fascists caused the fires in Australia, as they did here in California...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And as I thought, green fascists and their insane policies caused the fires in Australia....

No one should be surprised that our bush is ablaze and our cities are smothered in smoke.

For decades now, we have been locking up land, banning burn-offs, and encouraging eucalypt fire-trees. On a hot day, the blue haze on distant timbered hills is highly flammable eucalypt oil vapor, waiting for a spark.

The Australian landscape of open forests and treeless grasslands was developed and maintained under an aboriginal regime of continual small fires. This was followed by planned cool-season burn-offs by European graziers.

But a few decades ago, this safe black-and-white fire regime was replaced by green-worshipers who continually expanded the area of locked up protected parks (now over 11% of Australia). Then they peppered private land with protected-vegetation fire havens and hampered undergrowth clean-ups and burn-offs.

This created many tinderboxes of eucalypt fire-trees waiting for a spark. The spark could be a fearful landowner seeking fire protection with a risky/belated back-burn, a thrill-seeking arsonist, a dry-lightning strike, a careless cigarette butt, a power-line problem, or high-flying burning embers — and an unstoppable firestorm is inevitable.
For decades now, we have been locking up land, banning burn-offs, and encouraging eucalypt fire-trees. On a hot day, the blue haze on distant timbered hills is highly flammable eucalypt oil vapor, waiting for a spark.

Piece it together Guy>>>>

Satellite Data Record Shows Climate Change's Impact on Fires – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Globally, someplace on Earth is always on fire — and most of those fires are set by people, either accidentally in wildlands, or on purpose, for example, to clear land or burn agricultural fields after the harvest to remove crop residues.


"Humans and climate together are really the dual factors that are shaping the fires around the world. It's not one or the other," Randerson said.




For decades now, we have been locking up land, banning burn-offs, and encouraging eucalypt fire-trees. On a hot day, the blue haze on distant timbered hills is highly flammable eucalypt oil vapor, waiting for a spark.

Piece it together Guy>>>>

Satellite Data Record Shows Climate Change's Impact on Fires – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Globally, someplace on Earth is always on fire — and most of those fires are set by people, either accidentally in wildlands, or on purpose, for example, to clear land or burn agricultural fields after the harvest to remove crop residues.


"Humans and climate together are really the dual factors that are shaping the fires around the world. It's not one or the other," Randerson said.




~S~ is green fascist forest management....not the climate, you moron....
For decades now, we have been locking up land, banning burn-offs, and encouraging eucalypt fire-trees. On a hot day, the blue haze on distant timbered hills is highly flammable eucalypt oil vapor, waiting for a spark.

Piece it together Guy>>>>

Satellite Data Record Shows Climate Change's Impact on Fires – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Globally, someplace on Earth is always on fire — and most of those fires are set by people, either accidentally in wildlands, or on purpose, for example, to clear land or burn agricultural fields after the harvest to remove crop residues.


"Humans and climate together are really the dual factors that are shaping the fires around the world. It's not one or the other," Randerson said.





Green fascist policies...not global warming....

How bad are forest fires this year?

But is the scale of these fires unprecedented, or have there been years in which they have been more extensive?

With the help of satellite data we have looked at four areas - Indonesia, Brazil, Siberia and Central Africa.

And we have concluded that although fires this year have wrought significant damage to the environment, they have been worse in the past.
World heritage Queensland rainforest burned for 10 days – and almost no one noticed

Almost no one noticed when the Japoon national park caught fire – mature rainforest trees destroyed across about 250 hectares. A single story in a local newspaper, focusing on how the fire started, appears to be the only time it has been reported.

Experts and rainforest authorities say the remarkable extent of the damage, across an environment supposed to naturally suppress fires, is among the clearest evidence that climate change has shifted the paradigm in the tropics.

“When the rainforest was burning, the first thing we learned was that it can burn,” says Leslie Shirreffs, the chair of the Wet Tropics Management Authority.

“The fire came outside from adjacent land, but ordinarily when it came to rainforest it would stop.”
For decades now, we have been locking up land, banning burn-offs, and encouraging eucalypt fire-trees. On a hot day, the blue haze on distant timbered hills is highly flammable eucalypt oil vapor, waiting for a spark.

Piece it together Guy>>>>

Satellite Data Record Shows Climate Change's Impact on Fires – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Globally, someplace on Earth is always on fire — and most of those fires are set by people, either accidentally in wildlands, or on purpose, for example, to clear land or burn agricultural fields after the harvest to remove crop residues.


"Humans and climate together are really the dual factors that are shaping the fires around the world. It's not one or the other," Randerson said.




~S~ is green fascist forest management....not the climate, you moron....
His link assumes that a rise of 1.9 degrees is causing spontaneous combustion.

Around here the Summers have been cooler and wetter. I suppose in California if you have homeless people living in areas where the city refuses to allow irrigation you're gonna get fires. And what's have people setting fires thinking it will increase Climate Change awareness.

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