11IJ is the one who seems to be trying to connect the two, despite the fact they are completely separate issues.
Quote: Originally Posted by Montrovant
I like how you have connected a controlled demolition to loss of rights; trying to make it seem that if you believe in one the other must be true?

Are you saying you don't believe any of the towers were downed by controlled demo? :D

What I think about the buildings in relation to 9/11 is irrelevant to the FACT that the government used them as an excuse to take away our rights. Don't you think that's the more important factor in this discussion?

Maybe, maybe not.
It seems those who scream longest and loudest about our "lost freedoms" - and I know no one who has lost any - are the same peeps who subscribe to all manner of CTs about nefarious forces running and ruining our lives ... none of whom find America so bad they are willing to leave it. :D

Where are we suppose to go? We are the only country in the world that takes in unskilled workers to compete with our own. We are the only country in the world that takes in elderly from other countries and them puts them on welfare. The only Americans who can move from here to another country are the overly educated and the overly wealthy. Guess we are stuck here fighting to make this a better country the same way our ancestors were, except that THEY really did have a choice and chose to fight, knowing that if they failed, they'd be hung as traitors.
I like how you have connected a controlled demolition to loss of rights; trying to make it seem that if you believe in one the other must be true? :tongue:

Actually, you don't have to believe in the controlled demolition of building 7 to realize that the patriot act took away our rights.

That is, actually, my point. I should have used a quote of the OP, since I was speaking to that.

9/11IJ is the one who seems to be trying to connect the two, despite the fact they are completely separate issues.

Without 9/11, there would be no Patriot Act.
Actually, you don't have to believe in the controlled demolition of building 7 to realize that the patriot act took away our rights.

That is, actually, my point. I should have used a quote of the OP, since I was speaking to that.

9/11IJ is the one who seems to be trying to connect the two, despite the fact they are completely separate issues.

Without 9/11, there would be no Patriot Act.

Yes, but without a controlled demolition of building 7, you still have 9/11.
Quote: Originally Posted by Montrovant
I like how you have connected a controlled demolition to loss of rights; trying to make it seem that if you believe in one the other must be true?

What I think about the buildings in relation to 9/11 is irrelevant to the FACT that the government used them as an excuse to take away our rights. Don't you think that's the more important factor in this discussion?

Maybe, maybe not.
It seems those who scream longest and loudest about our "lost freedoms" - and I know no one who has lost any - are the same peeps who subscribe to all manner of CTs about nefarious forces running and ruining our lives ... none of whom find America so bad they are willing to leave it. :D

Where are we suppose to go? We are the only country in the world that takes in unskilled workers to compete with our own. We are the only country in the world that takes in elderly from other countries and them puts them on welfare. The only Americans who can move from here to another country are the overly educated and the overly wealthy. Guess we are stuck here fighting to make this a better country the same way our ancestors were, except that THEY really did have a choice and chose to fight, knowing that if they failed, they'd be hung as traitors.

There are hundreds of other countries to which you can go. There are even uninhabited islands in the Pacific you could colonize.
I am happy to tell you that many retired Americans living on Soc Security are retiring abroad where the cost of living is more reasonable and elderly immigrants to this country had better have financial resources or family here because they are not eligible for benefits. It is unhealthy to blame the sadness of your life on "them." :D

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