Yep, you guessed it: Obama learned about VA death scandals from newspapers, media


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
This man knows less about what is going on in his administration, than Sergeant Schultz. Never mind that the Obama transition team was warned about long and unexplained delays in appointment times in the VA, back in 2008.

Maybe I should run for President. I could certainly use the time off.


Carney: White House Learned About VA Scandal From News Reports | Video | RealClearPolitics

Carney: White House Learned About VA Scandal From News Reports

JIM ACOSTA, CNN: When was the president first made aware of these problems? Of these fraudulent lists that were being kept to hide the wait times, when was he first made aware of those problems? And when did other White House officials, top White House officials, become aware of these problems?

JAY CARNEY: When you say these problems, the fact that there have been bureaucracies --

ACOSTA: The delays have been known for some time.

CARNEY: You mean the specific allegations that I think were reported first by your news network out of Phoenix, I believe. We learned about them through the reports. I will double check if that is not the case.

But that is when we learned about them and that is when I understand Secretary Shinseki learned about them, and he immediately took the action that he has taken.
Well, surely you can't blame him for what his staff doesn't tell him. He's busy telling the world how to be better! (sarcasm)
Does Obama actually have any idea of what the agencies that report to him are doing? I mean, every single one of these fuck ups are off his radar until he watches CNN or something. Is he just an incompetent leader who has no idea how to manage subordinates or is he intentionally keeping himself in the dark so that he isn't accountable for anything?
Obama is...... $oblivious.png
He was on a council to help the va when he was a senator. We know how he voted to better our troops medical care. Present the only thing he voted for, was late term abortion. This guy is a joke.
Its not surprising that O and staff have not the slightest idea of how to manage. This is raging success to them.
Not to excuse Obama in the least, because he is a bad manager. But the vet groups have objected not just about this but in general how the VA responds to crisis, but there is just no system of management to track outcomes and trends to avoid crises. Back during the healthcare debates, the VA was trotted out as poster child for single payor. Be afraid, very afraid.

I'm not sure this is structurally much different with the "crises" of rapes on college campuses. it's like "who knew" from administrators. It hasn't been a secret for 20 years or so.
Remember when this was supposed to be the smartest man in the room?

I have no doubt this pathetic ass president learns everything from the evening news.

OMG this is awful! Why hasn't Issa started an investigation of this Earth-shattering scandal?
Remember when this was supposed to be the smartest man in the room?

I have no doubt this pathetic ass president learns everything from the evening news.


Hah! Like he needs to watch the news. He keeps a list of what the media would report if they were as wise as he is.
What a scumbag...

[ame=]Obama Is So Mad - YouTube[/ame]
On the 67th anniversary of D-Day, when allied troops landed in France to fight Nazi forces on the beaches of Normandy, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst took to Twitter to praise World War II veterans.

"We lose 1000 #WWII veterans every day. Take a moment to share your stories & thank America's #GreatestGeneration," he tweeted on June 6.

With nearly 70 years gone since D-Day, it’s no wonder that many veterans of the war are passing away. But 1,000 a day?

Dewhurst spokesman Mike Walz passed on eight pieces of documentation to back up his boss, including four news articles. The latest, a May 31, 2010, Dallas Morning News article, said: "Only about two million World War II veterans are still alive, and an estimated 1,000 die every day."

Walz also passed on a congressional transcript, in which then-U.S. Sen. Bob Dole, who served as national chairman of the World War II Memorial Campaign, said at a June 2000 U.S. House hearing: "We are losing 1,000 World War II veterans every day. We have lost over 1 million since March 1997."

So the daily statistic is at least 10 years old. Does it stand?

According to data from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, in fiscal year 2010, about 263,000 veterans who served during World War II died, nearly 15,000 of whom lived in Texas. Nationally, that’s about 721 a day.

Some 244,000 are expected to die in 2011, according to the department’s estimates — nearly 670 a day.

In 2002, nearly 368,000 World War II veterans died, or just more than 1,000 a day. By 2006, the number dropped to about 332,000, or 909 a day. By 2008, about 815 veterans on average were dying each day.

Veteran Affairs spokesman Ozzie Garza told us: "The number is decreasing because, of course, there’s fewer World War II veterans alive now." Today, the average age of a World War II vet is 92, he said.

As of Sept. 30, 2010, about 23 million veterans were alive nationwide, with 1.7 million in Texas. Of those veterans, nearly 1.8 million served during World War II, with 101,400 of that war’s veterans living in Texas.

Lastly, we wondered how veteran deaths from that era compared to those who served during the Vietnam War era, from 1964-1975. According to Veteran Affairs data, 103,890 died in 2010, about 285 a day. And veterans who served during the Korean War? In 2010, nearly 134,000 died, or 367 a day.

Bottom line: Dewhurst’s well-meaning salute relies on an outdated statistic, overstating the number who now die daily. Half True
Remember when this was supposed to be the smartest man in the room?

I have no doubt this pathetic ass president learns everything from the evening news.


Hah! Like he needs to watch the news. He keeps a list of what the media would report if they were as wise as he is.

No kidding, hes got the nsa tapping everyone, he gets questions before hand from reporter and this guy has no idea whats going on?
dimocraps got their priorities......

While Veterans die of neglect so the VA Hospital bosses can get their fat bonus checks, the DoD approves a VERY expensive Sex Change operation for Bradley Manning

VA Fast-Tracks Sex Change for Manning While Vets Die on Waiting Lists

And if you complain about it, our resident SCUMBAG dimocraps in here will call you intolerant, bigoted and homophobic. Among other things.

They dead, 'What Difference Could It Possibly Make Now'?
Remember when this was supposed to be the smartest man in the room?

I have no doubt this pathetic ass president learns everything from the evening news.


Hah! Like he needs to watch the news. He keeps a list of what the media would report if they were as wise as he is.

No kidding, hes got the nsa tapping everyone, he gets questions before hand from reporter and this guy has no idea whats going on?

uhhhh, that's not a joke.

How do you think they busted Petraeus for porking that not entirely unattractive aid?


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