Yes, china does monitor and censor tiktok.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
I know a lot of people tried to claim that tiktok in America isn't Chinese spyware and a censorship tool intended to be a spy and propaganda tool against Americans. I don't know if they just are Chinese bots, contrarians because a long time ago trump warned against tiktok, or if they are just moronic hand waving fools.

Well they indeed do monitor Americans usage on the platform and china does censor what shows up in Americans tiktok feeds.

Then again tiktok, Facebook, Instagram or whatever, I feel all social media has degraded western society and degraded people's, especially younger people's, mind beyond what most realize. The internet has been both a blessing and a curse, especially social media.

EDIT: I forgot most may not be able to read the whole article, wsj only allows full views so often. I'll try and find another link here in a bit
You know who else can't be trusted? The U.S. Justice system that came up with the accusation.
Of course they do. Whatever you suspect China of doing, they are probably doing. More disturbing is that our own CIA has been making/steering domestic "news"/propaganda right here in the US since the 50s. Operation Mockingbird.

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