Yes I Am A Coon & A Sellout But Can Pro Blacks Answer This Question

I've been a big fan of Tommy Sotomayor for years. He is proof that black men are not all uneducated, racists who only think about looting convenience stores and raping white women.
Ass Clapper's entire world, his entire existence, rocked by one Black man's video.
Videos by one Uncle Ruckus could never rock my world. Clowns like that make me laugh. I laughed the first time I heard him and I just laughed at this video. His self hate is palpable. If he wasnt so over the top it would be sad.

libtards talking about self hate. ironic. your the party of self hating jews, self hating whites....

Whites love idiots like you and Sotomayor. They tell the rest of us to look at you for examples because they use your dumb ass to continue justifying their racism. You are a lawn jockey and no one back needs to answer anything from Tommy Sotomayor. He's another idiot like Elmer Williams, Alphonso and their ilk capitalizing by saying outrageous things and validating white racism so they can male some money. That IS literally selling out.
I've been a big fan of Tommy Sotomayor for years. He is proof that black men are not all uneducated, racists who only think about looting convenience stores and raping white women.

But he is uneducated. Like you.
Actually I like it when Black people stop shuckin and jivin for the white power structure.

But "shukin and jivin" for street cred is OK with you?
I dont condone shukin and jivin for any reason. However, if you had to do it, street cred is much more valuable than white cred. No one cares what white people think. They simply have no say in the matter except to those still attempting to seek white approval. You uncle toms.

How is street cred working out in Baltimore and Chicago?

You really don't want to talk about these places. This is why:

In Baltimore in 1910, a black Yale law school graduate purchased a home in a previously all-white neighborhood. The Baltimore city government reacted by adopting a residential segregation ordinance, restricting African Americans to designated blocks. Explaining the policy, Baltimore’s mayor proclaimed, “Blacks should be quarantined in isolated slums in order to reduce the incidence of civil disturbance, to prevent the spread of communicable disease into the nearby White neighborhoods, and to protect property values among the White majority.”

Thus began a century of federal, state, and local policies to quarantine Baltimore’s black population in isolated slums—policies that continue to the present day, as federal housing subsidy policies still disproportionately direct low-income black families to segregated neighborhoods and away from middle class suburbs.

From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy

Chicago’s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nation’s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidates’ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who don’t reflect the racial and class diversity of the city’s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donors—.01 percent—accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2]

New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor class’s preferences that win. But donors and voters don’t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but it’s their agenda that’s being implemented. The solution is a robust public financing system that empowers the more diverse small donor pool and brings more diverse voices to the political system.

This means that programs necessary to non white communities are ignored.. Programs and opportunities that would reduce the violence and crime.

The report’s key findings:
•The 2015 mayoral election was dominated by big money, with candidates raising more than 92% of their funds from donors giving $1,000 or more.
•These big donors are disproportionately white. Though whites make up 39% of the population of Chicago, they make up 88% of donors giving more than $1,000. While only 6% of Emanuel’s donors were people of color, 39% of Garcia’s donors were.
•Chicago donors are overwhelmingly high-income. Though only 15% of Chicagoans make more than $100,000, 63% of donors did and 74% of those giving more than $1,000 did.
•The donor class is more supportive of budget cuts than average Chicagoans and more opposed to policies that would bolster opportunity.
•In the council races there were also deep disparities. In these races, 79% of donors were men, 82% were white and 54% had an income over $100,000.
•Only five overwhelmingly white wards accounted for 13 percent of Chicago’s population, but 42 percent of donors to the Chicago mayoral and aldermanic races.

Note the underlined information above.

In 2012, three political scientists performed a survey of wealthy Chicagoans (called the Survey of Economically Successful Americans, or SESA) and compared their preferences to those of the general population. Those surveyed had a median wealth of $7.5 million and two-thirds of them were political donors. [11] The authors use the sample to examine the policy preferences of the wealthy in general, but given that the survey was Chicago-based it offers insights into how the donor class influences policy. As the table shows, the wealthy are far less likely to support a living wage and the government ensuring a decent standard of living.

While more than three-quarters of the general public agree that the government should “make sure everyone who wants to go to college can do so,” only 28% of the wealthy agree. While nearly nine in 10 average Americans agree that the government should spend whatever necessary to ensure all children attend a good public school, only 35% of the rich agree.

Although the questions are not identical to the SESA survey, a poll of Illinois residents finds that only 16 percent favor cuts to K-12 education, and less than a quarter support cuts to programs for poor people.[12] Only 13 percent of Illinois residents support cuts to programs for those with mental health problems.[13] There are deep divides between the donor class and the general public. The current path Chicago is following, with cuts to mental health services, infrastructure and public schools, is responsive to the preferences of the donor class, not average Chicagoans. Chicago has closed 49 schools, predominantly in black neighborhoods.

You really don't want to ask that question again.


another intelligent black man states his opinion, based on facts.......yet libs, leftists, black racists and name callers cannot answer him.

That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?

So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?

another intelligent black man states his opinion, based on facts.......yet libs, leftists, black racists and name callers cannot answer him.

That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?

So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?

I dont care what the clown does to be honest. Nothing he does effects my or any other pro Black persons world. Typically uncle toms such as him will be used up by white boys to validate their beliefs. After its all said and done nothing will change and Blacks will continue to succeed.

another intelligent black man states his opinion, based on facts.......yet libs, leftists, black racists and name callers cannot answer him.

That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?

So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?

I dont care what the clown does to be honest. Nothing he does effects my or any other pro Black persons world. Typically uncle toms such as him will be used up by white boys to validate their beliefs. After its all said and done nothing will change and Blacks will continue to succeed.

Blacks will continue to succeed like the guy in the video, because like he says, blacks don't have any black infrastructure for them to succeed in.

another intelligent black man states his opinion, based on facts.......yet libs, leftists, black racists and name callers cannot answer him.

That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?

So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?

I dont care what the clown does to be honest. Nothing he does effects my or any other pro Black persons world. Typically uncle toms such as him will be used up by white boys to validate their beliefs. After its all said and done nothing will change and Blacks will continue to succeed.

Blacks will continue to succeed like the guy in the video, because like he says, blacks don't have any black infrastructure for them to succeed in.

I hope you continue to believe that while I hook up all the Blacks I know.

another intelligent black man states his opinion, based on facts.......yet libs, leftists, black racists and name callers cannot answer him.

That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?

So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?

I dont care what the clown does to be honest. Nothing he does effects my or any other pro Black persons world. Typically uncle toms such as him will be used up by white boys to validate their beliefs. After its all said and done nothing will change and Blacks will continue to succeed.

Blacks will continue to succeed like the guy in the video, because like he says, blacks don't have any black infrastructure for them to succeed in.

I hope you continue to believe that while I hook up all the Blacks I know.

In other words, your "black infrastructure" is a one man band. Good luck with that.
That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?
So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?
I dont care what the clown does to be honest. Nothing he does effects my or any other pro Black persons world. Typically uncle toms such as him will be used up by white boys to validate their beliefs. After its all said and done nothing will change and Blacks will continue to succeed.
Blacks will continue to succeed like the guy in the video, because like he says, blacks don't have any black infrastructure for them to succeed in.
I hope you continue to believe that while I hook up all the Blacks I know.
In other words, your "black infrastructure" is a one man band. Good luck with that.
Yes just one person. Nothing to see here.

another intelligent black man states his opinion, based on facts.......yet libs, leftists, black racists and name callers cannot answer him.

That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?

So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?

I dont care what the clown does to be honest. Nothing he does effects my or any other pro Black persons world. Typically uncle toms such as him will be used up by white boys to validate their beliefs. After its all said and done nothing will change and Blacks will continue to succeed.

Blacks will continue to succeed like the guy in the video, because like he says, blacks don't have any black infrastructure for them to succeed in.

That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?
So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?
I dont care what the clown does to be honest. Nothing he does effects my or any other pro Black persons world. Typically uncle toms such as him will be used up by white boys to validate their beliefs. After its all said and done nothing will change and Blacks will continue to succeed.
Blacks will continue to succeed like the guy in the video, because like he says, blacks don't have any black infrastructure for them to succeed in.
I hope you continue to believe that while I hook up all the Blacks I know.
In other words, your "black infrastructure" is a one man band. Good luck with that.

It's a lot more than that. But keep on believing the lies.
you NEVER hear on the left that its the black family structure; or lack thereof that is the root cause of all the ills of the black man.
you NEVER hear on the left that its the black family structure; or lack thereof that is the root cause of all the ills of the black man.

That's because it's not so.
Actually I like it when Black people stop shuckin and jivin for the white power structure.

But "shukin and jivin" for street cred is OK with you?

Nope but ou love it when your ideology is repeated from black faces. Because everyone likes when someone resembles themselves.

And this guy, surprise sees Black's as the biggest problem. Of course he sees whites as being the biggest threat to other whites too.

But that would be too equal and this guy can't blame only blacks with equality

another intelligent black man states his opinion, based on facts.......yet libs, leftists, black racists and name callers cannot answer him.

That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?

So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?


another intelligent black man states his opinion, based on facts.......yet libs, leftists, black racists and name callers cannot answer him.

That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?

So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?

I dont care what the clown does to be honest. Nothing he does effects my or any other pro Black persons world. Typically uncle toms such as him will be used up by white boys to validate their beliefs. After its all said and done nothing will change and Blacks will continue to succeed.

Blacks will continue to succeed like the guy in the video, because like he says, blacks don't have any black infrastructure for them to succeed in.

But that guy has not succeeded.

another intelligent black man states his opinion, based on facts.......yet libs, leftists, black racists and name callers cannot answer him.

That guy is pretty much confused. He hates that he is Black. He really hates Black women. He probably was ignored by Black girls when young. I've met several Blacks like him in the IT field.

His whole shtick is to ask irrelevant questions and preach with no one there able to answer. Its pretty easy to appear knowledgeable when there is no one there to put some hard questions to you.or provide some answers to any valid questions he may once in awhile ask. For instance his question about why pro blacks are calling him coon. Why is that relevant? Why cant a pro Black call him a coon and point him out as the type of Black guy that would be an informant?

So since, like he says, there are no black TV stations... (I'm guessing this guy's an actor), you think he shouldn't act and do what, collect welfare (from the white man)?
And seriously, be an informant on what?

I dont care what the clown does to be honest. Nothing he does effects my or any other pro Black persons world. Typically uncle toms such as him will be used up by white boys to validate their beliefs. After its all said and done nothing will change and Blacks will continue to succeed.

Blacks will continue to succeed like the guy in the video, because like he says, blacks don't have any black infrastructure for them to succeed in.

I hope you continue to believe that while I hook up all the Blacks I know.

All propped by self hating white liberals....

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