Yes Dana Perino, we can make Mexicans pay to build a wall!

I award you the 'funny' simply because your post is funny Luddley . As far as facts , skilled illegals are more worthy to stay into the USA until the undesirable poor and criminal illegals are deported . Second wave to be deported would be the skilled where they can then use their skills to improve the he11holes that they come from Luddley !!

Nothing funny about your ignorance.

You fools have no idea what you're talking about. All you know is to say "round them up and deport them", as though that's an actual answer. I've explained many times why this knee jerk repetition of a senseless phrase is not an answer.

President Obama already deports criminals - more than any other prez in the past.

US citizens will be going to other countries for an education and its likely that more and more will stay in those countries.

If you want to know why the "poor" are not "undesirable", look at what has happened in Alabama since 2011.

And I notice not one of you ignorant blowhards has answered my earlier questions.
Mexico should build the wall. They should do so as it is their people that are leaving in huge numbers.

The US buys their dope and since we wiped out almost all of their manufacturing and agriculture, they need the money.
they don't want the poor peasents that are leaving Matthew . The people that are leaving just cost the rich Mexican elite money .
and yeah , good point on the wall , Israel has one to keep the enemy at bay , Saudis are building one to keep Islamic state out .
they don't want the poor peasents that are leaving Matthew . The people that are leaving just cost the rich Mexican elite money .

Wrong again.

Just as you are the servant of the US 1%, so are the working class Mexicans.

Most of the poor who come here send their wages home or take it with them when they go back. Then, the next growing season, they come back and do it all over again.

Educate yourself.
just deport them and problem solved . I'm not concerned with cost to do these things , stop foreign aid except to select countries like Israel and use the saved foreign aid to Africa and asia , south amerika , mexico and other places pay for the infrastructure and wall . Collect all the obamaphones to save a few more bucks . Course Trump says that he will force 'mexico' to pay for building the wall by tariffs and buying less of their goods if they don't comply . High tech illegal can stay until the less desirable are deported . Tell them to save their money while they have jobs but if they are illegal they will be making a trip back home shortly Luddley !!
All hail South 'Merica...
And then there is the bully pulpit which Donald could use to convince Congress to also pass an across the board tonnage tax on imports from Mexico. Shouldn’t Mexico pay for the privilege of selling its products on American soil, just like one pays a fee at a flea market to sell one’s goods and wares?
And by the same token, shouldn't the USA have to pay a tax/tariff for access to all foreign markets?

We have a tariff on Japanese imported vehicles and Japan has no tariff on imported American vehicles, in spite of what the idiot buffoon Dump Truck claims, and yet we sell very few vehicles in Japan. Just imagine how many less we would sell if Japan imposed a Trump Tariff on all out exports to Japan!

Dump Truck is an ignorant ass who is only talented as a bullshit artist.
"The fact is, if Donald Trump were president, he would have authority to enforce our laws and put millions of illegal aliens in jail, and have them work [cleaning our roads, painting our bridges, BUILDING A WALL, etc.,] to pay for their room and board while in jail for invading our borders."

The fact is, this is so comprehensively ignorant, hateful, ridiculous, wrong, and un-Constitutional, one hardly knows where to start.

The core stupidity of this concerns the fact that those undocumented are entitled to due process of the law, and are not 'illegal' until such time as being found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization (Plyler v. Doe).

Moreover, it would be in violation of our laws to subject undocumented immigrants to forced labor, or otherwise imprison them without affording them due process.

Last, the notion of 'building a wall' is ridiculous idiocy.
We don't need a wall. Though a wall is doable, Saudi Arabia is building one on its northern border. It would be much more effective to use our troops. We have bases in 130 countries. Surely we can spare some troops overseas to guard our own fucking southern border.

However many illegals come legally, they just overstay their visas. We need a moratorium on all immigration. We need to deport all illegals and withdraw citizenship from birth right citizens in the future. Than in a couple years when unemployment among native born Americans has improved we can have limited immigration from places like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa (the Boers), UK and then some Europeans and maybe a couple christian refugees from the Mideast. No more third world immigration.
And then there is the bully pulpit which Donald could use to convince Congress to also pass an across the board tonnage tax on imports from Mexico. Shouldn’t Mexico pay for the privilege of selling its products on American soil, just like one pays a fee at a flea market to sell one’s goods and wares?
And by the same token, shouldn't the USA have to pay a tax/tariff for access to all foreign markets?

We have a tariff on Japanese imported vehicles and Japan has no tariff on imported American vehicles, in spite of what the idiot buffoon Dump Truck claims, and yet we sell very few vehicles in Japan. .......

You forgot the fact that there are hard quotas on imported cars from the US. You also missed the nearly 40% tariff on beef imported from the US. There's a reason why negotiating trade agreements isn't easy. Nonetheless, it shouldn't be secretive for obvious reasons. The corruption of this administration is historic.
so , so what do you think of my pictures and info on Israels separation wall Luddley ??

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