Yes, George W. Bush Was A Terrible President


That evil subhuman has disgraced his nation forever in so many ways! May he be hauled up before an International Tribunal before he dies and be shamed before the entire world for his crimes!

Granted Brits don't have much perspective about sleaze bags since they have been supporting a degenerate monarchy for a thousand years but if anyone disgraced himself, his family and the Country it's Bubba Bill Clinton. 42% of democrats supported Bush's use of combat Troops in Iraq and then they sat back and pretended they were bystanders or members of the jihad and undermined the mission. How many members of Congress supported Truman's adventure in Korea that cost the lives of anywhere from 38,000 to 50,000 American Troops?
Just in case some of your suffer from STML (Short Term Memory Loss) or are under illusion that this President SUCKED!!! I just thought I would remind some, because I seen a similar thread asking if we thought he was a terrible President or bad President....

He was:

Bush: Terrible President, Also Not a Smart Man -- Daily Intelligencer

Let's have an Obama v. Bushtard election, and see who wins. Prediction: Obama CAKEWALKES it to victory.

Bush's policies of sending jobs to China and soldiers to the Middle East was a flop and disaster.

And the election of Obama in response to these failures of Bush would never had happened if Bush had done things differently.

So conservatives really only have themselves to blame for Obama's election cakewalks.


That evil subhuman has disgraced his nation forever in so many ways! May he be hauled up before an International Tribunal before he dies and be shamed before the entire world for his crimes!

so can 1/2 breed idiots and morons

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[ame=]Different Presidents, A Different Corps - YouTube[/ame]
Just in case some of your suffer from STML (Short Term Memory Loss) or are under illusion that this President SUCKED!!! I just thought I would remind some, because I seen a similar thread asking if we thought he was a terrible President or bad President....

He was:

Bush: Terrible President, Also Not a Smart Man -- Daily Intelligencer

Have you checked how your guy is dong against what you call the worst?

Poll: George W. Bush's approval rating matches Obama's - CBS News
one bomb fell on pearl harbor. no shit stupid​

[ame=]Obama "The Bomb Dropped on Pearl Harbor" - YouTube[/ame] :cuckoo:

57 states gracie??? :cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo:

[ame=]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]
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