Yes Dana Perino, we can make Mexicans pay to build a wall!

so , so what do you think of my pictures and info on Israels separation wall Luddley ??
It's only racist when white countries like America do it. White countries aren't allowed to have borders and have to let in all the shit of the world.
We need a moratorium on all immigration. ....

Shouldn't and won't happen.
It should happen. ....

Wrong. You don't understand and don't deserve the United States of America.
You are wrong, you don't have any understanding of our country's history....

You've got it completely backwards, you ignorant racist douchebag. :fu:
You are the only douchebag here. You don't understand basic english and the meaning of words, get a dictionary moron. You have zero knowledge on anything whatsoever.
Today while on Fox News’ “The Five”, Washington’s insider and establishment mouth piece, Dana Perino, nearly busted a vein while frothing from the mouth in her attempt to prevent Eric Bolling give his opinion on how to make Mexicans pay to build a wall. The fact is, if Donald Trump were president, he would have authority to enforce our laws and put millions of illegal aliens in jail, and have them work [cleaning our roads, painting our bridges, BUILDING A WALL, etc.,] to pay for their room and board while in jail for invading our borders.

And then there is the bully pulpit which Donald could use to convince Congress to also pass an across the board tonnage tax on imports from Mexico. Shouldn’t Mexico pay for the privilege of selling its products on American soil, just like one pays a fee at a flea market to sell one’s goods and wares?

Bottom line is, Dana Perino, you really need to calm down. You protest too loudly and in doing so, you let too many people on to your agenda, which is to attack and mock someone who may not be part of the Washington Insider’s Club. Many of us out here Dana, are on to your crap!


LOL...yeah that Dana Perino sure is out of control! Calm down? You've GOT to be kidding!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Today while on Fox News’ “The Five”, Washington’s insider and establishment mouth piece, Dana Perino, nearly busted a vein while frothing from the mouth in her attempt to prevent Eric Bolling give his opinion on how to make Mexicans pay to build a wall. The fact is, if Donald Trump were president, he would have authority to enforce our laws and put millions of illegal aliens in jail, and have them work [cleaning our roads, painting our bridges, BUILDING A WALL, etc.,] to pay for their room and board while in jail for invading our borders.

And then there is the bully pulpit which Donald could use to convince Congress to also pass an across the board tonnage tax on imports from Mexico. Shouldn’t Mexico pay for the privilege of selling its products on American soil, just like one pays a fee at a flea market to sell one’s goods and wares?

Bottom line is, Dana Perino, you really need to calm down. You protest too loudly and in doing so, you let too many people on to your agenda, which is to attack and mock someone who may not be part of the Washington Insider’s Club. Many of us out here Dana, are on to your crap!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Today while on Fox News’ “The Five”, Washington’s insider and establishment mouth piece, Dana Perino, nearly busted a vein while frothing from the mouth in her attempt to prevent Eric Bolling give his opinion on how to make Mexicans pay to build a wall. The fact is, if Donald Trump were president, he would have authority to enforce our laws and put millions of illegal aliens in jail, and have them work [cleaning our roads, painting our bridges, BUILDING A WALL, etc.,] to pay for their room and board while in jail for invading our borders.

And then there is the bully pulpit which Donald could use to convince Congress to also pass an across the board tonnage tax on imports from Mexico. Shouldn’t Mexico pay for the privilege of selling its products on American soil, just like one pays a fee at a flea market to sell one’s goods and wares?

Bottom line is, Dana Perino, you really need to calm down. You protest too loudly and in doing so, you let too many people on to your agenda, which is to attack and mock someone who may not be part of the Washington Insider’s Club. Many of us out here Dana, are on to your crap!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

The President does not have authority to imprison people at will. The lawful disposition of lawful aliens who are caught and detained is to have them deported in a timely manner. Sentencing them to hard labor, or to any predetermined length of confinement, is unlawful. The United States does not have criminal laws for illegal entry or presence.

Aside from that, it would be a whole lot easier and probably cheaper to declare war on Mexico handle the problem that way.

Hey, we said the same thing about the president tearing up the 4th amendment and you see where that got us.

Like Prez Cheeeny, Trump would just change the law and ignore the Constitution.

You should take some time and read what the Constitution says:

The 13th Amendment

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Today while on Fox News’ “The Five”, Washington’s insider and establishment mouth piece, Dana Perino, nearly busted a vein while frothing from the mouth in her attempt to prevent Eric Bolling give his opinion on how to make Mexicans pay to build a wall. The fact is, if Donald Trump were president, he would have authority to enforce our laws and put millions of illegal aliens in jail, and have them work [cleaning our roads, painting our bridges, BUILDING A WALL, etc.,] to pay for their room and board while in jail for invading our borders.

And then there is the bully pulpit which Donald could use to convince Congress to also pass an across the board tonnage tax on imports from Mexico. Shouldn’t Mexico pay for the privilege of selling its products on American soil, just like one pays a fee at a flea market to sell one’s goods and wares?

Bottom line is, Dana Perino, you really need to calm down. You protest too loudly and in doing so, you let too many people on to your agenda, which is to attack and mock someone who may not be part of the Washington Insider’s Club. Many of us out here Dana, are on to your crap!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
i thought the original plan was to dig out a canal, fill it with polluted water, load a few thousand alligators,crocodiles, komodo dragons, those 12 inch rats from new york, and waterproof photos of Nancy Pelosi.

WooooooHoooooo! Zing!
Trump has been very good at screwing people out of their money and putting his own businesses into bankruptcy. He would do the same thing to the country.

Which begs the question.

If Trump is a joke becuase he runs companies into the ground, then why were Romney and Carly Firiona considered "Serious" when they did the same?
we dont need a wall, just line the border with giant speakers, and play Yoko Ono music at 200 decibles 24/7. then lets see if they try to cross the border.
We are going about this all wrong.
first step is to make sure they do NOT receive any government handouts for their survival here. Then weed them out of the schools, legal residents only.
Next step is to make it a federal offense the hire or allow one to work for you, enforce it with jail time and ruination of those business owners caught.
once the opportunity dries up for them, they will self deport. Costs us nothing at all, and we don't even need a wall.
We are going about this all wrong.
first step is to make sure they do NOT receive any government handouts for their survival here. Then weed them out of the schools, legal residents only.
Next step is to make it a federal offense the hire or allow one to work for you, enforce it with jail time and ruination of those business owners caught.
once the opportunity dries up for them, they will self deport. Costs us nothing at all, and we don't even need a wall.
ever wonder what our debt would be if we never allowed them in? no wonder they cant print money fast enough, look at where its going.
Shouldn't and won't happen.
It should happen. ....

Wrong. You don't understand and don't deserve the United States of America.
You are wrong, you don't have any understanding of our country's history....

You've got it completely backwards, you ignorant racist douchebag. :fu:
You don't understand basic english and the meaning of words, get a dictionary moron. You have zero knowledge on anything whatsoever.

English is one of the many subjects you will never know as much about as I do. Try again, fool.
It should happen. ....

Wrong. You don't understand and don't deserve the United States of America.
You are wrong, you don't have any understanding of our country's history....

You've got it completely backwards, you ignorant racist douchebag. :fu:
You don't understand basic english and the meaning of words, get a dictionary moron. You have zero knowledge on anything whatsoever.

English is one of the many subjects you will never know as much about as I do. Try again, fool.
You failed at all subjects, including life. Beat it you anti-American loser.
Wrong. You don't understand and don't deserve the United States of America.
You are wrong, you don't have any understanding of our country's history....

You've got it completely backwards, you ignorant racist douchebag. :fu:
You don't understand basic english and the meaning of words, get a dictionary moron. You have zero knowledge on anything whatsoever.

English is one of the many subjects you will never know as much about as I do. Try again, fool.
You failed at all subjects, including life. Beat it you anti-American loser.

Wrong again, idiot.
certainly there has to be some way of showing your displeasure with another poster without resorting to calling them an idiot.
You are wrong, you don't have any understanding of our country's history....

You've got it completely backwards, you ignorant racist douchebag. :fu:
You don't understand basic english and the meaning of words, get a dictionary moron. You have zero knowledge on anything whatsoever.

English is one of the many subjects you will never know as much about as I do. Try again, fool.
You failed at all subjects, including life. Beat it you anti-American loser.

Wrong again, idiot.
You are the king of the idiots. You get a F on the test for common sense.
It should happen. ....

Wrong. You don't understand and don't deserve the United States of America.
You are wrong, you don't have any understanding of our country's history....

You've got it completely backwards, you ignorant racist douchebag. :fu:
You don't understand basic english and the meaning of words, get a dictionary moron. You have zero knowledge on anything whatsoever.

English is one of the many subjects you will never know as much about as I do. Try again, fool.

The fool may not want to admit it, but he can't change it.

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