Yes, I'm voting for the felon.

Why should I? And what gives you the right to interrogate me?

Back off. You know full well what that means. I don't need to handhold you.

Make your point.
My current point is that you are a coward, afraid to even try to explain some imagined message intended by those gallows.
My current point is that you are a coward, afraid to even try to explain some imagined message intended by those gallows.
Because the message is self-evident, and there is no need to expend the effort.

But if calling someone a coward in your empty self-righteousness makes you feel better, then so be it. I will not be commanded by the likes of you.
And before you guys get going, I will seemingly note that you guys care more about crimes when Trump supposedly commits them, but not of the illegals who break our laws simply by setting foot here. I'll add that maybe when an illegal does something that hits close to home will you care about prosecuting REAL crimes. Namely by those selfsame illegal immigrants who are drug dealers, rapists, and murderers.

No. You don't care about crime. You care about destroying your enemies using the justice system with lawfare. Manipulating statutes to go after the desired political enemy. There's no want of true justice in your hearts, just blind malice and mendaciousness toward one singular figure. Just know you aren't fooling anyone. No, no, you are not allowed to lecture anyone about justice.

Yes, I'm voting for the felon and the hillbilly. It is magnitudes better than the one who made it to the top on her knees and her pervert of a running mate who puts tampons in boys bathrooms.

If you think that last sentence was unnecessarily vulgar, I invite you to read the proof:

Kamala Harris accused of 'sleeping her way to the top' (video):

Walz signed the tampon law into effect last year, commanding schools to provide menstrual products at no charge to students in grades 4 to 12, irrespective of gender. That more than likely meant putting tampons in the boy's bathroom.

See the bolded:


'A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students IN RESTROOMS REGULARLY USED BY STUDENTS IN GRADES 4 TO 12 ACCORDING TO A PLAN DEVELOPED BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT. For purposes of this section, "menstrual products" means pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle.'

Sec. 121A.212 MN Statutes

Such is the willfully ignorant right.

The threat to democracy isn’t Trump, it’s his cultish supporters.
Because the message is self-evident, and there is no need to expend the effort.

But if calling someone a coward in your empty self-righteousness makes you feel better, then so be it. I will not be commanded by the likes of you.
You imply a threat of hanging was not intended. Tell what the purpose was, or admit you are either a liar or a coward. You MAGAs are nothing but a lot of hot air. You want to sound tough, but you are just a pussy.
And before you guys get going, I will seemingly note that you guys care more about crimes when Trump supposedly commits them, but not of the illegals who break our laws simply by setting foot here. I'll add that maybe when an illegal does something that hits close to home will you care about prosecuting REAL crimes. Namely by those selfsame illegal immigrants who are drug dealers, rapists, and murderers.

No. You don't care about crime. You care about destroying your enemies using the justice system with lawfare. Manipulating statutes to go after the desired political enemy. There's no want of true justice in your hearts, just blind malice and mendaciousness toward one singular figure. Just know you aren't fooling anyone. No, no, you are not allowed to lecture anyone about justice.

Yes, I'm voting for the felon and the hillbilly. It is magnitudes better than the one who made it to the top on her knees and her pervert of a running mate who puts tampons in boys bathrooms.

If you think that last sentence was unnecessarily vulgar, I invite you to read the proof:

Kamala Harris accused of 'sleeping her way to the top' (video):

Walz signed the tampon law into effect last year, commanding schools to provide menstrual products at no charge to students in grades 4 to 12, irrespective of gender. That more than likely meant putting tampons in the boy's bathroom.

See the bolded:


'A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students IN RESTROOMS REGULARLY USED BY STUDENTS IN GRADES 4 TO 12 ACCORDING TO A PLAN DEVELOPED BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT. For purposes of this section, "menstrual products" means pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle.'

Sec. 121A.212 MN Statutes

First off, your claim about Harris is not supported by facts or evidence. Secondy electing a felon to run the cuntry has international problems. So if you think that the worlds dictators will listen to an American president who is a felon tell them to stop their criminal activities, you are crazy. Iran won't be listening to Trump teling them anything. Nor will China, N. Korea, Hungary, Russia, Turkey, The Philippines, or Maduro in Venezuela.

A criminal president is far more a concern than people who have nothing crossing the border or a rule about tampons in a school. You are the one who doesn't care about crime. And you are an example of what is wrong with our country today.

If this was a denocrat, you woud not sy the same thing.
You imply a threat of hanging was not intended.
I never implied anything of that nature. Don't you dare put words in my mouth, snake.

I am, however, contending that you implied they intended to hang Pence on rickety gallows not fit to hang a dwarf. As in you implied they were going to hang Pence from that thing. You insisted these men intended to go beyond a mere threat and carry out an execution of a member our government without any viable means of getting to him.

You lose.
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You MAGAs are nothing but a lot of hot air. You want to sound tough, but you are just a pussy.
I'm not the one fuming with empty zeal and self-righteousness. Nor am I calling people cowards every other word.

You have yet to debate me on the subject matter of my thread, instead, you chose to attempt to derail it—actions of a coward. You can't debate me on the subject because those two have equally suspect moral characters as you claim Trump's to be.

I have my foot on your throat now. You'd best surrender.
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