YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

Five sentences of non-answers. So one more time: what do you do for this so-called inequity problem? Let's hear your plans.
Can you put it into a more specific question? Inequality can be dealt with in many, many ways.

Let's just start with making adjustments to taxation of the very wealthy in America, in order to increase revenue that can then be put to work in so many different ways that will level the playing field.

I think you'r in too much of a contrary mood right now Ray, to take it any further. We'll have to get back to it tomorrow if you want to pursue more specific answers from me.
So tell us, how many thousands of foreigners a month are sneaking in or trying to sneak into Canada a month? After all, since we are only 15th in the quality of life, one would think the USA would only be the doormat for all these southern Americans to get into your country.

How did landlords become so insecure? Government. If government would stay the hell out of our business, there would be nothing to be insecure about.
How did people become so irresponsible? Government. No matter what stupid mistakes you make in life, government will always be there to bail you out.
We need to start giving free rides from the Mexican border to the Canadian border, Canada would be a great place for all illegal immigrants, even the Canadians brag about how great it is, so send them through.
Let's just start with making adjustments to taxation of the very wealthy in America, in order to increase revenue that can then be put to work in so many different ways that will level the playing field.

How much of total income tax revenues should the top 1% pay?

40%? 50%? More?
Can you put it into a more specific question? Inequality can be dealt with in many, many ways.

Let's just start with making adjustments to taxation of the very wealthy in America, in order to increase revenue that can then be put to work in so many different ways that will level the playing field.

I think you'r in too much of a contrary mood right now Ray, to take it any further. We'll have to get back to it tomorrow if you want to pursue more specific answers from me.

We're on the internet. HTF would you know what my mood is? If I didn't want to discuss it, I wouldn't have asked.

So you're a poor person in this country and I'm a wealthy person. Government increases my taxes. How would that help you as a poor person?
We need to start giving free rides from the Mexican border to the Canadian border, Canada would be a great place for all illegal immigrants, even the Canadians brag about how great it is, so send them through.

They would never dream of it. Like most leftists, they are critical of others about things they would never allow themselves. These invaders are entering our country from over 100 other countries. They fly to Mexico to invade us. If Canada is so great, why don't they come here to Cleveland, and take a boat across Lake Erie to get into Canada?
Yes, but still, what is the reason why you or other Americans can't include a fetus on the legitimate kill list?

Is there no reason?
Or getting back to my original proposition, is it already decided by religious beliefs?

So, are some abortions permissable for you?

All are for me because I have no reason to exclude them from Canada's legitimate kill list.
We have to first eliminate from discussion the idea that they are not human beings. Far too many still cling to the outdated religious belief that what is growing inside the woman is not a human being and only becomes one when the lawyer fairy sprinkles his invisible magic dust on the newly born body. In fact, many believe that the sprinkling of the dust is not an automatic and immediate thing, but only occurs after the birth vessel declares the newly born being a human. If we as a society are going to kill millions of these totally innocent beings, we need to acknowledge what it is we're actually doing.
If you are working then you are nothing but a thief.

Wouldn't surprise me at all. Think of what the people who own that building pay in taxes and upkeep for that building. Not collecting rent means they don't pay for upkeep.

What a money grubbing thief you are.
Of course they are Fd up. That's why I brought them up in the first place. During Covid it was the unions pressing for the shutdown of schools. Their members didn't go on unemployment like everybody else. They continued to get the same pay sitting at home than they did working. Without unions, the cities could have said no work--no pay, and our classes would have resumed as normal. But it was in the interest of the union to have their members get a free year or more of paid vacation.

Living wage? WTF is a living wage? Nothing has changed in this country for many years. When I started working in the late 70's, I couldn't come close to affording an apartment or house on minimum wage, and nobody today can either. Yes, if you were lucky, you may have been able to land a higher pay blue collar job such as the steel mills, auto plants, a number of places. While those jobs are pretty much gone, there are still plenty of decent paying jobs in our country where one can make much better than a living wage, again, WTF that is.
yes what is a living wage differant for so many folks a single person at home can live on less than a single mother with 5 kids why should a employer have to pay more to the single mother cus she has 5 kids... you pay what the job is worth to you not what the employee needs to live on... many low pay jobs are disappearing cus of the push for more money per hour ..what is a living wage // you tell me
yes what is a living wage differant for so many folks a single person at home can live on less than a single mother with 5 kids why should a employer have to pay more to the single mother cus she has 5 kids... you pay what the job is worth to you not what the employee needs to live on... many low pay jobs are disappearing cus of the push for more money per hour ..what is a living wage // you tell me

The left loves to use the term living wage but because it's so subjective, not one can tell us the exact dollar amount of a living wage. It's like when they talk about climate change and how it's going to end the world. Okay, so tell us, what metric would end climate change and what would it cost us? Another question you'll never see one provide an answer for.
When "popular" becomes more important than legal, we have a problem.

you have a problem. I'm fine with it.

You do? You mean most people are better off than they were in the middle of a worldwide pandemic that was killing people by the thousands, no jobs around, not even toilet paper? Gee, don't I feel like a fool.

Yes, Trump was so full of shit the whole country ran out of toilet paper

Point was, that stuff happened when Trump was president, and he owned it.

Yeah, we allowed Donald Trump to be President and it gave us....

600,000 Dead
14% unemployment
8 trillion in debt
a 1.5 year reduction in life expectency
the worst economic performance since Hoover in terms of GDP growth.

Yeah, maybe Karma is a thing.

you have a problem. I'm fine with it.

Yes, Trump was so full of shit the whole country ran out of toilet paper

Point was, that stuff happened when Trump was president, and he owned it.

600,000 Dead
14% unemployment
8 trillion in debt
a 1.5 year reduction in life expectency
the worst economic performance since Hoover in terms of GDP growth.

Yeah, maybe Karma is a thing.

And when someone breaks a law you like, you turn into a gun 'em down lawman. Thankfully, there are still enough around to force you to obey laws you don't like.
Yes, Trump was so full of shit the whole country ran out of toilet paper

Point was, that stuff happened when Trump was president, and he owned it.

And therefore anything that happens under Dementia, he owns it? Funny, you seem to have two sets of rules here, not uncommon for a commie. So what about the near 200,000 covid deaths since he found the White House? (watch how he tries to deflect here folks).

600,000 Dead
14% unemployment
8 trillion in debt
a 1.5 year reduction in life expectency
the worst economic performance since Hoover in terms of GDP growth.

14% unemployment for one month during a worldwide pandemic, but again, if you leftists didn't have lies, you'd have nothing. And oh, BTW, he cut that unemployment rate by less than half in seven months. 600,000 dead in a full year of covid, 200,000 dead in six months of Dementia. 8 trillion in debt that most took place under the commie leadership of the House. Once again, the President has zero to do with life expectancy, but as a consistent liar, you knew that. You also know that the CDC cited covid as the reason. Can't wait to see the life expectancy for 2021. When you say something, say it sweet, because I'm going to make you eat your words.
We're on the internet. HTF would you know what my mood is? If I didn't want to discuss it, I wouldn't have asked.

So you're a poor person in this country and I'm a wealthy person. Government increases my taxes. How would that help you as a poor person?
You don't want to know Ray.
America can stay fukked up.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
Lazy fucking bastard, that shit would not work here. Bet you would not say that shit in public.
And when someone breaks a law you like, you turn into a gun 'em down lawman. Thankfully, there are still enough around to force you to obey laws you don't like.

People ignore laws they don't like all the time. I live in an area where there are at least five "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.

And therefore anything that happens under Dementia, he owns it? Funny, you seem to have two sets of rules here, not uncommon for a commie. So what about the near 200,000 covid deaths since he found the White House? (watch how he tries to deflect here folks).

You mean the 200K deaths that are happening because Bubba the Redneck thinks getting a shot would be a denial of the One True God, Donald Trump? I call that "Natural Selection".

8 trillion in debt that most took place under the commie leadership of the House.

Not really. Most of it took place because of Trump Tax Cuts and Trump Plague.
People ignore laws they don't like all the time. I live in an area where there are at least five "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.

You mean the 200K deaths that are happening because Bubba the Redneck thinks getting a shot would be a denial of the One True God, Donald Trump? I call that "Natural Selection".

Not really. Most of it took place because of Trump Tax Cuts and Trump Plague.
And then they can't understand why they get in trouble when they get caught.

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