Yes, I'm voting for the felon.

I never implied anything of that nature. Don't you dare put words in my mouth, snake.

I am, however, contending that you implied they intended to hang Pence on rickety gallows not fit to hang a dwarf. As in you implied they were going to hang Pence from that thing. You insisted these men intended to go beyond a mere threat and carry out an execution of a member our government without any viable means of getting to him.

You lose.
So what purpose did it serve. It's been said it was to send a message. What message was that? Come on coward. Are you gonna be a pussy all of your life?
I'm not the one fuming with empty zeal and self-righteousness. Nor am I calling people cowards every other word.

You have yet to debate me on the subject matter of my thread, instead, you chose to attempt to derail it—actions of a coward. You can't debate me on the subject because those two have equally suspect moral characters as you claim Trump's to be.

I have my foot on your throat now. You'd best surrender.
No you just shit and have your foot in that. Answer the question coward,
Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.

Only those willfully ignorant would vote for Trump.

It’s utter madness to want Trump in the WH – completely insane.
And your consistent belittling of them will surely convince them to vote for Kamala.

Do you not understand your words are having the opposite of the intended effect?
So what purpose did it serve. It's been said it was to send a message. What message was that? Come on coward. Are you gonna be a pussy all of your life?
Has it ever occurred to you that antagonizing me will never yield the intended result?

Get over yourself. You know the answer, you don't need the answer. If you thought you could make an example of me to stain the cause I support, you failed utterly and completely.

Your cause will always be beneath mine. It is stained with hatred and spite and because of that, it will never achieve its goal. Not for the rest of human existence.
Punctuation errors. You're visibly upset now. I will let you stew in your own anger and hypocrisy.
That's OK little boy. You've gone from dumb to goofy, and now you're just pathetic. I really feel a little bit sorry for you. Get some rest and you can try again tomorrow.
Has it ever occurred to you that antagonizing me will never yield the intended result?

Get over yourself. You know the answer, you don't need the answer. If you thought you could make an example of me to stain the cause I support, you failed utterly and completely.

Your cause will always be beneath mine. It is stained with hatred and spite and because of that, it will never achieve its goal. Not for the rest of human existence.
Nothing I might say could stain your cause. You're doing that yourself. Go away child.
So what purpose did it serve?
The same purpose as this:

That's OK little boy. You've gone from dumb to goofy, and now you're just pathetic. I really feel a little bit sorry for you. Get some rest and you can try again tomorrow.
Madder and madder. You need to seek professional help. That qualifier "try again tomorrow" is your way of surrender. I accept.

See ya.

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