yep no controlled demolition of bld 7 or lost libertys since 9/11 alright

I have to tell you Guy, when you respond to Sayit's post with a link to PNAC, it at least strongly implies that you consider PNAC evidence that Israel had to do with 9/11 or that Jews serving America are agents of a foreign state influence. I'm not sure why else you would post that link in response to that quoted post.

Imply, it does. Assert, it does not.

The PNAC 'connection' is something that you won't be able to make from a Wiki page, but that connection can be made. Anyone who wants to understand it will have to put in the hours upon hours of research that it takes. Many of these men's connections and aspirations literally go back GENERATIONS.

What a smarmy little bitch. First you respond to my claim that there is no evidence that Israel had anything to do with the 9/11 attack on America and none that Jews who serve America are "agents of a foreign state influence" who "control America's foreign policy" with that Wiki PNAC link. Then you try to deny you meant it as your response and finally you reiterate that the PNAC "connection" was indeed what you were selling. Either you haven't a clue about the meaning of what and how you post or you are a lame CT bitch. Take your choice. :cuckoo:
I have to tell you Guy, when you respond to Sayit's post with a link to PNAC, it at least strongly implies that you consider PNAC evidence that Israel had to do with 9/11 or that Jews serving America are agents of a foreign state influence. I'm not sure why else you would post that link in response to that quoted post.

Imply, it does. Assert, it does not.

The PNAC 'connection' is something that you won't be able to make from a Wiki page, but that connection can be made. Anyone who wants to understand it will have to put in the hours upon hours of research that it takes. Many of these men's connections and aspirations literally go back GENERATIONS.

What a smarmy little bitch. First you respond to my claim that there is no evidence that Israel had anything to do with the 9/11 attack on America and none that Jews who serve America are "agents of a foreign state influence" who "control America's foreign policy" with that Wiki PNAC link. Then you try to deny you meant it as your response and finally you reiterate that the PNAC "connection" was indeed what you were selling. Either you haven't a clue about the meaning of what and how you post or you are a lame CT bitch. Take your choice. :cuckoo:

Your claim is bullshit, and anyone willing to go beyond a Wiki page can find that out. I'm not here to nursemaid little bitches like you and spoon feed you knowledge just so you can puke it up like the crying little baby you are. You play all these semantic games and the first time someone turns it back on you you get you panties all in a wad over it.

Tell you what, SAYIT. You don't like what I post or how I post it, tough shit little girl. All your bitching isn't going to change a single letter. Got a problem with it? GOOD!

Whiny little pissant.
Sayit is a whinny little bitch that has been relegated to dufus cheerleading duties of BS.
I don't usually like to post in this sub-forum. In fact, since I found out this forum is monitored and posts are censored for content, I am no longer doing anything but occasionally stopping by and reading. But I was asked to provide some input. Fat lot of good it will ever do.

At this point it would be well to reconsider what has been posted before;

The professional debunkers use four primary tactics to accomplish their propaganda feats:

1) They refuse to mention, much less attempt to disprove, the most irrefutable and damaging evidence.

2) They take great delight in debunking only those conspiracy theories that are the weakest or that are planted by other government sympathizers to help discredit the more credible conspiracy facts. This is what is referred to as a "straw man" argument, where a weak or false argument is set up so that it can easily be knocked down.

3) They only select "experts" who agree with the official conclusion.

4) They snicker at or mock anyone who believes that government engages in criminal behavior or covers up crimes in collusion with judges, investigators, prosecutors, media heads, and hand-picked commissions. Worse, they label dissenters as unpatriotic or mentally imbalanced.

Does it really matter if WTC was a controlled demolition? Does it really matter if it was brought down due to "terrorists?" The official government line was, "they hate us because of our freedoms." Well I have news for you all, if that is the case, the terrorists won, we now have less freedom than we had before. Same with that shit that went down in Sandy Hook.

If we were really proud and true Americans, we would take our licks, take reasonable precautions, but not let big government infringe upon our liberties. Yet any sane and reasonable individual can identify who the real terrorists are, they are the cultural, financial, and political elites that seek to control the common man, no matter what means they employ to get the job done. Whether it is by the use of covert intelligence agencies or uneducated dirt poor radical fundamentalist religious nuts with box cutters. One man's conspiracy is another man's incredible fortuitous coincidence for the ruling elites.

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I don't usually like to post in this sub-forum. In fact, since I found out this forum is monitored and posts are censored for content, I am no longer doing anything but occasionally stopping by and reading. But I was asked to provide some input. Fat lot of good it will ever do.

At this point it would be well to reconsider what has been posted before;

The professional debunkers use four primary tactics to accomplish their propaganda feats:

1) They refuse to mention, much less attempt to disprove, the most irrefutable and damaging evidence.

2) They take great delight in debunking only those conspiracy theories that are the weakest or that are planted by other government sympathizers to help discredit the more credible conspiracy facts. This is what is referred to as a "straw man" argument, where a weak or false argument is set up so that it can easily be knocked down.

3) They only select "experts" who agree with the official conclusion.

4) They snicker at or mock anyone who believes that government engages in criminal behavior or covers up crimes in collusion with judges, investigators, prosecutors, media heads, and hand-picked commissions. Worse, they label dissenters as unpatriotic or mentally imbalanced.

Does it really matter if WTC was a controlled demolition? Does it really matter if it was brought down due to "terrorists?" The official government line was, "they hate us because of our freedoms." Well I have news for you all, if that is the case, the terrorists won, we now have less freedom than we had before. Same with that shit that went down in Sandy Hook.

If we were really proud and true Americans, we would take our licks, take reasonable precautions, but not let big government infringe upon our liberties. Yet any sane and reasonable individual can identify who the real terrorists are, they are the cultural, financial, and political elites that seek to control the common man, no matter what means they employ to get the job done. Whether it is by the use of covert intelligence agencies or uneducated dirt poor radical fundamentalist religious nuts with box cutters. One man's conspiracy is another man's incredible fortuitous coincidence for the ruling elites.

[ame=]Conspiracy errr Coincidence theories - YouTube[/ame]


Excellent stuff on the paid shills that have penetrated this forum.I have a few of them that have been exposed mentioned in my sig below.However I dont think thats true that this forum monitors and cencors content though.Have you had that happen to you here before? I never have. THIS forum seems to be one of the few out there that actually allows free speech.Thats why I have stayed here as long as i have.I like this site.Except for the fact that its called conspiracy theories and stuff liek this can only be posted here.somehow the mods around here consider facts as conspiracy theories.:cuckoo:

I think you must be thinking about the times when Gunny was here.Now back THEN,I could believe it that posts were monitored and censored by him.That idiot,when he was the site administrater,i thought many times about leaving.That guy is such an idiot he still thinks Oswald killed Kennedy.seriously.:D any kind of facts you presented him that proved otherwise or that 9/11 was an inside job,he ignored and never even TRIED to counter them. but that troll is gone thank god. Gunny was either a shill,or a compete idiot in denial thats for sure.Liek i said,thank god he's gone.

that might have been the case when he was here but I seriously doubt thats the case anymore now.after all,if it was,they never would have allowed you post what you just did just now.think about it.great stuff there on the exposed them for who they are.:clap2:
That is the typical paranoid CT Nutter expanation for their inability to convince America of the "truth" of their CTs.
Circular thinking at its most perverse: there can be no investigation because the Zionists have bought and paid for our Congress. How convenient for the loons. :cuckoo:
Israel controls the US congress, as evidenced by their attacking Hagel during the nomination hearings for starters. These treasonous congressmen have displayed more loyalty to Israeli interests then to the nation they are supposed to be working for.
The evidence of this loyalty is pervasive throughout "our" government, courts, and media.
You wouldn't bother to notice or care tho..


thats the understatement of the century.He of course wont watch this video here as he has proven throughout this whole thread he closes his eyes and closes his ears everytime videos are presented to him.Have YOU seen this video by chance? the proof is in the pudding right there how Israel controls congress and Obama and all presidents let the prime minister rule the roost when they come visit at the white house.

the only thing that missing for Bibi here is the red carpet treatment with flowers being thrown on it before he walks.Obama is pretty much bowing down to him as the the video clearly shows. so HAVE YOU seen this video before by chance? I cracked up when i first saw it watching Obama bow down and worship Bibi like he did.:D

yep the zionist jews dont control congress alright and zionist jew larry Silverstein even though he proffited at least in the millions from the attacks,had no involvement in this alright.:cuckoo:

"The U.S. provides Israel $8.5 million in military aid each day,
while it gives the Palestinians $0 in military aid."

Some Jews are easily confused about American "friendship."
Maybe the IDF could take over in Afghanistan (or Africa)?

US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
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"The U.S. provides Israel $8.5 million in military aid each day,
while it gives the Palestinians $0 in military aid."

Some Jews are easily confused about American "friendship."
Maybe the IDF could take over in Afghanistan (or Africa)?

US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians

US aid to Israel is in no way an indication that Israel controls the US government.

I don't think anyone would argue that Israel has influence with the US.

Why is it assumed that Israel is the one in control, getting all the benefits from this aid? Could it be that the US is actually the one influencing Israel with their dependence on our help? Might Israeli policy be what the US government wants it to be?

I'm just not sure why, if there is going to be secret control of a government, it must be the Israelis in control of the US and not the other way around.

Oh, and why would you expect military aid to be given to the Palestinians? How would it be in US interests to give military aid to someone in conflict with our strongest ally in the region? I would think it would make more sense to at least cut of the aid to Israel before we gave military aid to Palestinians.
"The U.S. provides Israel $8.5 million in military aid each day,
while it gives the Palestinians $0 in military aid."

Some Jews are easily confused about American "friendship."
Maybe the IDF could take over in Afghanistan (or Africa)?

US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians

US aid to Israel is in no way an indication that Israel controls the US government.

I don't think anyone would argue that Israel has influence with the US.

Why is it assumed that Israel is the one in control, getting all the benefits from this aid? Could it be that the US is actually the one influencing Israel with their dependence on our help? Might Israeli policy be what the US government wants it to be?

I'm just not sure why, if there is going to be secret control of a government, it must be the Israelis in control of the US and not the other way around.

Oh, and why would you expect military aid to be given to the Palestinians? How would it be in US interests to give military aid to someone in conflict with our strongest ally in the region? I would think it would make more sense to at least cut of the aid to Israel before we gave military aid to Palestinians.
Elites in the US and Israel have grown rich from total direct US aid to Israel which now exceeds $140 billion (2003) dollars. Judging by the reaction of our trained seals in the US Congress applauding every lie Bibi spouts, it would seem like the tail wagging the dog, at least.

"Israel is now a wealthy, industrial state with a per capita income about the same as South Korea or Spain, yet is continues to extort roughly one-fifth of the entire US foreign aid budget. IMHO, this is just another example of rich parasites in both countries controlling their governments to enhance their private fortunes by socializing cost and privatizing profits.

US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
Israel controls the US congress, as evidenced by their attacking Hagel during the nomination hearings for starters. These treasonous congressmen have displayed more loyalty to Israeli interests then to the nation they are supposed to be working for.
The evidence of this loyalty is pervasive throughout "our" government, courts, and media.
You wouldn't bother to notice or care tho..


thats the understatement of the century.He of course wont watch this video here as he has proven throughout this whole thread he closes his eyes and closes his ears everytime videos are presented to him.Have YOU seen this video by chance? the proof is in the pudding right there how Israel controls congress and Obama and all presidents let the prime minister rule the roost when they come visit at the white house.

the only thing that missing for Bibi here is the red carpet treatment with flowers being thrown on it before he walks.Obama is pretty much bowing down to him as the the video clearly shows. so HAVE YOU seen this video before by chance? I cracked up when i first saw it watching Obama bow down and worship Bibi like he did.:D

[ame=]Obama's Unshakable Bondage To Bibi - YouTube[/ame]

yep the zionist jews dont control congress alright and zionist jew larry Silverstein even though he proffited at least in the millions from the attacks,had no involvement in this alright.:cuckoo:
"The U.S. provides Israel $8.5 million in military aid each day,
while it gives the Palestinians $0 in military aid."

Some Jews are easily confused about American "friendship."
Maybe the IDF could take over in Afghanistan (or Africa)?

US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians

No surprise there.thats our corrupt government for ya.No surprise one bit at all sense the CIA and mossad work hand in hand together in covert operations.
Look man, Big Brother says you ain't lost no liberties. So that's that. Now quit your complaining...Or else. ;)
Normally when a Plane crashes, the area is cordoned off and an investigation is done which can take months or years. Not so with the twin towers after 9/11.

The steel was hauled off to China and India within a month. The Chinese firm Baosteel purchased 50,000 tons at a rate of $120 per ton, compared to an average price of $160 paid by local mills in the previous year.

By September 29, 130,000 tons of debris, most of it steel, had been removed.

Mayor Bloomberg, a former engineering major, was not concerned about the destruction of the evidence:
"If you want to take a look at the construction methods and the design, that's in this day and age what computers do. Just looking at a piece of metal generally doesn't tell you anything."

a pesky fact the Bush dupes ignore and wont face.

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