YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
I can sum you up in a short sentence. You will be a professional renter all your fucking lazy life.

You're a bigger moocher than that cock sucking Obama and that worthless pos Sanders. Is it possible?
My cousin and his wife already lost their duplex, after not seeing a penny of rent in fifteen months. $40K in savings and ten years of work down the drain.
That's how Americans learn a lesson the hard way. Only America has created it's situation in which poverty has come full circle on the more wealthy.

No doubt your story is being repeated throughout America is some varying form.

Why did it get to being that degree of problem?
Why are America's landlords now so insecure?
What drove renters to becoming so irresponsible in America?

Could it be related to huge income inequality and so many people not getting a piece of the American pie?

Why should the richest country in the world be 15th. on quality of life?

What needs to be done in America to correct the problem?
I can sum you up in a short sentence. You will be a professional renter all your fucking lazy life.

You're a bigger moocher than that cock sucking Obama and that worthless pos Sanders. Is it possible?
Should income inequality have been addressed and dealt with before the situation got so bad?

Barack and Bernie definitely claimed that had to happen, but would that have made the situation even worse?

Or would dealing with inequality and poverty have improved the situation?

I think many, many Americans have given up on bringing about 'social' change and so have found ways to go out and get it themselves!

That's pretty much the way it always happens when capitalism is completely unleashed on a people.
The thing is inside a human being that has rights. Religious Americans have to start to recognize women as being equal humans too.
Religious women already recognize that the women within them are equal humans too. Non-religious women also recognize that. Of course that doesn't address the millions of baby men that are killed either.
No, far from the only consideration, by your own admission. America murders it's own as well as millions of other humans in foreign lands.

What is the real reason why you think America must decide to exclude a fetus from it's lawful and justified kill list?

Are 'some' abortions permissible in your opinion?
It needs to be codified into law that we are willing to kill over a million fellow human beings every year because their existence is inconvenient.
Should income inequality have been addressed and dealt with before the situation got so bad?

Barack and Bernie definitely claimed that had to happen, but would that have made the situation even worse?

Or would dealing with inequality and poverty have improved the situation?

So how do you deal with so-called income inequality unless we turn socialist? The thing is just about every American can make as much money as they desire. What's unequal about that; that some did make a lot of money? And since they did, should they take the money they made and give it to people who didn't make that money?

Thomas Sowell.jpeg
It needs to be codified into law that we are willing to kill over a million fellow human beings every year because their existence is inconvenient.
Yes, but still, what is the reason why you or other Americans can't include a fetus on the legitimate kill list?

Is there no reason?
Or getting back to my original proposition, is it already decided by religious beliefs?

So, are some abortions permissable for you?

All are for me because I have no reason to exclude them from Canada's legitimate kill list.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
My god you are a sorry ass Moon Bat.
That's how Americans learn a lesson the hard way. Only America has created it's situation in which poverty has come full circle on the more wealthy.

No doubt your story is being repeated throughout America is some varying form.

Why did it get to being that degree of problem?
Why are America's landlords now so insecure?
What drove renters to becoming so irresponsible in America?

Could it be related to huge income inequality and so many people not getting a piece of the American pie?

Why should the richest country in the world be 15th. on quality of life?

So tell us, how many thousands of foreigners a month are sneaking in or trying to sneak into Canada a month? After all, since we are only 15th in the quality of life, one would think the USA would only be the doormat for all these southern Americans to get into your country.

How did landlords become so insecure? Government. If government would stay the hell out of our business, there would be nothing to be insecure about.
How did people become so irresponsible? Government. No matter what stupid mistakes you make in life, government will always be there to bail you out.
So how do you deal with so-called income inequality unless we turn socialist? The thing is just about every American can make as much money as they desire. What's unequal about that; that some did make a lot of money? And since they did, should they take the money they made and give it to people who didn't make that money?

View attachment 524337
Income inequality can be dealt with by other means than becoming 'completely' socialist.
All capitalist systems contain some amount of 'socialism' to make the system equitable to all of the people.

This could become the beginning of a detailed conversation Ray, if you choose to stay with it and don't go off into a tantrum to avoid it.

Now, do you want to hear some examples of how 'socialist' policies are necessary in all capitalist systems?

I'll just begin by saying that all money earned by a capitalist can't be all his/her's to keep. No explanation should be needed for that as a blanket statement of truth.
I have a good friend. Him and his wife are school teachers.

They worked pretty hard in their lives. Spent the school year teaching and the summers doing odd jobs.

They saved up their money by doing without luxury things and they bought several lower priced houses.

They spent money and time renovating them to make them livable.

Then they rented them out. Mostly to snowbirds but also to families.

Why in hell should anyone get to live in those home for free?

Why shouldn't my friend be able to get a rate of return on his investment?

Who in the hell would be so damn shitty as to take advantage of the Pandemic to cheat these hard working people out of their investment?

Only stupid greedy asshole Moon Bats.
So tell us, how many thousands of foreigners a month are sneaking in or trying to sneak into Canada a month? After all, since we are only 15th in the quality of life, one would think the USA would only be the doormat for all these southern Americans to get into your country.

How did landlords become so insecure? Government. If government would stay the hell out of our business, there would be nothing to be insecure about.
How did people become so irresponsible? Government. No matter what stupid mistakes you make in life, government will always be there to bail you out.
Delinquent renters are an issue in all countries of the world. I don't know how many refugees are trying to get into Canada but I suspect it is many more than to the US based on per capita considerations.

You've asked a good question on why America's landlords have become so insecure!
I would suggest that the pool of renters in America has become so irresponsible as to make it a very risky business to be a landlord.

Do we continue on to attempt to find the answers why that has happened? I can't do it by myself Ray.
No, that's wrong.
The Scotus is obliged to hear cases that are brought to that court.

Completely wrong. The SC only hears cases it feels it's worthy. One of the most recent was President Trump's case.

Delinquent renters are an issue in all countries of the world. I don't know how many refugees are trying to get into Canada but I suspect it is many more than to the US based on per capita considerations.

You've asked a good question on why America's landlords have become so insecure!
I would suggest that the pool of renters in America has become so irresponsible as to make it a very risky business to be a landlord.

Do we continue on to attempt to find the answers why that has happened? I can't do it by myself Ray.

I've been doing this almost 30 years. We've been fine until government gets in our way. Some people do stop paying rent, and we have a legal organized way to deal with it. Just like some people stop paying on their home, some people stop paying on their car, and some people stop paying on their credit cards. But there is no more risk to a landlord until some commie decides he's not going to abide by the courts decision.
I have a good friend. Him and his wife are school teachers.

They worked pretty hard in their lives. Spent the school year teaching and the summers doing odd jobs.

They saved up their money by doing without luxury things and they bought several lower priced houses.

They spent money and time renovating them to make them livable.

Then they rented them out. Mostly to snowbirds but also to families.

Why in hell should anyone get to live in those home for free?

Why shouldn't my friend be able to get a rate of return on his investment?

Who in the hell would be so damn shitty as to take advantage of the Pandemic to cheat these hard working people out of their investment?

Only stupid greedy asshole Moon Bats.
It shouldn't be that way, but it is.
So how did America create that undesirable situation for itself?
A rather generic answer would be that America should have never brought black slaves from Africa.

And that only covers the black population in a very general way. It's just meant as a beginning explanation.
Income inequality can be dealt with by other means than becoming 'completely' socialist.
All capitalist systems contain some amount of 'socialism' to make the system equitable to all of the people.

This could become the beginning of a detailed conversation Ray, if you choose to stay with it and don't go off into a tantrum to avoid it.

Now, do you want to hear some examples of how 'socialist' policies are necessary in all capitalist systems?

I'll just begin by saying that all money earned by a capitalist can't be all his/her's to keep. No explanation should be needed for that as a blanket statement of truth.

Five sentences of non-answers. So one more time: what do you do for this so-called inequity problem? Let's hear your plans.
I've been doing this almost 30 years. We've been fine until government gets in our way. Some people do stop paying rent, and we have a legal organized way to deal with it. Just like some people stop paying on their home, some people stop paying on their car, and some people stop paying on their credit cards. But there is no more risk to a landlord until some commie decides he's not going to abide by the courts decision.
I guess you must be right Ray.
But it's a sign that what you wrongly refer to as communism is becoming acceptable to far too many people. I would call if freeloading on democracy. It's America Ray, and America's 'greedy' form of capitalism must be somewhat responsible.

Good point too on many Americans stopping paying on their plastic!
The system is at risk Ray, and all that's left is for you to attach the blame. We might be able to find some agreement on that!
And once you eventually do move out and pay the break contract fee, if you played it smart you’ll have $15,000-$20,000 you saved from not paying rent, plus $5,000 or so in stimulus, DOWN PAYMENT on a house!!!

Free market fellas. We didnt make these rules, we’re just living in it, same as all you MAGAs have done for centuries to manipulate your way thru
Like you're ever going to make it, even with the hand-outs and freeloading. lol. What a loser, lol.

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